Chapter 10: Lost & Found

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"Shit." I said, tiredly. I didn't even remember putting an alarm on my phone. I reached over to my nightstand and grabbed my phone. I turned off the alarm, and placed it back. I laid back down, laying on my stomach. I then hear a knock. "Come in." I said. The door opened, and Klaus walked in. "Hey, girlie." He said, walking over and sitting down on the bed, next to my legs. "So, Diego and Luther are arguing downstairs." I turned over, my back on the bed, sat up, and looked at Klaus. "About what?" I asked. "Well, Luther wants you to practice your powers, but Diego is telling him to just let you rest. So, I'm up here, now asking, what do you want to do?" "I'm not sure, I mean, Ben's funeral was yesterday, and now we're gonna live our lives like nothing happened?" Klaus nodded his head, but then looked to his right, towards the door. "What?" He said,
I looked at him confused, and then tried to see what he was looking at. Was it the door? Was he talking to the door? "Who are you talking to?" I asked. Klaus quickly shifted his head towards me. "Ben." He said. I had completely forgotten that Klaus could see the dead. "Ben said he wants you to, and to not worry about him anymore." Tears were in my eyes. Not of sadness, but of happiness. "Get ready." Klaus said, patting my knee before he walked up and left. I got up from the bed, and changed out of my pajamas. I was now wearing blue shorts, and a plain red shirt. There's no need to dress nice, I'm practicing my powers, not going to the ball. I put my socks and shoes on, and walked out. I went to the bathroom and washed my face, and brushed my teeth.
When I was done, I walked out and went downstairs. As I was walking down the steps, I could hear Diego and Luther arguing. I was confused on why; I figured Klaus told them that I was going to do it. Then again, it's Klaus. I reached the floor, and walked into the kitchen. "Guys." I said, but they were still arguing. "Guys?" I said once more; still no acknowledgement. I then used my powers, and picked up Luther from the ground. I was going to do Diego, but I hate Luther, so why not. "What the hell?" He said, giving me a cold stare. "Could you guys shut the fuck up, for one second?" I said, smiling. "Could you put me down?" Luther asked. "You're gonna regret it." Five said, leaning back in his chair, and taking a sip from his drink. "Fine." I smirked. I pulled my hand down, and Luther fell to the ground, pretty hard, next to the sink. "Bitch." He said, as I was taking a seat next to Five. Five teleported in front of Luther (he was still on the ground), and kicked him in the mouth.
Luther covered his mouth with his hand. Five kneeled down next to him. "Don't you ever talk to my girl like that again." He said. Five teleported back into his seat, next to me. Luther got up from the ground, and walked into the living room; his mouth was bleeding. "What did you want to say?" Diego asked, sitting down in front of me. "I was gonna say that I would like to practice today." "So you're saying Luther's right?" Allison asked. "No, no. Luther thought it was his choice to decide. When it's not; it's mine." I said, smiling. "So, who's all going to help out?" I asked, looking at everyone so someone could give me an answer.
"Just Diego and Luther." Allison said. I rolled my eyes after she said the last name. "At least you'll be able to kick his ass." Five said, putting his left arm around me. I spread a smile on my face as he made that comment. "But, Allison and I will be there to watch." Five said. "What about everyone else?" I asked. "It's better if it's a small crowd." Five said. I nodded my head. "Now, who wants to see Y/n kick Luthers and Diego's asses?" Five said, smiling. "She's gonna beat Luther, but not me." Diego said. He sounded so confident in himself. "We'll see about that." I said getting up from my chair, and walking out to the backyard.
Once my shoes stepped on the grass, I ran out, and laid down in it. The breeze felt nice. "Alright, let's do this." Five said, walking out. I got up, and stood in the middle of the yard. Luther, Diego and Allison all came out, as well. "Who wants to go first?" Allison asked, looking at me, and then at Diego and Luther. "I will, because she's so confident that she's gonna beat me." I rolled my eyes, but smiled at the same time. "Sounds to me that you're the one that's so confident." I said. Five and Allison sat down on a bench and Luther was standing, as if he was waiting in line. Diego and I got into our fighting positions. He swung the first punch, but I successfully dodged it. When I did, I punched him in the face. He then grabbed a knife that was hidden in the waist of his pants, and threw it at me.
I stuck my hand out and stopped it in mid-air. I then turned it over, and made it go to him. He ducked down before it could touch his face. He then grabbed my wrist and punched me multiple times. I could feel my nose bleeding. Diego threw me to the floor. "Diego, you-" "I'm fine, Five." I said, getting back up and wiping my nose. I used my telekinesis and picked him up. Once I did, I dropped him to the ground. He quickly got up and threw his fist at me. When I moved out of the way, I grabbed his arm and twisted it. If I wanted to, I could have broken his arm. Instead, I kicked him in the stomach, making him fall back. I then walked over and placed my right foot on his neck. "Not bad, Y/n." Diego said. "And you thought you could beat me." I said, removing my foot from his neck and helping him get up.
Five walked over to me. "Are you okay? Your nose was bleeding pretty bad." He said. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'll clean my face when I'm done." I said. "Alright Luther, you're up." Five said, turning away from me and looking at Luther. Luther cracked his knuckles; Yeah, as if that would scare me. Luther and I got into our positions. He then punched me in the stomach. I, surprisingly, didn't bend down to hold my stomach. All I did was stand there, and he looked at me surprised. I used my powers and pushed him. He fell back into a shed...but I didn't stop there. I picked him up and threw him up so high, in the sky. No one could even see him. He then came falling down.
I wanted him dead. I started to choke him with my powers, which is something I never thought I could do. "Y/n, stop!" Allison cried out, but I ignored her. I no longer wanted to see Luther walking on this earth. When I saw Luther about to die, I started to feel weak. I think it was because I was using so much of my energy. I stopped, dizzy and out of breath. I stepped back, when suddenly, I felt my eyes close and then my body fell back. I then woke up in a cold, unfamiliar place. I was laying on the ground, and the walls were black. I slowly, and carefully got up; my body was aching so bad. Once I finally got up, I walked towards, what looks like to be, a door. Except this door had a huge window on it; there was only a few inches that showed the wood part.
The window started a few inches above my head, and ended all the way down to my feet. This door didn't have a handle. I started to panic. "Help! Somebody help me, please!" I yelled, hoping that someone would hear me. I then saw a shadow, coming down the stairs. It was Luther. "Luther, can you please let me out?" I asked. I know I hate him, but I was hoping he would open the door and let me roam free. Luther shook his head no, and said, "I can't do that." I looked at him, half confused and half pissed. "Why, not?!" I said. Luther slammed his fist against the door frame, making me jump back a little. "You tried to kill me!" He shouted. I walked closer to the door, "I-I'm sorry, I r-really didn't mean to." I said. I was obviously lying. I wanted to kill him, but I also wanted to see him suffer as he slowly left this world.
"No, you're dangerous." He said. Something about that made me cry. Is that what everyone else thought about me? Did everyone want me to walk out of their lives? "Let me the fuck out!" I yelled. Luther stood there, ignoring me. I tried to use my powers, but it didn't work. "Your powers won't work, as long as you're in there." Luther said. I then heard a familiar voice. "What the hell are you doing?!" It was Five. "We're not safe around her." Luther said, blocking the door. "Let her out!" Five said. Although Luther was blocking my view, I could see Five clenching his fist. "Can't do that." Luther replied. As Five was about to walk past Luther, Luther knocked him out. "NO! LUTHER, YOU ASSHOLE!" I shouted, tears were falling down my face. I saw Five laying there...and he wasn't moving. Luther opened the door, but as I tried to escape (to go get help) he pushed me down, back inside.
The back of my head hit the ground really hard. As I held the back of it (while trying to get up) Luther picked up Five and threw him in the room. He threw him like Five was nothing. Like he didn't matter. Luther slammed the door shut and walked back upstairs. I crawled over to Five, and placed my hands on both sides of his face, crying. I put my right ear to his chest. There was a heartbeat. I sighed with such great relief, as I picked up my head (off from his chest). We were near a corner, so I got up, and dragged his body towards there. I put my back against the corner and laid Five's head on my lap. I looked down at Five's unconscious body. I moved his hair out of his face, and smiled slightly. I then moved my head to the wall (to where I was slightly looking up at the ceiling). I closed my eyes, and started to cry softly.
I then felt Five's body move a little. I picked up my head from the wall, and looked at him. He slowly opened his eyes. "Y/n?" He said, carefully sitting up. He then turned towards me and hugged me. I hugged him back. "I'm here, I'm here." Five said, as he was pulling away from the hug. I smiled at him, but then saw his lip bleeding. "Are you okay?" I asked, my thumb gently touching his bottom lip. Five nodded his head, "Yeah, I'm okay. What about you? Did he hurt you?" Five asked, placing his right hand on my face as I took my thumb off of his lip. "A little, but I'm okay." I replied. Five then moved his hand to the back of my head. As he pushed me closer to kiss him, he stopped.
"Y/n, you're bleeding." He said, looking at me. I touched the back of my head...he was right. Five put his hand back behind my head, "It's a lot of blood." That's when I started to feel dizzy, and I could see that Five could tell. He then unbuttoned his shirt and took it off. "Here, lay down." Five said, laying his shirt on the floor. I carefully laid down. My eye sight then went blurry. "F-Five?" I tried to say. "Stay with me, Y/n." I heard him say. My eyes then closed shut, and the last I saw was Five having tears slowly fall down his face.
After what felt like years, my eyes started to slowly open. I looked around; I was in Five's room. I carefully got off the bed and made my way downstairs. I was hella dizzy as I walked down those steps. Once I got off the last step, I walked into the living room. "Y/n? What are you doing down here?" Five said, as he was walking over to me; he placed his right hand on my back. "Y-yeah, I'm fi-," I stopped talking, because I almost lost my balance (I was still really dizzy). Five caught me, however, and carried me like we just got married. "Come on, back upstairs." He said softly. I rested my head on his left shoulder. "I'll deal with you later." He said, turning his head to his right. I couldn't see who he was talking to, but I already knew it was Luther. Five walked up the stairs, and then back into his room.
He then laid me back down on my bed. "Can you lay down with me?" I asked. "Of course, baby." Five replied. He walked around to the other side of the bed, and laid down. I turned over (facing him) and Five wrapped his left arm around me. "What happened?" I asked him. "Well, after you passed out, I realized that I had my phone in my pocket. It was at one percent, so I quickly called Viktor and told him to come down to the basement. I called him because he's more powerful, so if Luther gets in our way, he can defend us. Anyways, once I got you out, and upstairs, Allison stitched the back of your head. Then we left so you can rest." Five told me.
I looked up at him and then he looked down at me. I moved closer and kissed him. "Thank you for taking care of me." I said, as I laid my head back down in his arms. "Am I interrupting something?" Aiden said, leaning against the door frame. "No, you can come on in." Five said. Aiden walked in the room. "Hey, how about we all hug!" He said, moving Five, and myself, and a little bit over so he could sit in the middle of us. "Feeling better?" Aiden asked. I nodded my head, "Much better, and where's Jacob?" I asked. "I'm here." He said, walking into the room. He then sat in between me and Aiden. "You have some nice friends, Y/n." Five said. I couldn't help but laugh a little.
"Um, I'm not her friend, I'm her best friend. Get it right, Hargreeves." Aiden said. "Yeah, I can tell you are." Five said. "Dinner!" Klaus called out. We all got off the bed, and went downstairs in our own way. Five teleported himself and I downstairs, Jacob used his powers to get down there, and Aiden walked down like a normal person. When we got into the kitchen, I saw Luther. He gave me a dirty look, but I ignored it. I sat down next to Five and Diego. "Wait, where's Ben's chair?" I asked. "Oh, I put it in your room." Viktor smiled at me. I sighed with relief, "Thank you." I said, smiling. Allison set my plate down in front of me. We were having my favorite, burgers! "Can I talk to you after dinner?" Diego whispered into my right ear. Although I was confused on why, I nodded my head.
After dinner, Diego and I walked into his room. Now, I'm worried. "You can sit on my bed, I'm gonna be right back." Diego said. "Okay." I said, as he walked out. I sat on his bed. I've never been in his room. He had a box of knives on his dresser (like that isn't scary). Other than that, his room was pretty simple. Diego then walked in and closed the door. "I know we're not close, but I need you to do something for me." "And what will that be?" I asked. Diego put his hand out in front of me. I was hesitant. "Are you sure you want me to know and see?" I asked. I'm only asking because of what happened with Ben and Aiden. "I'm sure." Diego said.
I took a deep breath and took his hand (my left on the bottom and my right on the top). "Luther, don't do it!" Diego yelled. "It's for the best!" Luther shot back. Luther cut open a robot arm, and it turned off. "MOM!" Diego yelled, tears running down his face. I let go of his hand. "I'm so sorry." I said, hugging him. "I need you to see Luther's past, and help me find and fix Mom, or Grace." I knew about the Hargreeves having a robotic mom, but I never knew why I didn't see her around, but Grace is a really beautiful name.
"How am I supposed to see Luther's past, Diego?" I asked, I looked at him like he was dumbass. "Do it when he's asleep, he's a really deep sleeper." "Fine." I said, giving in. "Thank you." he said. I got up and left the room. I must have been dozing off, because the next thing I knew, I bumped into Aiden. "Sorry." I said quickly, and walked into my room. As I was about to close my door, Aiden put his hand on it. "What's wrong- and don't tell me you're fine because you and I both know that you're not." He said. "I have to see Luther's past in order to know where he hid Grace." I said. "G-Grace?" Aiden said. "Yeah, why?" "I know where Luther hid her."
"Why didn't you tell anyone?" I asked. "I couldn't." He replied. I pulled his arm, making him come into my room; I closed the door. "What do you mean, you couldn't?" "Y/n, it's really not that easy, believe me okay? I just couldn't." I didn't want to argue, so I nodded my head, acting like I understand what it's like to be in his shoes. "Just show me where she is when everyone is sleeping." I said. Aiden nodded his head.
We've decided to stay in my room until the time comes. We've watched four movies, but it felt like a million! When all of the lights turned off, Aiden and I went over to my window. I opened it, and we both crawled out. Aiden was in ahead of me as we were climbing up the ladder, since he knew where Grace was. When he got on the roof, he held his hand out to help me. I grabbed his hand, and he pulled me up. "Thanks." I said. "No problem." he replied. I then followed him to this old shed; it looked like it was going to fall apart. "Luther put her in there?" I questioned. "Yeah, I think it was because no one really comes up to the roof that much, and they don't bother to look in the shed." Aiden replied, as he opened the door. There were spiders and dust on the inside. Aiden pulled out his phone and turned on the flashlight. We started walking more into the shed, until we stopped. "There she is." Aiden said.
He stepped to the side so I could see. Grace looked more like a human, and less like a robot. Aiden slid his phone into his front pocket and I helped him pick up Grace, and take her to my room. The hardest part though, was getting her down the ladder. It was a huge struggle, but it was worth it. We set Grace down on the bay window. "I'll go get a tool box." Aiden said. He carefully opened the door and quietly walked out; he vanished into the darkness. I was left with Grace. I looked down at her left arm; it was cut open with wires sticking out. The details on her face were very well done. I assumed she always stayed home. At least that's what the outfit is telling me.
She was wearing a long sleeved, white button-up shirt, and she had on a pink skirt with balck dots on them. To put her look all together, she had black heels on. I sat down on my bed, facing her. I wonder why Luther would turn her off and put her in a shed. "Get the fuck off me!" I heard Aiden shout. I laid Grace down, and put a blanket over her. I then ran out of my room, and then into Luther's. When I walked in, Luther's body was on the floor. He's dead. I looked at the body and then at Aiden, "What the hell happened?" I asked. I wasn't at all mad, but curious about how this situation happened.
Aiden had a knife in his hand with blood on it, and his nose was bleeding. He also had blood on his black hoodie. "He worked for The Handler." He told me. "What?" I said. My mood changed quickly. "What the hell happened in- '' Viktor stopped his sentence as he saw Aiden holding a knife and Luther on the floor. "Are you fucking kidding me, Aiden?!" He said. "Dad, I-" "Go with Harlan, now." "Can you at least let me-" "Go with Harlan, now!" Viktor said, raising his voice a little higher. Aiden scoffed at him, and walked out the room. "Did you tell him to do this?" Viktor asked. "What? No, why would I do that?" I asked, surprised that he would even ask me that. "You wanted Luther dead ever since he said that shit about Ben!" "That doesn't mean I would have my best friend kill him! Besides, Aiden said he worked for The Handler. So in a way, your son did you a favor." I said. I walked past Viktor, my shoulder hitting his. I don't know what I'm more surprised about, him blaming this shit on me, or the fact that everyone was still asleep and will have no idea what happened, until tomorrow morning.

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