(Wakanda arc) Finale

Start from the beginning

Y/n begrudgingly looks over at Bucky, he wore a long red robe, his hair and beard grew out and were well kept. What Y/n caught on the most was that Bucky's Titanium arm was nowhere to be seen.

Y/n: "What happened to your arm? Beat the meat a little too much while you're here?"

Bucky subconsciously grabs the place where his arm was once attached to him and continued to remain silent.

Y/n: *sigh* "Whatever the case, I hope you're happy with yourself"

Despite how genuine Y/n sounded with his comment, the tension remained between the two, and for Bucky...that tension proved to be too much for him.

Bucky: "I'm sorry, Y/n. For everything"

Surprised, Y/n turns to Bucky and listened.

Bucky: "I know what I did. I know I've hurt you. God forbid, you were just a kid and...and I took your family away from you"

Y/n: "...Do you remember them?"

Bucky looks up from the ground and up to Y/n, who he saw shedding a few tears.

Y/n: "My parents...do you remember them?"

Bucky: *nods* "Every single night. I remembered the time on the plane. Your parents holding each other tightly as they mutter their final words...Y/n, we love you"

The dam finally broke, leading Y/n to break down in tears.

Bucky: "Despite knowing their impending demise, their thoughts were only on you. I'm not just gonna stand here and tell you that I was brainwashed and that they killed your parents"

Bucky then faces Y/n fully.

Bucky: "I did all of those things, and I accept responsibility for those actions. But I AM sorry, I don't expect you to forgive me, but I just I'd let you know"

With a sniffle, Y/n wipes his tears before facing Bucky with a smile.

Y/n: "Thank you...for telling me this"

Bucky: *nods* "I just...couldn't keep it to myself anymore. I wish I could remember more, but I hope that was enough"

Y/n: "It was. And......I forgive you"

In an instant, a wave of relief washed over the two. As if Y/n had been holding that in for a long time. Y/n then offered a hug to Bucky who graciously accepts, wrapping his remaining arm around Y/n as the two share a heartfelt hug.

Y/n: *pulls back* "Well...Keep on spreading the Good news, alright?"

Bucky; *chuckle* "Whatever you say"

With that, Y/n walks away, back to the dense forest where Shuri was waiting for him with a handkerchief in hand. She offers the handkerchief to Y/n who takes it and wipes the remaining tears in his eyes.

Y/n: "I guess I should thank you and T'Challa as well"

Shuri: "Thanks is not needed. But you could consider it a favor returned for helping us take back Wakanda"

Y/n: "Please...you guys could take back your kingdom with or without me"

Shuri: "Come on, let's get you back to the Capital. You leave tomorrow, right?"

Y/n: "Yeah, it's about time I go home anyways"

The next day, Y/n is seen standing on the Landing pad where The Royal Talon Fighter along with T'Challa, Okoye, Ayo, and Nakia were awaiting for him. T'Challa and the others wore formal attire with Okoye and Ayo wearing black dresses while Nakia wore a yellow dress.

Shuri: "And just a reminder, you are always welcome in Wakanda"

Shuri then hands Y/n a silver suitcase.

Y/n: "What's this?"

Shuri: "Just a goodbye present"

Y/n: "You know, if you keep spoiling me I might think you're in love with me"

Shuri: "Well, what if I am?"

Y/n merely chuckled after being left speechless. After taking the suitcase, Y/n grabbed her hand kissed the back of it in a regal manner.

Y/n: "I'll see you around, Princess"

Shuri: *smirk* "And don't you forget it"

With that, Y/n swung the suitcase over his shoulder before walking to the RTF.

Y/n: "We ready to go?"

T'Challa placed a hand over Y/n's shoulder before the two walk inside the aircraft.

From the distance, Y/n could make out the familiar skyscrapers of Manhattan.

Y/n: "Ahh...Good to be home"

Okoye then lands the RTF to a suitable rooftop before Y/n disembarks. Y/n looks back and saw that T'Challa was seeing him off.

Y/n: "Thanks for the lift, I'll swing back home and catch the news with you and the UN"

T'Challa: *smile* "See you around, Spider-man"

T'Challa turns to go back inside only for Y/n to call out to him.

Y/n: "T'Challa!"

Y/n clears his throat before speaking in their native tongue.

Y/n: *in Xhosa* "Good luck and Many Shoelaces"

From inside, Okoye and the others smiled at each other as T'Challa chuckled lightly.

T'Challa: "It was close"

Y/n: "Hey, I worked hard on that one"

T'Challa calms himself down before giving Y/n another smile.

T'Challa: *in Xhosa* "Thank you"

With that, T'Challa heads back inside the RTF before flying off to Vienna. Now in his lonesome, Y/n sets the suitcase down before kneeling in front of it.

Y/n: "Now, what does Shuri have in store for me this time?"

Opening the suitcase, Y/n lifts up the top and reveals...something that brought a smile to his face.

Y/n: "Oh Shuri...always the overachiever"

Christine: "I read your text. Are you ready to take this session seriously now?"

Y/n was seen back in Christine's office, this time with a look that shows that he's looking forward to his session.

Y/n: "Of course"

Christine then sets down a voice recorder and turned a page in her notebook.

Y/n: "Well, I suppose I should start over since we're starting fresh. Hello, I'm Y/n L/n...and I heckin love being Spider-man"


And that's a wrap! The first arc in the sequel book. I honestly can't believe it, and yet here we are.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my works it truly means a lot.

I welcome you all, old and new, to the continuation of Road to Spider-man.

So with that said, I hope you guys have an amazing time and as always, you know the drill.

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And I'll see you when I see you

Bye Bye

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