Chapter 6: Reunited

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"Come on, Jacob, give it back!" I saw myself say. I looked at least twelve. "You gotta catch me first!" He said. Jacob had colored skin, with brown eyes and a short afro. Jacob's eyes turned blue, with a little white line down the middle, and he started to run, with blue and white lightning following behind him. From what I'm seeing, I can tell he had super speed. I was standing there, not wanting to chase him (there was no point). Then I see someone wrap their right arm around my younger self. He had light, but not too light, skin, and he had brown hair along with brown eyes. "Relax, shorty." He said. "Aiden, I've told you a thousand times to stop calling me that." "And I've told you a thousand times that I don't care." I (my younger self) rolled my eyes. "I'll get your necklace." Aiden replied, smiling as he took his arm off of me. Aiden's eyes turned dark green, and he snapped his left fingers. Suddenly, time froze. Everything did, except Aiden. I assumed his powers were to stop time. I then see him run over to Jacob (as Jacob was frozen) and take the necklace. As time was still not wanting to move, Aiden walked back, and put the necklace back around my neck. He clapped his hands, twice, and time continued. "Thanks." I said, smiling. "Anything for my best friend." He said, messing up my younger self's hair. "You guys are no fun." Jacob said, as he came back. "Oh, relax Jake." I said. We all laughed and smiled.
I then removed my hands from my head, and was breathing hard. I had tears in my eyes from the flash back. I remembered. I knew them. There were my friends. But how? I've been in a shitty place for almost all of my life. I grabbed the files, and stood up. That's when it hit me. Klaus has a son, Jacob, and Viktor had sons too, but one of them was named Aiden. I walked over to the door when I saw the door knob turn. It opened slightly, but I quickly closed it and locked it. "What the fuck?!" I heard a voice say. It was Mother. Shit. I said in my head. I looked around the room, trying to find a way out. The only way out was the window. I used my powers, and broke the window. I looked at the door knob moving and then back out the window. I jumped. When I did, it felt like time was slowing down. I could feel the cold breeze hit my face, and the wind, slowly blowing leaves through my hair. I then caught myself, with a red force surrounding me, and I made myself carefully reach the ground. My eyes went red for a second, but then back to E/C (your eye color) the next. I wasted no time, and started to run, to what I now call, home.
I felt like I was running for days; I was so tired. I saw the academy, and didn't even care about going through the window. I just wanted to get in the house. So, I ran through the front door. Once I did, I slammed the door shut and laid my back against it, trying to catch my breath. When I did, I walked more in the house, and saw that everyone was in the living room. I stood there, like an idiot, not saying anything. "Aiden, can you take yourself and Harlan to your room, please?" Viktor asked, looking at the boys. "You too Jake, go join them." Klaus chipped in. I knew who Jacob and Aiden looked liked, just by remembering what they did look like from the flashback I had; they looked older (obviously). "Hmmm!" Harlan said, hitting his hands against his head. "Baby boy, go on with your brother." Viktor said, setting her hand on his right arm, and pointing over to Aiden. "Hmmmmmm!" Harlan said again, but louder. He began to hit his head more, and he started to throw the pillows, from the couch, onto the floor. Aiden tried to help, but Harlan bit his hand. Aiden was holding his hand, and I could see pain in his eyes. Viktor looked stressed out.
I walked more into the living room and set the files on the arm of one of the couches, and walked over to Harlan. "Hi, Harlan, my name is Y/n." I said, holding my hand out. Harlan stopped what he was doing, looked at me and then my hand. His hand went into mine, and I carefully shook it. "We're having a private discussion, so is it okay, if you can go with Aiden up stairs?" Harlan nodded his head and walked over to Aiden. He took Aidens hand (the one he bit) and kissed it. I thought that was sweet of him. Jacob, Aiden and Harlan then walked up stairs. "I'm sorry about that, Harlan has autism and he's nonverbal." I smiled, not caring what Harlan has, he's still human, "It's fine." I wiped my smile away, grabbed the files and sat down, next to Five. "Where did you go?" Five asked, his voice sounded like he was trying to hold in his tears. That he so desperately wanted to let out. "I went back." I told, not just him, but everyone. I didn't say "home" because I don't see that place as my home anymore.
"Why?" Ben asked. "To get a file. I knew for a fact that my mother knew about my powers and kept a file." No one said anything. "I have this as well," I added, taking the necklace out of my pocket. Five took it and examined it. "I also have three files." "On who?" Diego asked. I was actually surprised that he wanted something to do with this. "Myself, Aiden Elliott and Jacob Prayer." I said. My eyes moved over to Viktor and Klaus, because I know that they know. "Do you know them?" Klaus asked. I nodded my head. "I'm so sorry for leaving." I said, I now have tears in my eyes. Five hugged me, "It's fine," He then whispered in my ear, "Just tell me next time, okay?" He pulled away and looked at me. I nodded my head once more. "Also, I think I have another power." I say. Everyone looked at me. "What is it?" Allison asked. "I think I can see people's past. I saw mine today, of me when I was younger with Jake and Aiden." "We'll talk more about this tomorrow." Luther said. "Okay." I said. After a few seconds of awkward silence, I finally asked, "Is it okay if I can go talk to Aiden and Jake?" I was really hoping they'll let me go.
"Of course" Viktor said, "but I'm coming to take Harlan." She said, getting up. I took the necklace and files, and walked up the stairs with Viktor. "I'll be back." I said, walking in my room. I set the flies on my nightstand, but put the necklace back in my pocket. I walked back over to the room. Viktor already left, and it was just Aiden and Jacob, sitting on the bed. "Hi." I said awkwardly. "Hey." Aiden replied. "Do you guys remember me?" I asked, straight forward. They looked at each other, and then back at me, confused. "Umm, what?" Jake asked. That's when I took the necklace out of my pocket. "Here." I said, handing it to Jake. Jacob and Aiden looked at it, and Aiden was the first one to look at me. "My name is-" "Y/n." Aiden said, completing my sentence. "Don't you mean shorty?" Jake said, smiling as he stood up. I rolled my eyes at that comment. Aiden got up from the bed, and hugged me, Jacob joined in too and it became a group hug. "Can you put it on me?" I asked, looking at Aiden. "Yeah," He said. Jacob handed him the necklace and Aiden put it on, around my neck.
"We have necklaces too." Jake said. He showed me his, and it was a blue lighting bolt, with a white line down the middle. "Here's mine." Aiden said, his had a clock on it, and the color was dark green. "Not that we were eavesdropping," Aiden began to say, "but we heard that you said you have another power? What are your powers?" "I have telekinesis, with a red force that surrounds the person or object, and I think I can see people's past, but I am going to 'train,'" I said, making air quotation marks, "tomorrow." "Neat. Well, my power is-" "I know what your powers are; I know what both of your powers are." I interrupted Jacob, and was looking at him and Aiden. "Oh, okay, but, um, what happened to you?" Aiden asked. I could tell that he meant, over the years, and how we don't remember each other. "Glad you asked, follow me." I said. I guided them out of Aiden's room, and into mine. "Let's read, shall we?" I said, holding all three files.
After one million years of reading, we all caught up with each other. Aiden's dad left him, and his mom, shortly after he was born. Aiden's mom was so devastated, that she didn't even want to look at Aiden. She tried to kill him. She got atomic waste, put it in his food, and he ate it. After nothing seemed to have happened to Aiden, she packed her things, and left him there alone when he was fourteen (when I didn't remember him). Two years later, he got adopted by Viktor. For Jacob, he got electrocuted by lighting when he was six. At seven years old, he started to develop his powers. His parents didn't know how to raise him anymore, so they put him in the foster system. After nine years, Klaus adopted him.
We only read their files, and not mine. Although I really wanted to know the truth, I was too nervous. "Aren't we going to read, and go through yours, Y/n?" Aiden asked, taking the file out of my hand. I took it back, "Not, tonight, it's late, and I should head in the shower." I said. "Okay, well I'll head out." Aiden replied, getting up from the bed. "Good night." I kind of yelled, as he walked out. He didn't reply, but gave me a thumbs up. "I'll leave too. See you tomorrow, shorty." I shook my head, but smiled. "Night, Jake." "Good night, Y/n." After he left, I put my file in between the mattresses. After I did so, I grabbed what I needed to take a shower. Once I did, I left my room. As I was walking down the hall (my room was the last one down the hall) I saw what the boys were up to. Aiden was playing around with Harlan in his (Aiden's) room, and Jake was watching some anime show.
It felt strange for me to see them again. Even though I didn't know them before, still. As I walked into the bathroom, closed the door, and turned on the water, something ran across my mind, did Mother kidnap, or adopt me? And, what happened to my real parents?

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