Chapter 4: A Dance I'll Never Forget

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I then woke up to the sound of footsteps repeatedly going up and down the stairs. I got up to check the time. It was 2:30PM and the party didn't start until 4:00. I quickly got up, showered, brushed my teeth, and curled my hair. I then put on the dress that Ben got me. After putting it on, I sat down at my desk and started to do my makeup. "Hi, Y/n." Ben said, opening my window and crawling inside. I guess I only closed it, and didn't lock it, last night. "Hey, Ben." I replied, as I was putting on my mascara.
Ben took a seat on my bed, and as I looked in my mirror I saw Five come in. "Oh, um, hi Five." I said, sitting up straight. "I love your dress, Y/n." Five told me, leaning against the wall by the window. "Thank you, Ben got it for me because my Mother was going to let me wear this other dress, that looked awful." I told him. "By the way, I love your guys' suits." I said, putting my makeup away. They were wearing a simple black suit with a black tie. "Luther, Diego, Klaus and Viktor are wearing the same thing." Ben told me. I fixed my hair a little bit (by putting some in the front and in the back) and turned around, facing Five and Ben. "How do I look?" I asked, spinning around a little. "You look good," Ben said, "Yeah, you look beautiful." Five replied. I smiled, and felt myself blushing at Five's comment. "Where are the others?" I asked, picking up my phone off my desk. "Outside waiting in the front." Five said, looking out the window.
"How about you go with them, I'll meet you down there in a minute." Ben said, looking at Five. "Okay, see you later, Y/n." Five said, saluting me with two fingers. Five then teleported out of my room. "Did you need to talk to me or some-" "You like Five." Ben interrupted. "W-what?" I said, playing dumb. "You. Like. Five." He repeated. "Okay, okay, yes I do, happy?" I said. "Yes, actually I am. He likes you too!" Ben said, cheerfully. I laughed slightly. "Okay, well I'm gonna go, I'll see you in there." Ben said, walking towards the window and leaving. I turned around and looked at myself in my body mirror. I then left my room and went down to the Grand Hall. I saw Mother standing by a table, so I walked over to her.
"Are we sitting here?" I asked. Mother turned around, "Yes, we- what the hell are you wearing?!" Mother asked. "I didn't like the other one you got me." I admitted. Since our table was by a wall, my mother pushed me against it. "You lied to me! The only nice thing that you're wearing are those white heels!" Mother yelled at me. I didn't want to say anything, so I stood there. "Go sit down now." She instructed through her teeth. I did what she said, and sat down at the table. She then left to go greet the guest. As they were coming in, I couldn't see Ben and his siblings. After a while, they entered the room. They sat down at the table on the right side of me. I smiled at all of them.
Mother then spoke into the microphone, "Hello, everyone! I would, first, like to thank you all for coming, and I will assure you that this will be the best party!" Mother concluded. Everyone, including myself, started clapping as she raised her glass of red wine. As I was looking around, I noticed that I was the only one wearing a colored dress. My mother always wants the attention on me, and now she got what she wanted, without me even realizing it. I didn't want to get her more mad, so I acted like everything was normal when she walked back to the table. Once she took a seat, she pulled my left arm down, towards her. "What the fuck is Viktor wearing?" Mother asked. "A suit? What's the big deal?" I said, shrugging my shoulders. I seriously didn't see what the problem was.
"I can tell by the voice that she is a girl!" My mother whispered, but at the same time, she was kind of yelling. I felt my face heat up, how could she say that? "Viktor is a boy and he can chose to wear whatever he so pleases!" I said. I started to feel energy in my hands from before. I broke eye contact and looked down at my hands. Before I could take a good look, my mother lifted up my chin, "After this party, you are in so much trouble." Then, she got up and walked away.
I felt like crying. Why the actual fuck would my mom say such a thing? I didn't want to make a scene though, so I sat up straight and looked around the room. I then looked to my right, and I made eye contact with Five. I smiled with relief, I missed seeing his face. Five smiled back, but then stopped, looked away, and then laid back in his chair, to where I couldn't see him anymore. I was so confused on why. Then, Mother sits down next to me. As I'm sitting down, next to my mother, I feel her hand land on my left shoulder, "Don't forget to act like a lady." She whispered to me. I then started to fake a smile (to be honest, you could totally tell that I was faking it). Mother noticed, and gave me the "fix your face" look. I stopped, and looked down at my plate, which had a salad that wasn't fully gone yet. Then, Five comes up to the table. What the hell is he doing? I think to myself.
"May I have this dance with you?" He asked, giving a warm smile and holding his hand out. I didn't hesitate, and I took his hand. As I stood up, Five looked back at my mother, and gave her this villain-like smirk. As he was walking me to the dance floor, my heart was beating so fast, that I felt like everyone in the room could hear it. We reached the middle of the dance floor, and we fixed ourselves. My left hand was in Five's right, and my right hand rested on his left shoulder. Five then put his other hand on my waist. When Five's hand went on my waist, the band started to play the music. I knew what was playing as Five and I were dancing to the rhythm. It was "Fairytale" by Alexander Rybak. I felt like Five and I were the only ones in the room. I didn't remove my eyes from Five's. His eyes are so beautiful. The music then came to an end, and so did our dance. Everyone got up to their feet and started clapping. I looked around at everyone, and started smiling for some reason.
Five, still holding my left hand, bent over and kissed the center of it. I could feel myself blushing. Once he stood back up, he walked me back to my seat. As soon as I sat back down, he leaned over and whispered, "Thank you." In my right ear. He smiled, as he got up and walked back to his table. Suddenly, I felt a cold hand grab my left arm. It was Mother. She picked me up and walked me out. As I kept trying to release my arm from her grip, she held on tighter. We walked up the stairs, and down the hall, until we reached my room. She opened the door, and threw me in there. "Why the hell were you dancing with him?" Mother asked, closing the door. "Because I love him!" I said. Mother's jaw dropped. I couldn't believe that I said that to her. She started to walk closer to me, and I took one step back.
Mother looked me in the eyes, and slapped the right side of my face. I held my face with my hand as my eyes were filling up with tears. "You are never allowed to see him anymore!" She yelled, as she turned around and left my room. Once she left, I heard her lock the door. I dropped down to my knees, and no longer hid my tears. I put my back against the side of my bed, and my feet were on the right side of me, as if I was a mermaid sitting on a rock. While I was breaking down, I heard something hit against my closet door. I looked at the door, and (while I was still on the floor) scooted back. "Who's there?" I called out (not that me calling out was going to do anything). Then the door began to slowly open, and Five walked out.
"How did you get in there?" I asked, still sitting on the floor. Five walked more out of the closet, and closed it behind him. He started to walk closer to me. "I'm sorry, but I saw The Handler take you out of the Grand Hall, and I figured that she might've put you in your room." He said, as he held his hand out. I put my hand in his, and he helped me get up. "How long were you in there for?" I asked, taking a seat on my bed. "Long enough to know that she hits you." Five said, sitting down next to me. I stayed quiet, and kept looking at the floor. It was so quiet in my room that it was kind of awkward. However, I could feel Five looking at me, although I wasn't looking at him. I picked up my head, and without thinking, I placed both of my hands on both sides of his face, and pushed my lips onto his.
I pulled away, with my hands still resting on his face. I started to slowly rub my right thumb on his cheek. I looked at him, but had no expression on my face. When I was about to take my hands off of him, he pulled me in by the waist, and made his lips meet mine. I felt like time froze; his lips were so soft. I wanted this moment to last, especially because he is my first kiss. "What are you doing?" A familiar voice called out. Five and I pulled away, and looked at my door. It was Mother. We both quickly stood up. "You are going to get it!" Mother said, She started to walk closer to me, while raising her arm up. I was going to take the hit, so I closed my eyes. When I opened them, I was in the Grand Hall with the Hargreeves. Five teleported us down there. "Y/n, are you okay?" Ben asked me. I didn't answer, however, because I saw Mother walk in the room. I walked away from them, and to my mother. "I told you that you are not allowed to be with them!" She yelled. "I. Have had Enough. Of your BULLSHIT!" I shouted. "I wish you weren't my mother!" The room went silent, and all eyes were on us. Then, the Hargreeves siblings were surrounding my mother and I.
"Y/n, your eyes are turning red." Five said. I looked at him, and then at Ben. I turned around and was on my way to leave. "I never wanted you in my life, in the first place!" Mother yelled. I stopped in my tracks. I felt my entire body fill up with energy. I quickly turned around, and once I did, energy came out of my body, hitting people in front, behind, and on the side of me. It looked, and felt, like telekinesis, but I was unsure. I looked around the room, everyone was on the floor, unconscious, including Mother. I then see Viktor, protecting himself, along with her siblings, with a force field. I bet it was from the sound waves I've just created. Viktor took down the force field, and they all looked at me. I started to walk back slowly, as Five and Ben were approaching me.
"Y/n, please don't leave me." Five said. When he said, "don't leave me," I stopped where I was. Five held onto my right hand. "We can help." He said. "You can stay with us." Ben added. I had tears in my eyes, and at this point, I could tell that my eyes went back to normal. I slowly nodded my head, and Five pulled me in for a hug, with Ben joining in. Once we all pulled away, Allison walked over to us. "You don't really need to pack anything, we have a spare room and, not sure if Ben told you this, but he bought you a lot of clothes, and believe me, it's enough." She said. I looked at Ben, and then smiled. "Thank you, but can I at least pack a few of my personal belongings?" I asked. "Of course, but make it quick, I don't know how long until they wake up." Allison said. I nodded my head, and Five teleported Ben, himself and I to my room.
"Here, this was in your closet." Five said, handing me an empty box. "Thank you." I said, as I started to get things that I really wanted, and needed. I pulled down my fairy lights, grabbed a few sketch books, took my paintings, a few of my own clothes and grabbed my phone from underneath my pillow. "Got what you needed?" Ben asked. "Yes, I do." I replied as I closed the box. "Okay, let's go, I think they're about to wake up." Five said, placing his hand on my shoulder, and the other on Ben's. He then teleported us to the academy. We landed in the living room, which is where everyone else was. Viktor hugged me, "Are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine." I said; I really wanted to hug him back, but I was holding the box. "Hey, Five, mind if I help Y/n, and talk to her alone?" Ben asked Five. I turned around, and looked at Five. He nodded his head, "Of course." At first, I thought he was upset, but then he gave me that "I understand" smile. Ben placed his right hand on my back, and we walked upstairs.
Once we reached the top of the steps, he showed me to my new room, which was right next to his, and across from Five's. The room was nicely set up, and it looked amazing. The bed was in the middle of the room (against the wall). With a nice bed backboard, with comfortable and soft blankets and pillows to match the color scheme of coral-pink and white. I set the box on my bed, and turned around to look at Ben. He held out his arms; he always knows when I want or need a hug. I walked over and hugged him. I didn't want to, but I started crying in his arms. He started to gently stroke my hair, "It's okay, I'm here." He said.
I stepped away, and wiped my tears. "Thank you." I said, "Anytime." he replied. "Want, or need some help?" he offered. "No, but stay here, because I have to tell you something." I said, smiling so he knows that what I'm about to tell him isn't sad or serious. Ben sat down on a fluffy chair that was in the room. I opened the box and started to set up. "Okay, well, Five and I," I for some reason, stopped talking. "What?" Ben said, he sounded very interested in the conversation. "Kissed." I said, finishing the sentence, as I was hanging up my fairy lights. "Who made the first move?" Ben asked, his voice was clearly shocked. "I did." Ben smiled at me after I said that. "Hell yeah! Look at you, making the first move!" He said, standing up and clapping. I rolled my eyes playfully. "By the way, am I going to have to go through some sort of 'training process'?" I questioned, as I used my fingers for air quotes. "Yeah, but it won't be like the one my dad put us through." he said, laughing slightly. I shook my head, as I put up my last painting.
I stepped away, and stood by the door. Ben walked over to stand next to me. "What do you think?" I asked. "Looks amazing,'' he said. "Oh, and when do I start 'training' I guess." "In two days, so that way you can relax." I nodded my head in agreement. Then, someone knocked on the door frame. I turned around and saw Five. "I'll see you tomorrow, Y/n, good night." Ben said, giving me a hug. "Good night, Ben." I said, as he walked out. "Wait here." I told Five, and I closed the door, I would at least like to change out of my dress and get into pajamas. I quickly changed into black cotton shorts, and a white tank top. I opened the door, and Five was still there. "You can come in." I said smiling. Five came in, and I closed the door behind him. "Nice pj's." I said to Five. Five looked down at his outfit and smiled, "Thanks." He replied. Five was wearing black and white plaid pants with a black t-shirt.
I sat down on the bed, and patted a spot beside me, hinting to Five that I want him to sit down. He took the hint and sat down. "How are you feeling?" he asked, looking at me, with his hands on his knees. I looked down at where his left hand was, and took it into mine. I then looked up at him, "Better, now." I said, smiling. Five took his other hand, and gently lifted up my chin, and kissed me. I kissed him back. The kiss wasn't long though. Once he pulled away, he moved a hair strand out of my face, and put it behind my left ear. "I'll let you sleep." He told me, with his right hand on my cheek. A smile appeared on my face. Five got up to leave, but I held onto his right arm. "Can you stay?" I asked. I wouldn't be hurt or surprised if he said no. "Of course." Five said. I got up and turned off the light. I came back over and laid down in bed. Five laid down next to me. I smiled at him, and turned over onto my left side, facing the window.
Then, I felt his arms wrap around my waist. "Night." He said, I could hear the tiredness in his voice. After a while, he fell asleep (with his arms still around me), but I couldn't. I'm not sure if it's because of what happened with Mother, or if I'm confused if Five is my boyfriend or not. I have read a lot of books, and watched a lot of TV shows to know that just because you kiss someone more than once, doesn't make them your lover. What if this doesn't work out? What if this is a one time thing? I love Five, I really do, but does he love me, or did he kiss me because it "felt right" at that time? I turned over, facing him, and placed my head on the center of his chest. I felt safe.
I then felt Five's hand move. "Hey, are you okay?" He asked. I felt bad for moving, for he looked, and sounded, very tired. I then, carefully, moved away from him, to where we are now face to face. "Yeah, I'm fine, sorry." "No need to be sorry, I just want to make sure you're okay." Five smiled, but I didn't give one back. "Did I do something?" "No, but I do have something I want to ask you." Five didn't say anything, but gave the "I'm listening" face. I sighed and looked into his eyes. "Why did you kiss me?" I asked. "What do you mean why?" "I mean, did you kiss me because it 'felt right' at that time, or was it like a one time thing?" I hated how I was comparing this to books I've read and TV shows I've watched. Once again, Five moved a strand of hair and put it behind my left ear, and left his hand on the side of my face. "Because I love you." He said, "I've loved you since we went on our first coffee date."
I leaned in and kissed him. "I love you, too." I said, "But, does this mean we're in a relationship?" I felt like a fourth grader asking her crush this question, after they both found out they like each other. "If you want to be in one." He said. I kissed him once more, and put my head back onto Five's chest, and closed my eyes. Now that I know the answer, I easily fell asleep.

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