Chapter 11: The Commission

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⚠️trigger warning: self harm⚠️

The next morning came, and I really didn't want to get out of bed; I wanted to though, just to go check on Aiden. I managed to pull myself out of bed, and walk out. The house was quiet; I would usually hear Allison cooking, Jacob watching anime, Klaus screaming to his favorite song, but I heard nothing. I checked Five's room, and he was still sleeping. As I walked down the hallway, I felt like I was in a horror movie. As if someone was walking behind me, getting ready to kill me in any second. I walked down stairs, and no one was there. I went into the kitchen, and saw a note on the table, which said:

Dear Y/n,
                  Everyone else, except for Five and Aiden, had left to go bury Luther. We know that you three don't care, so we left without you. Not sure when we will come back, though.
I'm not surprised. She is right though. I don't know about Five or Aiden, but I for one, don't care. I didn't want to be inside all day, especially because they have no idea when they're gonna be back. I went back into my room and got into some clothes. I changed into blue, ripped jeans, with a baby blue shirt. I know it's basic, but I like the way it looks. I slipped my shoes on, and grabbed my phone. I then walked into the bathroom to freshen up. Once I did, I walked into Five's room. He was laying down, while he was on his phone. I sat down next to him. "Hi, baby, are you okay?" He asked, turning off his phone, and sitting up. "Yeah, I'm okay. Everyone left to go bury Luther." I told him. "No offense, but I don't care." Five said. "I know, apparently neither does Aiden, which is why everyone left us here." I said. "So, now what?" He asked. "Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go to Griddy's Doughnuts? I was going to ask Aiden if he wanted to join." I said. "Yeah, I'll go. Just let me take a shower first." "Okay, no worries." I replied. I kissed Five on the cheek, before getting up and leaving.
My next adventure was to Aiden's room. The door was open, so I walked in. He was wearing his black hoodie, and his body was faced towards the window. "Aiden?" I said. He quickly shot up from his spot, but dropped something on the floor. I saw burn marks on his arms. I walked over, and picked up the lighter from the grown. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" I asked. "My dad is pretty pissed at me. So, I figured that maybe the pain would go away." He said. Aiden looked at the ground, and I could see tears slowly drop out of his brown eyes. I hugged him. "I know why you feel that way, but please don't hurt yourself." I said. I tried to prevent myself from crying, but failed. A few tears started to drop down my face.
"I'm sorry." He said. We pulled away and I pulled down his sleeves for him; I know that he doesn't want anyone else to know. We wiped our tears away, and I asked him if he wanted to go to Griddy's. Before, I wasn't going to ask, but I'm pretty sure he would want to get his mind on something else. If he didn't want to go, then I would completely understand. "Yeah, I'll go, let me just change." He said. I nodded my head, and went to my room and put the lighter in my dresser. Once I did that, I walked downstairs. I was on my phone for a while, until Five came downstairs. "Ready to go?" He asked, as he was putting on his navy blue hoodie. "Not yet, we're just waiting on Aiden." I said, turning off my phone, and sliding it in my pocket. "I'm ready." Aiden said, as he was walking down the stairs. He was wearing a black hoodie, with grey pants. Along with that he was wearing a black hat. "Okay, let's go." I said, getting up from the couch. The boys followed me to, and out the door.
"I heard you killed Luther." Five said, looking over at Aiden (I was walking in the middle of them). "Yeah, I did, because I found out he was working for The Handler, and he probably kidnapped my girlfriend." Girlfriend? Since when?! I thought to myself. "Wait, The Handler?!" Five questions. "Let's not talk about this now; let's wait until later." I said, for all I know, someone could be watching us. We arrived at Griddy's and we sat where Ben and I sat last time. "I'll order for us." Five said, as Aiden and I sat down across from each other. "So, who's your girlfriend?" I asked. "Kylie Nice? You don't remember her?" Aiden said, looking at me confused. "No, I don't. I didn't even remember you and Jacob until I saw my own past, and read through the files." I said. Maybe I do know Kylie, but I just didn't remember her. "What if you see my past? Would that work?" Aiden suggested. "Maybe, but let's do it when we go back home." I said, looking over at Five, as he was standing by the counter, and then back at Aiden.
"How long have you and Five been together?" He then asked me. "A month." I said, looking down at my hands, as they rested on the table. Although it's only been a month, it felt longer than that; I felt like I've known Five my whole life. "What about you and Kylie?" I said. "Two years." He said. "Wow. You guys still talk?" I asked. "No, I haven't talked to her since she disappeared a few months ago." Aiden said. He looked down at his shoes. I then moved my hand onto his wrist. "We're gonna find her, I promise." I said, looking into his brown eyes. Aiden smiled a little. After a few seconds, Five came back.
"Sorry it took so long, the coffee machine wasn't the best today." Five said, setting three cups of coffee down. "Here, Aiden, I got you a mocha because I know you don't like black coffee." Five said, setting a cup in front of Aiden. Aiden pulled it closer to him and said, "Thanks." Five nodded his head, as if he was saying you're welcome. Five sat down beside me (on my left), and started to drink his coffee. "So, how did you know Luther worked for The Handler?" Five asked, setting his cup down on the table, and moving his right hand on my thigh. "When I went to go get the tool box, I overheard him talking on the phone. He said, 'Will do Handler,' and 'I'll make sure Kylie doesn't leave.'" "The Handler sent him to kidnap Kylie? Why?" Five asked. "Not sure, I didn't read her file, but I put it in Y/n's room." I nearly choked on my drink as he said that.
"My room? Why?" I said. "My dad will look through my room, but no one ever looks through yours." Aiden told me, as he lifted up his mocha to his lips and took a sip. He did make a good point about that. "I told Aiden that I was gonna see his past, when he got back home." I informed Five. "Okay." Five said, nodding his head. Once we finished our drinks, Five paid, and then we left. "Give me your hands." Five said. I held onto his left one, but Aiden refused to hold on to his other one. "Ew, that's gay." Aiden smiled, so we knew he was kidding. "Aiden, your dad is trans and your uncle is gay, I don't wanna hear it." Five replied, grabbing Aidens hand. I couldn't help but laugh. Five then teleported us to the house. "I forgot you can do that." Aiden said. "Okay, let's head to my room." I said. We all walked up the stairs and then into my room. I closed the door behind me, as the boys sat down on my bed. "Okay, Aiden, where did you put the file?" "Under your pillow." He said.
I walked over to it (even though Aiden was sitting close to it) and grabbed the file. I sat in the middle of the boys, and opened the file.

Lies, Backstabbing & Misfortune Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora