Chapter 7: Night Out

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⚠️trigger warning: self harm⚠️

After I was done taking a shower, and got into some pajamas, I walked down the hall (to get to my room) and saw that the boys, and a few of the Hargreeves, were sleeping. Once I went to my room, I hung my towel on the door knob, and threw my clothes into my purple bin. I sat down on my bed, and started to go on my phone. "Hi, Y/n," Ben said, knocking on my door (which was open). "Oh, hi Ben." I smiled, turning off my phone, and setting my eyes onto him. "I was wondering if you would like to go to Griddy's Doughnuts?" He asked, leaning against the door frame. "Um, sorry, but Five bought me coffee already." "Actually he didn't, they were closed when he went." Ben informed me. "Oh, okay. Well, then sure, just let me change real quick." I said, getting up from my bed. Ben nodded his head and closed the door as he stepped out. I decided to leave my leggings on, but at least change my shirt. As I was looking through my closet, I pulled out a white shirt with a monarch butterfly in the middle.
Once I changed, I grabbed my phone and opened the door. "Ready?" I said, walking ahead, in front of Ben. Ben and I walked down the hall, and then down the stairs. "Where are you guys going?" Five asked. He was on his phone, sitting on the couch. "Griddy's." Ben said. "Do you want anything?" I asked, walking over and standing behind the couch. "No, it's fine. I was just wondering where you two were going." Five replied. "Okay, we'll be back soon." I said, bending over and kissing Five on the cheek. I got back up and started walking out the door with Ben. "Do you want me to drive, or do you wanna walk?" Ben asked, his hand about to grab the car keys from the key hook. "We can walk, it's really not that far." I said, shrugging my shoulders. Ben opened the door, "Lady's first." He said, in a British accent. I laughed a little and pushed him out the door. "What was that for?" Ben asked, laughing but confused. "You said, 'Lady's first'!" I laughed. "Oh, wow." Ben said.
We then began our journey to Griddys. "So how is it? You know, reuniting with your friends, and all?" Ben asked. I sighed and said, "Um, I'm not really sure, strange I guess?" "Hm." He said. I assume he did that to make sure that I knew that he understood. I then stopped walking (we were a few feet away from Griddys). "Are you okay?" Ben asked, putting his right hand on my back. "Yeah, um, I know this is weird but," I started to say. He looked at me, as if telling me to go on, "Can I hold your hand for a sec?" I asked. I wanted to see if I actually did have another power, and for some reason, holding their hand to see their past, kind of felt right.
"Uhh, I guess?" Ben said, he obviously sounded confused, but who could blame him? He put out his left hand. I then put it into mine. With my right hand on the bottom, and my left on the top. I closed my eyes. I then started to see his past. "You will never be good enough, Number 6." I heard a voice say. I knew it was his dad; I remembered Ben telling me that only his dad called him and his siblings by numbers. I then saw Ben, standing there, trying to hold back tears. Younger Ben (he looked ten) ran away, up to his room. "I can't do this anymore." I heard him say. Ben grabbed a blade, and started to cut his arms. He wouldn't stop. I then "fast forward," and saw him, the night we met (before he left the house). He held up a knife, and put it against his throat, attempting to kill himself. "Ben!" Another voice called out, it sounded like Allison's. Ben quickly put the knife down, hid it in his top drawer, and left his room.
Although my eyes were closed, I could feel myself crying. "Y/n?" I heard Ben say. I quickly opened my eyes, and let go of his hand. "W-what did you see?" He asked, placing both of his hands on my shoulders. "Roll up your sleeves." I said, looking at his shoes. "What? W-why?" He asked, his voice unsteady. "Because I said so." I replied, picking up my head and looking into his brown eyes. It was quiet for a few seconds, and Ben didn't do what I told him to do. I walked closer to him and rolled up his sleeves. He tried so hard for me not to look at his arms, but he failed. I stepped back, looking up and down on his arms. Ben rolled them back down. "Now can you tell me what you saw?" He asked. "I saw you cutting yourself, after your dad said something. Then I guess I 'fast forward' time, and saw you the day we met. Before you left your house." I told him. Ben looked at me, then looked away, and then back at me again.
"I was going to kill myself." Ben said. His voice was so close to breaking, but he put on a brave face. I hugged him tight. "Please." I said, tears slowly coming down my face, "Don't hurt yourself, or ever think about taking your life." Ben hugged me back. "I'm sorry." He said, crying. Once we pulled away, I wiped my tears, and then I wiped his. "Can we still go? I want to take my mind off of this and please don't tell anyone, okay?" Ben said, holding his pinky out. I was hesitant. I really wanted to tell someone, so he could get the help he needed. When I was about to say no, he looked me in the eyes, as if telling me, "Please." I took my pinky and put it into his.
After that, we walked into Griddys. Ben held the door open for me, and I walked in as he followed behind. We both sat down at a table, near the window. "Don't you think it's a little late to be here?" A young girl (who looked to be in her twenties) asked. I looked at the clock. It was 8:30."Busy day." Ben said. "Okay, well my name is Sophia, and what may I get started for you two tonight." "I'll have a strawberry doughnut, with green tea, please." Ben said. "Okay, and what may I get for you?" Sophia asked, looking down at her notepad and then at me. "I'll have a small blueberry smoothie, with a black coffee to go." "Alright, I'll be back soon." She told us, as she smiled and walked away. "Why'd you order two drinks?" Ben asked me. "Well, I know Five said he didn't want anything, but I'm still gonna give the boy his coffee." I told him. Ben laughed a little, which for some reason made me smile.
"So, how do you feel about training tomorrow?" he asked, messing with a napkin in front of him. "A little nervous to be honest. I just don't want something to go wrong." I admitted. "I think you'll be fine." Ben smiled. Just then, Sophia came back with our order, and set them on the table. "I know it's kind of late, but what are you gonna do after this?" Ben asked, taking a bite out of his doughnut. "Well, I was gonna see if Five wanted to watch a movie or something. You wanna join?" I asked, taking a sip from the smoothie. "Sure, as long as I'm not intruding on you guys or anything." "No, I think you'll be fine."
After a little while, we were both ready to go. "I'm gonna use the restroom real quick, and then we'll go." He said, getting up and throwing his trash away before walking into the bathroom. I stood up, holding Five's coffee in one hand and my phone in the other. I was about to text him, and tell him that we were on our way. Suddenly, I felt a sharp object hit against the right side of my neck. I dropped Five's coffee, along with my phone, as I felt weak. My eyesight went blurry, and my body hit against the floor.

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