Chapter 8: Why Is This Real

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I woke up in a very cold room, but it felt like a familiar place. When I sat up, I looked around. It was my old room, but everything was taken out. I could tell it was the next day, because I could see the sun shining. I patted the sides of my pockets, to see if I had my phone, but I didn't. I quickly got up on my feet and went towards the door. I should have known that it was going to be locked. As I was pacing back and forth in the room, trying to calm down, the door knob turned. I stopped pacing and looked at the door. "Hello, sweetie." Mother said, walking in and closing the door behind her. "What do you want?" I asked, slowly stepping back, away from her. "Well, you're my daughter, and you ran away from home." She said, acting like she's the victim in this story. "Yeah, because I was tired of you treating me like shit and lying to me!" I snapped back. "Besides, Ben will for sure know that I'm gone, and come and find me." I said, feeling confident.
My mother started to smirk, "Which is why there are six recruits hiding outside if he does end up coming. After all, he is number six in the Umbrella Academy, right?" I stood, like an idiot, shocked at what she told me. "I'll leave you here to watch." She said, quickly walking towards the door as she walked out. I could hear her lock the door. I turned around and ran to my window. I saw Ben, walking towards the house. Quickly, I tried to get his attention by hitting my fist against the window, hoping he'll hear me. He didn't, and kept walking towards the doors. Then, I see six recruits come out from their hiding places and start to attack Ben. He wasn't doing so good.
I could see his nose bleeding and cuts on his face. I ran to the door and tried to knock it down, by hitting my body against it. My body couldn't take it, but I would take every bruise from that door, then let Ben die. I felt my eyes turning red. I then pushed my right hand out in front of me. I was surprised that telekinesis could even knock something down. When the door knocked down, a few pieces from the wall fell down as well. Before I walked out, I heard people screaming. I turned around and went back to the window. Ben had tentacles coming out of his torso. "It was about time you lifted up your shirt!" I said to myself, as I ran out the door. I ran down the hall and down the stairs. I then pushed the front doors open.
When the doors opened, all six bodies were on the ground, dead. Ben pulled his shirt down, and was out of breath. He smiled at me as I smiled at him with relief. Behind him, I see Mother...holding a gun. "BEN!" I screamed, running towards him. Ben turned around, and Mother pulled the trigger. Ben held his right side, where his ribs are, and dropped to the floor. Once I reached him, I got down on my knees, picked up his head, and laid it on my lap. I looked around and saw Mother standing there, smiling. She pulled out something from her pocket and threw it over at me. It was my phone. I looked at my phone and then back up, but she was gone. I didn't care about my phone, I only cared about Ben.
I looked back down at Ben, he had tear drops in his eyes; I did too. I then put my right hand into his left hand (with my arm crossing over his chest). Ben held my hand tight. "Y-Y/n...I k-know I wanted t-to take my l-life before, b-but n-now I'm really s-scared to d-die." Ben told me. I shook my head, "You're not going to die; you'll be fine." I said, tears slowly falling down my, now red, face. "Y-you and I-I both know i-it's to l-late." He told me, holding my hand even tighter. "Thank y-you for being t-there for m-me. I l-love you, Y-Y/n." Ben quivered, his teardrops were sliding down his face and onto my leggings. "I love you, too, Ben." I said, as waterfalls were coming down my face. Ben closed his eyes, and his grip on my hand became loose. "Ben? Ben!" I cried, shaking him gently, hoping he was just pranking me. He wasn't. Ben was gone. I cried even more. I leaned over to my left side and grabbed my phone. Of course it would be dead! I went into Ben's pocket and grabbed his phone. He didn't have a password, so it was obviously easy to get into.
I got into his contacts and called Luther. The phone was ringing. "Hello?" He said. "Can you come over to the Commission please? And hurry!" I said. "Y/n? Why, what happened?!" Luther questioned. "We don't have time for twenty questions! Just come!" I yelled, I then hung up. I was still holding onto Ben, not wanting to go. I put my arms around his head, and started to hug him as I was crying. "Why, why, why?" I kept repeating to myself, not wanting this to be real. I wanted this to be fake, imaginary, a dream. Anything, but reality. After a few minutes, a blue pre-1981 Rolls Royce Silver Shadow pulls up to the house. I knew it was Luther. Luther opened his side of the door and ran out. To my surprise, Five came out of the passenger seat and ran out as well. "What the hell happened?!" Luther asked. The tone in his voice made it sound like he was blaming me. "The Handler killed him." I said, I no longer wanted to call or see her as my mother.
Luther picked up Ben from my arms and set him in the passenger's seat, covering his body with a blanket. As I was still on my knees, I saw blood stains on my shirt. Five helped me get up, and he hugged me tightly. I started to cry again on his shoulder. He walked me over to the car. He opened the door, and let me get in first (we were sitting in the back). Once Five got in, and closed the door, I moved closer to him and rested my head on his left shoulder, wishing that this was all some fucked up nightmare. Luther got in the car and looked in the backseat, at me a Five. He looked at Five, then at me, and then back to the front. He started the car, and drove off.
As my head rested on Five's shoulder, with tears still going down my face, I closed my eyes. I didn't even realize that I fell asleep until the thunder scared me from outside, and I woke up in my bed. I was startled by the sound. I sat up, with my back laying against the bed frame. I then looked down at my clothes. My shirt got changed into a white tank top, but my leggings were still on. The door opened and Five walked in. "Oh, you're up." He said, closing the door and sitting on the bed by my feet. "How is my shirt changed?" I asked. "I took off and put you in another one." Five told me. "Okay, and is it still the same day?" I questioned, completely unaware of what day it was.
"Still the same day." Five said. I nodded my head, to let him know that I heard and understood him. I heard footsteps outside of the door. The door then began to open, "Hey, Y/n, this shirt got stained, so I'm gonna throw it away." Allison said, holding the shirt out, showing me the blood that was left on it...from Ben. "No, wait!" I said, before she could walk out. Allison looked at me, puzzled. "I still want it." I said. I know it's really weird, but that was the last shirt I hung out with Ben in. Allison came more into the room, and set it down on my lap. She gently squeezed my left knee before she walked out. Once I saw her close the door, I looked down at the shirt. Although she washed it, the shirt still smelled like Ben. I touched the blood stain, and tears filled my eyes. My tears started to drop down.
Five got up and sat next to me. He wrapped his arms around me. "I miss him." My voice was shaky as I was getting out of his grip, laying the shirt down on the nightstand, and laying down on my left side, facing the window. I was watching the rain drops slide down the window. Five then moved his body to where he was now laying down next to me; he wrapped his arms around my waist. "I'm sorry I can't get over this." I said, wiping my tears, even though they kept slowly coming. "Can you turn around and face me, please?" Five asked, taking his hands off of me.
I turned around and faced him. He put a strand of my hair behind my ear, and rested his hand on the side of my face. "This isn't something that you can just brush off your shoulder. He died in your arms. You getting over this, takes time." He told me. I didn't say anything, because I didn't know what to say. Five pulled me closer, and my head was now resting on his chest. "I'm so sorry you lost him." Five said, rubbing my arm. "I'm sorry you lost your brother." I replied, looking up at him. I saw Five have tears in his eyes. I then picked up my right hand and wiped them away. Five kissed my forehead and laid his head on top of mine. After a few minutes of silence, we heard a knock on the door.
"Come in!" I said. The door opened and Aiden and Jacob popped their heads in. "Hi, Y/n." Aiden said. I looked at Five, and gave him the "may you please leave" look. Five kissed me before getting up. Before he left, he whispered something in Aiden's ear, and I couldn't really make out what he said. Aiden nodded his head though, and Five left. I sat up on my bed, and Aiden and Jacob entered the room. Aiden sat on the right side of me, and Jacob sat on the other. "I'm sorry." Jacob said, wrapping his arm around me. "Man, The Handlers a fucking bitch." Aiden said, looking at me. I could tell he was trying to make me laugh, and I did.
"You know what's funny?" I said, looking at Aiden and then at Jake. "What?" Aiden asked. "Although I don't really remember you guys that well, I somehow remember how we all used to laugh together." I said. It was silent. But, for some reason, we all started laughing after we looked at each other. A few seconds ran by and another knock was at the door. "Come in!" I said. The door opened and Diego popped his head in, leaving the rest of his body hidden behind the door. "Allison made dinner." Diego informed us, "Okay, we'll be right down." Jacob said. Diego gave us a thumbs up, and walked out of the room, leaving the door slightly open. "Um, do you wanna go down stairs, or do you want me to bring up your plate?" Aiden asked. "No, it's fine, I'll eat downstairs." I told him. "Not trying to sound rude, but can you move so we can eat?" I said, smiling at Aiden so he doesn't think I was trying to be mean or anything. "Right, sorry." He replied, hopping off the bed.
After we all got off, we left the room. We walked down the hall, and down the stairs. Once we reached the last step, Five was waiting for me. The boys walked on by into the kitchen, as Five held onto my right hand. As we were walking, he kept rubbing his thumb against my hand. When we got into the dining room, Five pulled me closer by the hand and whispered in my ear, "You can take a seat; I'll make your plate." I nodded, and sat down next to where Ben used to sit. I looked at his chair, and then back at the table. Five set my plate in front of me, and then sat down at the head of the table (next to me, on my left). My plate had mashed potatoes, and mac n' cheese. I looked around the table, and everyone got the same thing, except for Five. Instead of mac n' cheese, he had salad (remember, he's vegan). Once Luther sat down at the other end of the table, everyone started eating, but everyone was quiet.
It was kind, I'm lying; it was really awkward. I broke the silence by saying, "Thank you Allison, this is really good." "You're welcome, and thank you." Allison smiled. After she replied to my response, silence came strolling around the dining room again. "So, when are we gonna have Ben's funeral?" Luther said, unexpectedly. I stopped eating. Allison, because she was sitting next to Luther, nudged him. "What? We can't have his body laying around somewhere." Water returned in my eyes as words came out of Luther's mouth. I got up, picked up the plate with my telekinesis, and threw it against Luther's face. The plate broke, and left a huge cut on his head. "FUCK YOU, LUTHER!" I screamed.
I then ran up stairs, and went to my room. I slammed and locked the door behind me. I started to cry (again). I was pacing back and forth in my room, and everything started floating in the air. I was beyond confused, my eyes weren't red, and I wasn't using my hands or anything. The objects were surrounded by the red force, and I still don't know what that means. I made my eyes go red, and tried to set everything down. I put my hands out, and slowly started to put them down. Once I did, I sat down at my bay window, watching all of the raindrops drop down. I curled my knees up and wrapped my arms around them.
It was really nice sitting by myself...that was until I was startled by a knock on the door. "It's locked." I said. I turned my head back to the window and, from the corner of my eye, I saw a blue light flash. I looked in that direction and saw Five standing there. "You know locked doors never stopped me." He said, smiling. I wanted to smile back, but I couldn't. Five sat in front of me and placed his hand on my left knee. "Luther's a dick." He said, looking at me, and then out the window. "I just don't know why, and can't believe that he would say such a thing." I said, looking at Five. "He got what he deserved." He said, removing his hand from my knee, and taking my hand. I let go of Five's hand, and got out of the position I was in. I leaned over, and hugged him.
Five and I then heard a long bang against the door. "Owww." I heard someone say. "Jake?" I said, getting up, and walking over towards the door. I unlocked it, and opened it wide. I saw Jacob, on the floor. "Ha, imagine being on the floor." I laughed. "Imagine not!" He shot back, I don't know why he thought that was a clever response. "Get up." I said, holding my hand out. He grabbed my hand and I pulled him up. "What was that sound?" I asked. "Well, I thought your door would be unlocked, so I ran up here, and when my hand turned the knob, it wouldn't open. I hit my head against the door and fell back." I tried to hold in my laugh. Five, on the other hand, didn't even try. He busted out laughing and I did too. "You guys are mean." Jake replied.
"Sorry, but are you okay?" I asked. "I mean, I guess." Jacob replied. "Anyways, I just wanted to check in." "Okay, well I'm fine." I replied. "Aiden was going to come up, but he had to calm Harlan down." Jake said. I nodded my head. "I'll be in my room if you need me." He said, walking away from my door. I turned around, and faced Five. "Five, I'm gonna head to bed." I said. "Okay, I'll lea-" "No." I said, interrupting him. "I'm not telling you so you can leave. I'm telling you, because I want you to stay with me." I said. Five smiled. "Let me leave so you can change, and so that way I can change as well." He said. I nodded my head. Five gave me a kiss on the cheek before walking out.
I closed and locked the door. I changed into grey cotton shorts, and a black tank top. "Y/n, can I come in?" Five asked, knocking on the door. I walked over to the door and unlocked it. "Yes, you may." I said, opening the door. Five came in black and red plaid pants, with a white shirt. "Those must be your favorite pants, huh?" I said, as I was getting into bed. "No, I just have, like, twenty pairs." Five said, smiling as he was laying down on the right side of me. "What about you and cotton shorts?" He said. "I just really love cotton shorts, they're soft." I said. Five moved his body, to where he's facing me, and I turned my body over, so I could face him.
Five pulled closer. My head now rested on his chest, and his arms are around me. "You will get through this." He said. I knew he was referring to Ben. I could feel Five looking at me. I picked up my head, and I was right. He pressed my lips onto mine, and then pulled away. "I love you." He said. I smiled, "I love you, too." I put my head back onto his chest, closed my eyes, and dozed off to sleep.

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