Chapter 18: Years Later

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Four years have passed, and I am now at Dad's house, with the Hargreeves, having a party. There's no reason for it in particular, but just for us to come over. Dad has even learned English over the years! He still says some phrases in Spanish, but now he mostly speaks English. Other than that, a lot has happened. Lila and Diego started dating, and go on dates once a week (they have been together for two years now). Allison met a man named Raymond (we call him Ray for short), and had a beautiful daughter Claire, who is three years old. Klaus also got married, to a man named Dave, and they adopted a boy, whose name is Philip. Viktor never did meet anyone new, but he is starting to get a strong relationship with Harlan. Also, Aiden and Kylie got married, and have been together for a year now. For me, Five and I also got married (I know, a lot of marriages), and we have been married for two years now. Along the road of marriage, we had a baby girl and her name is Maria. She has eyes like Five and skin like mine.
Everyone was settled outside. Dad was talking to Diego and Lila, by the backdoor (and Lila was sitting on Diego's lap). Ray and Klaus were talking by the grill, as Ray was flipping patties (including veggie patties) and turning over hot dogs. Allison and Viktor were sitting in chairs, a few feet away from Dad, Lila and Diego, and were talking amongst themselves, and Five and I were sitting inside, because we were watching Harlan, Claire, Philip and Maria. "Y/n, come here for a second." Dad said, as he waved his hand over. "I'll be back, you think you can handle them?" I joked, as I got up, and looked at the kids. "Yes." Five said, as he was smiling at me. I leaned down and kissed him, before opening the screen door, and walking into the back. "What is it Dad?" I asked. I wasn't giving an attitude, but I was just asking.
"I have something for you." He told me. I kneeled down in front of him, because he was in his wheelchair. Dad went into his pocket, and pulled something out. I couldn't see what it was because he was covering it with his hand. "Here you go, dear." Dad said, as he uncovered his hand, and put a bracelet around my right wrist. "What is this?" I asked, as I looked at the beaded bracelet, and then up at Dad. "Remember how I told you that Mom was going to give you a bracelet?" Lila said. At first, I was confused, and tilted my head to the left a little, as if I was a dog. Then I remembered. "I thought Mom died before she could make me one?" I said, having tears in my eyes. "No, she made you one, but she never brought it with her when we went to go see Lila. She left it here, in the house, until," Dad stopped his sentence and grabbed a box that was beside him. He then continued, "I found this last night."
I took the box out of his hands, and placed them into my own. As I was looking through, I realized that this box was made for me. There were baby pictures of me, and pictures from before I was taken. I, now, had tears in my eyes as I was looking through the box. "I wish I could meet her." "And you can." I heard a voice say. I turned around (as I was still kneeling), and saw a woman standing there. I looked back down at the picture, and then up at her. "Mom?" I said, as I put the box down, and stood up. She put her arms out, and I hugged her. When I pulled away, I looked at Klaus and smiled. "My little Sparrow." Mom said, as she placed her hands on my cheeks, and wiped my tears away. "Mom, can you come inside?" "Of course!" She responded. I bent down, grabbed the box, and stood back up to walk Mom in. "Mom, I would like you to meet my husband, Five." I said, as I walked in and stretched my arm out, pointing over at Five. I then put the box on the table as Five got up to shake her hand. "It's very nice to meet you, Mrs. Pitts." Five said. "It's lovely to meet you as well." Mom replied. "Mommy, who's that?" Maria asked, as she stood behind me, hiding from Mom. "Sweetie, this is your Grandma." I said, as I took her hand, and pulled her in front of me. Maria wasn't shy about meeting her.
I guess she was scared, because she was a ghost. Maria jumped into her arms, and Mom hugged her tightly. "Maria, you look so beautiful." Mom said, as she set her down. Klaus then stepped into the house. "I'm really sorry to ruin the moment, but her time is up." Klaus said. Mom quickly hugged me and said, "I have missed you so much, Sparrow." I could feel her tears land on my shoulder. "I love you." I said, as tears slipped down my cheeks. "I love you, too." Mom said, as she slowly disappeared. "Are you okay?" Five asked, as he put his arm around me. "Yeah, I'm okay." I replied, as I sat back down at the table. "It was really nice meeting her." Five said, as he sat down beside me. I knew that he was trying to cheer me up. "Yeah. I just wished she was alive, and I didn't have a limited amount of time with her." I told Five, as I put my head on his left shoulder. After a while, the food was done and everyone (including myself, Five and the kids) ate outside. Then, everyone said their goodbyes, and went their separate ways. Everyone lived on their own, and by that I mean that everyone moved out, and bought their own houses. Except for Five and I, we didn't want to sell the academy, so we stayed.
When we got home, I unbuckled Maria, and Five carried her inside. It was only 6:30 PM when we got home, so we decided to watch a movie. "Mommy, I don't want to watch a movie." Maria said as Five and I sat down on the couch. "Well, what do you want to do, Princess?" Five asked. "Can you tell me how you two met?" She asked, as she sat down on Five's lap. "So, you wanna hear about the time traveling prince and telekinesis princess?" Five asked, as he looked at me, with a warm smile. "Yeah! Tell me that story!" Maria said. For the rest of the night, we told Maria how our story began. I then thought back at how The Handler raised me. I almost laughed a little, knowing that, right now, I am raising my daughter the right way, and not locking her in some room. I had a good feeling that Five and I we're going to be the best parents for our child, and raise her the way Five and I never got treated. I don't ever want Maria to have to experience, or walk in the shoes of how Five and I grew up, and as you know, it was something I would never forget.


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