(Friend or Foe arc) Part 1

Beginne am Anfang

The spider logo then starts to lose its red color and is slowly turning to white, once it was fully turned to white, the logo shrinks back down to normal as the black background has changed to Y/n in his new Spider-man suit free falling. 

Letting the sound of vehicle horns and loud cars flow through his ear, Y/n delays his next web until he was near street level before shooting a web to a nearby building and swinging across New York.

Y/n: "Woo-hoo!"

After shooting another web and swinging a few blocks across, Y/n reaches the apex of his swing before jumping off and zips to the top of a building, jumping over it before continuing to free fall and swing across the city, mimicking his thwips as he does so. 

Y/n then shoots a web to another building before angling his body and holding on tight as he swings across the corner. 

Y/n: "Look out for me today, New York!"

Crime System PA: "Reporting Live from New York 1 Chopper. An Oscorp truck carrying Plutonium has been hijacked. A police chase is in progress"

Y/n: "Alright, Let's get to work!"

Swing close to street level once more, Y/n climbs up his web to increase his altitude before continuing his momentum forward.

On the other side of Manhattan, A large semi truck is seen with an Oscorp armored truck in its tow with dozens of police cruisers hot on its tail. Inside the driver's seat, we see a familiar foe to Y/n's escapades as Spider-man.

Driver: "HAHA! Make way for Aleksei Sytsevich!"

Two police cruisers then go to the front of the truck in hopes of stopping it, but Aleksei just floors the gas pedal, increasing his speed as he rams through the two police cars. From the back of the truck, we see two assailants jumping to the roof of the Oscorp truck and planting thermite charges on the roof.

Back with Y/n, as he shoots a web to swing off of, Y/n shot another to the same building as he's about to turn the corner, causing him to fluidly take a sharp turn before zipping up high into the air to catch a glimpse of the on-going car chase. 

With his goal now in sight, he free falls once more, building up his momentum before swinging forward with immense speed. 

Pedestrian #1: "Spider-man!"

Y/n: "Hello, Pedestrians!"

Pedestrian #2: "Looking good, Spidey!"

Y/n: "Thank you!"

Y/n: "Thank you!"

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Y/n swings across Time Square, catching up to the convoy before swinging up to the Truck, sneaking up to the driver's side, and knocking on the glass, gaining Aleksei's attention.

Y/n: *muffled* "Yo-hoo~ Aleksei"

Y/n then motions Aleksei to roll the window down, which he does, and the two began to conversate with one another.

Road to Spider-man (The Road Continues)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt