Chapter 2: The Hargreeves

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The next morning, I woke up to my phone going off, Ben was texting me:

        Ben: morning!😁
        Me: hi
        Ben: sorry i probably should have known that u were still asleep
        Me: it's fine i should be getting up anyways, i still have to try and convince my mom🙄
        Ben: okay, see you soon!
        Me: byee!
        I put my phone underneath my pillow, and sat up on my bed. The reason why I put it underneath my pillow was because I didn't want Mother to see that I was texting someone. I then got up, and walked out of my room. As I was walking down the hallway, I was just hoping that she was awake. I first knocked at her office door to see if she was in there. "Come in!" I heard her say. I walked in and closed the door behind me. "Good morning, I just came here to ask you something." I said, walking closer to her desk and taking a seat on one of the two chairs in front of her desk. "And that will be?" She asked, not making eye contact with me, and typing on her computer. I decided to be straight up about it, "Can I go get coffee?" I asked. Mother instantly stopped typing, and looked at me.
        "Y/n," She started to say, but then I cut her off. "Please! I promise I will be careful!" I said. A few seconds of quietness went around the room. "Alright, I suppose. Just stay safe!" She said, looking back at her computer. "Really? Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I said, getting up from the chair and hugging her around her neck. She patted my arm, "Alright, alright. Now go, before I change my mind." She joked. I let go of her, and walked out of her office. I quickly ran to my room, closed the door, and then locked it behind me. I then went over to my bed and got my phone from under the pillow:
Me: i just asked my mom...
Ben: aaannnddd??
Ben: damn. did u have to lie or sum?
Me: nope! i just straight up asked her
Me: come over to my house and sneak up the ladder
Ben: alright, im on my way!
After I saw Ben's text, I quickly looked into my closet for a shirt. I pulled out a white tube top (I am pretty small, so it just looked like a staples shirt, because it doesn't show my stomach) and then ran over to my dresser to find some pants. As I was looking through, I found some black leggings. I then started to change. Once I was done, I unlocked my door and walked out to go into the bathroom. When I stepped foot in there, I started to brush my teeth, and hair. After I was done, I walked out, and went back into my room. I then walked over to my desk to take my wallet out of my purse. As I was doing that, I felt a hand touch my right shoulder. Quickly, I turned around and slapped the person. I felt bad, because it was Ben. "Oh shit! Ben, I'm so sorry!" I said, trying to look at his face to see if he was okay. Ben was holding the right side of his face. "No, it's fine. It was my fault anyways, I should have texted you." Ben said. We both laughed it off. "You ready to go?" He asked, taking his hand off his face. "Yeah, just let me get my wallet and my phone." I told him, walking over to my bed. "I'll pay for us, it's cool." He said.
"No, it's okay." I replied, grabbing my phone. "Y/n, it's fine, you're my friend." "I'm y-your friend?" I asked, shocked that he called me that. "Um, yeah? I know we just met, but I feel like you're my friend. Is it okay that I called you that?" Ben asked, leaning against the wall, by my window. "Yeah, it's fine. It's just," I paused for a moment, "I've never had a friend before." I said. Ben got off the wall, and smiled at me. "Well then, I am honored to be your first." He said, walking to me, and taking my wallet out of my hand. "So let me pay." I smiled as I shook my head. "Fine." I said. After I said that, we both crawled out of the window, and went down the ladder. Once we touched the ground, Ben moved it over a little. "Alright, let's go!" He said happily. Then, we both started walking away from the house.
After a few minutes, we arrived at the coffee place. "I know you haven't been out, but have you heard of Griddy's Doughnuts?" Ben asked me, as he was opening the door for me. I walked in and answered, "No, I haven't." "Well, this is just a simple cafe. You can order coffee, tea, smoothie, and doughnuts." Ben explained to me as he walked in, and guided me to a table. Once we sat down, I was looking around at the place. "Here, since this is your first time, I'll order for us." Ben said, getting up. "Anything you like?" I was hesitant. "Um, I guess I'll have a black coffee. I'm not really in the mood to eat." I said, as I was looking at the menu and then back at him. "Okay, I'll be back soon." He said, smiling at me and then walking to the counter. I went on my phone and started to look back at mine and Ben's texts. I smiled as I was reading though.
I have never had a friend before. I'm not trying to sound like a little kid, but it's true. Ben then came back, and sat down across from me. "Agnes said that our order will be ready shortly." Ben informed me, as he was pulling his phone out of his pocket. "Okay, thank you." I told him, turning off my phone, and placing it face down on the table. "So, are you still up to meeting my brother today?" Ben asked me. "Oh, yeah, for sure." I replied back. "Sweet, because he said that he is looking forward to meeting you." After Ben told me that, I could feel myself blush. I don't even know what this kid looks like! We then heard a bell ring. "That's us, I'll get it." Ben said, getting up from his seat and walking over to the counter. The woman, Agnes, was an elderly woman. She looks like she would be in her 60's. Ben came back with our stuff.
"Your black coffee." He said, setting it down in front of me. "Thank you." Ben then sat across from me with his drink. "What did you get?" I asked. "Green tea, and how are you liking your drink?" he asked. "I haven't taken a sip yet. It just sounds good, which is why I got it." I said. After I did though, I took a sip. Once I removed the cup from my lips, I looked at Ben, "Holy shit, this is really good!" I said, Ben was laughing a little. After a few minutes, we were both done with our drinks. "Wait for me outside." Ben said, getting up and taking our cups. I grabbed his phone (because he left it on the table) along with  mine, and walked out. He then came outside, and we started walking to his house. "The walk is only about two minutes." he said.
"Okay, oh, and you almost forgot your phone." I said, handing him his phone. "Thanks," He said, "I wouldn't know what I would do if I forgot it." Ben then put his phone into his right pocket. A few minutes stroll by, and Ben says,"Okay, we're here." His house was a huge mansion. "Welcome to The Umbrella Academy." he said, as he opened the gate. I stepped in front of him, and I heard him close the gate behind us. "The Umbrella Academy?" I questioned. "That's what my dad used to call it." Ben said, as he unlocked the door, and made me walk in first. He stepped in behind me and closed the door. I then saw a few people sit on the couch in the living room. Ben hung up his keys, and led the way to the living room. "Hey guys, I want you all to meet my friend, Y/n." Ben said, looking at me. "Hi." I said nervously, waving my hand. "Hi, Y/n, you can come sit down if you want." A girl with light colored skin, and black hair offered. I sat down, and then Ben sat next to me. "I'm Allison, it's really nice to meet you." She said.
"Nice to meet you too." I replied. "This is-" Allison was cut off when I saw a boy teleport into the room. "Hey Allison have you-" The boy stopped talking after he saw me. I was sitting there in shock at what he just did. "Ah, shit." He said. "Can we tell her?" Ben asked, looking at Allison. Allison nodded, and the boy sat down. "Let me get everyone else first." Allison said, taking her phone out of her pocket. After a minute or so, four more people walked in. They all sat down, and were looking at me. "Number order." Allison said. I was confused, but then remembered that Ben said that his dad would call them by numbers. "Hi, I'm number one, my name is Luther, and I have super strength," he said. After he said that, he picked up the couch beside him (which had Allison, the boy, and another guy sitting there) and then set it back down.
"Hey, I'm number two, and my name is Diego. My power is that I can throw knives." I didn't see how that was a super power until he showed me. He threw a knife straight ahead (to where it looked like it was going to hit a wall) and it went around it, and back into his hand. "Hi, I'm number three, my name is Allison, and I can tell people what to do." I cocked an eyebrow after she said that. She then turned to Luther, "I heard a rumor, that you punched Diego." Luther's eyes went white, and he punched Diego. "Really Allison?" Diego said, as he was rubbing the side of his face. "Moving on to me! Hey! I'm number four, my name is Klaus, and I can contact the dead." Klaus said, as he took a sip from a tequila bottle.
"Hey, I'm number five, my name is Five, and I can teleport and time travel. Also, nice shoes." He said, looking down at my black converse. "Thank you." I said smiling. Five was honestly kinda cute. "You already know me, but I'm number six, and I can have tentacles come out of my torso." Ben told me. "Hello, I'm number seven, my name is Viktor, and I have sound manipulation." "Mind showing me?" I asked. "I don't know if that's a good idea." Klaus said. "Oh, come on, I can do it." Viktor said, grabbing a fork off the little table in front of us. Everyone kept saying, "No, no," or "Don't do it." Viktor then hit a cup, and made the soundwaves of the cup hit a basket of fruit. The fruit exploded and went everywhere. "Oops." Viktor said, setting the fork down and smiling. "Damn. That's cool." I said, looking at Viktor and smiling at him.
"But another thing about me is that...I'm, um, a trans guy." He said as he looked at me, waiting for me to say something. "If you're wondering if it bothers me, it doesn't." I say. Viktor smiled with relief. "Do you wanna know who's the one that used to work for your Mom?" Ben whispered in my ear. I nodded my head. "Five." Ben called out. "What is it?" Five asked. "Y/n's the daughter of The Handler." Ben said. Everyone stopped smiling and laughing, and turned their eyes on me. Five's smile went away quickly. "Let's talk in my room." Five said, walking over to me and grabbing my hand. Once he did, he teleported us to his room. Five then pinned me to his door, and held a knife against my neck. "If you were sent here to kill or hurt my family you got another thing coming." Five said. "What? No!" I said, pushing him off me. Five set the knife down on his nightstand by his bed. "Then why are you here?" he asked. "Well, this is the first time I've ever been out, and Ben told me that you used to work for her." I told him, still standing against the door.
"Sorry about that. It's just, and no offence, your Mom was really shitty, and made me do things I didn't want to do." Five said, sitting down on his bed. I sat down next to him. "I'm sorry. To be honest, I never knew you." "Really?" Five asked, looking at me. "Yeah, I think you were one of her secret assassins." I said. "So, you know what she does?" He asked me. I nodded my head. "Why were you never allowed out?" "It's my Mother, you really think I would know?" I said, looking at him and then around the room. "What about your Dad?" Five asked me. "Never knew him, my Mother refuses to talk to me about him." I said. "Sorry for asking." "It's fine," I said, "so, are we cool?" "Yeah we are." Five said, smiling at me.
I looked down at my phone. "Ah shit!" I said, getting up. "What's wrong?" Five asked, standing up beside me. "My mom texted me two hours ago!" I said. "Do you want me to teleport you there? So you can act like you were in your room, but your phone was off?" Five said. "Okay." I said. Five grabbed my hand and teleported me to my room. "Thank you so much!" I said. "Your welco-" Five was cut off from stomping, that was coming down the hall. "Uhh, get in my closet!" I said, pointing to the door. Five teleported there. Quickly I powered off my phone, set it on my bed and sat down on my bed. My mother then barged through my door. "Where the hell were you!" She shouted at me. "I was here the whole time! I came back two hours ago!" I said, lying to her face. "And you didn't tell me?" "No!" I said back. I was gonna get hit; I could already tell. Was I right? Yup! Instead of a slap, she punched me on the side of my right eye. I held the pain with my right hand.
After she did that, she walked out and slammed the door behind her. I sat down on my bed. When I removed my hand, there was blood. "Shit." I whispered underneath my breath. Five then teleported out of the closet. "Are you okay?" He asked, sitting down next to me. I had forgotten that he was there. "Yeah, I'm fine." I replied. Five took my hand off of my eye, and looked at it. "No you're not, I'll be back." He said. Five then teleported out of the room. He must be pretty lucky to have teleportation as his power. He then came back, with alcohol, and a rag. He stood in front of me and lifted up my chin a little. I know I just met this kid, but I wanted to lean in and kiss him so bad. Did I? No. We just met.
He took his hand off of my chin and then applied the alcohol to the rag. "This might sting a little,'' He said. He applied it on my eye, and I winced at the pain. Five then set his hand on my left knee. Which, for some reason, helped. "Are you okay?" Five asked, taking the rag off of me. "Yeah, I'm alright, thank you." I said. "If it's okay, can I have your number?" He asked, looking into my eyes. "Yeah, of course." I said. "Can you wait here for a little bit, because it takes a while for my phone to turn on since I powered it off." I said, grabbing my phone and turning it on. "Yeah, I can wait." Five said, sitting down beside me on my bed. "I'm sorry she hit you." Five said, looking at me. "I'm-" "Used to it? Yeah, I know." Five said, cutting my off. "H-how did you know what I was gonna say?" I asked. "Ben told me." I looked down at the floor. "Did he tell everyone?" I asked him, hoping that Ben didn't. "No, just me, and I'm glad he did," Five said, placing his hand on my right knee, "because I just want you to be okay." he told me.
I smiled a little at him. My phone then turned on. I typed in my password, and handed it to Five. "Here." I said. Five took it from my hand, and put his number in, but it was kinda taking a while. "What are you doing?" I asked him. "Adding everyone else's number, and making a group chat," he said. Once he was done, he handed me back my phone. "Thank you." I said. "I gotta go. If you need anything, text me okay?" He said. I nodded my head, "I will." Five smiled at me, and then teleported out. I'm falling for this kid, and I just met him today. After he left, I grabbed some pajamas. I changed into grey cotton shorts, and in a light pink tank top. I then laid back down, and went on my phone. I was debating whether or not I should ask Five on a coffee date tomorrow. I decided to ask Ben, and see if he was even okay with it:
Me: hi Ben!
Ben: hey
Me: can I ask you something
Ben: ofc!
Me: is it okay if i can go out for coffee with Five?
Ben: yeah, i don't mind. im supposed to be hanging out with Jill tomorrow anyways. so no worries😁
Me: okay!

After I was done texting Ben, I pulled up Five's contact and started texting him:

Me: hii
Five: hello 👋
Me: i was wondering if you wanted to go get coffee with me tomorrow...? that is if ur not busy...
Five: sure i'd love to. what time should i pick you up??
Me: about at nine?
Five: alright, well I'll see you tomorrow
Me: okay, have good night✨
Five: ty u too😊

I slid my phone under my pillow when I realized something...I didn't even ask my mom! The hallway light was still on, which means she is awake. I got my phone back from underneath my pillow and decided to text her instead:

Me: hey mom, can i ask u something..?
Mom: what is it?
Me: i was wondering if from now on, i dont have to ask to go anywhere...and im so sorry about today!!

You're kidding me right? How dare she leave me on read! I kept looking at my phone hoping to see dots. After a while, I saw dots! She then sent her response:

Mom: I accept your apology...and yes i suppose. Just be safe! and you have no curfew, as a little treat for apologizing😊
Mom: ?
Me: thank you so much!

After I sent that text I was so happy and blessed! And I don't have a curfew! This is awesome! I then put an alarm on my phone. I set it to 8:00 AM, and then slid my phone back under my pillow. As I was about to get comfortable, I forgot that my light was still on. I hate it when that happens. I got up and turned off my light. I then laid back down on my bed. I really couldn't wait for my coffee date with Five. As I was thinking about him, I closed my eyes, and went off to sleep.

Lies, Backstabbing & Misfortune Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang