Chapter 14: Best. Surprise. Ever!

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I don't think I've had a good sleep in a while, but last night, I slept so well. I was actually happy about waking up. I looked over my shoulder, and saw that Five still had his hands wrapped around me, and was still asleep. I reached for my phone on his nightstand, and grabbed it. It was 9:30 AM. I carefully sat up, and Five's hands slowly slid down my side. I looked back at him, one more time, and got up. When I walked out of the room, I quietly closed the door. "Good morning, Y/n." A lovely voice said. "Good morning, Grace." I responded. Grace was dusting the picture frames that were in the hallway. "Would you like me to make you some breakfast?" She offered. I shook my head, "No thank you, but if you do end up making breakfast, don't make a plate for me and Five." I told her. "Oh, what for?" She asked. "I want to make him, and myself, breakfast." I told her. Grace smiled warmly. "Well, isn't that sweet. If you need help with anything, let me know." She said, as she continued to dust the photos.
I walked past her, and stood in front of Klaus's room. I gently hit my knuckles against his door. "Who is it?" He called out. "It's Y/n, can I come in?" "Yeah." Klaus responded. I opened the door, and stepped inside. Klaus was laying down, so I stood in front of him. "Sorry if I woke you." I said. "You didn't, I woke up a few hours ago." He told me. "How are you feeling?" I asked. "Okay, I went to bury him, by myself, early in the morning." Klaus said, sitting up on his bed. I walked to the other side of the bed, and took a seat next to him. "You did?" "Yeah. I can still see him, but it's not the same." "I'm really sorry." I told Klaus. He didn't respond. "I'm going to be hanging out with Five today, so is there anything you want, or need me to do, or do you want me to cancel?" I said. "No, there's nothing you can do, and don't cancel your day with Five. You two haven't hung out in a while, so go have fun with him." Klaus said. I hugged him, and he hugged me back. "But not too much fun." He said, as we pulled away. I rolled my eyes and laughed at his comment. "Love you!" Klaus announced as I walked out the door. "Love you too!" I shouted back, as I started to walk down the stairs.
"Good morning, Y/n." Viktor said, as my foot reached the last step. "Morning." Viktor, Harlan and Allison were watching TV. I walked over to them, and gave them a hug; it's been a while since I've talked, and hugged them. "Any plans for today?" Allison asked, as we pulled away. "Yes, actually. Today, I am going to be hanging out with Five." I said, smiling. "Aww, well I hope you two have fun." Allison said, smiling back. "But not too much fun." Viktor added. "Oh my lord, you sound like Klaus." I laughed. Allison and Viktor joined in on the laugh as well. "I'll be in the kitchen, if you need me." I said, walking out of the living room and entering the kitchen. I pulled out the toaster from one of the cupboards and a loaf of bread, which was located on top of the fridge. Great. I stepped onto the counter, and grabbed the bread. I almost lost my balance, but I caught myself.
I hopped off the counter, and plugged in the toaster. I opened the loaf of bread, and pulled out four slices. I put them in the toaster, and started it up. I then took out two avocados, and started to cut them. Once I was done with that, I went onto the tips of my toes and got two paper plates out. The bread popped up out of the toaster, and I pulled them out. I put two on each plate, and then started to spread the avocado on the slices. After I finished, I put everything back where it was. Before I could take the plates into my hands, I made two cups of black coffee. I grabbed the two plates and started to walk. "Hey, Allison, can you get the cups that are on the counter?" I asked. "Of course." She replied, as she got up from the couch. My feet then started to move towards the back door. Luckily, the door was cracked, so I pushed my foot against the door to open it.
I set the plates down on a table with a white table cloth over it. Now I'm confused. Who could have done this? "Did someone order two black coffees?" I heard someone say, but it wasn't Allison. "Aww, Five." I said, "Did you do this?" I asked, as he walked over and set the cups down. "Yeah. Mom told me what you were doing, and she suggested that I set up the table." Five said. "Well," I started to say, as I sat down, "breakfast is served." Five sat down next to me, and kissed my right cheek. "Thank you, baby." He said. "So what are our plans for today?" I asked, as I took a bite out of my toast. "Well, I have a little surprise for you." Five said. "So, after this, we have to get dressed." "Can you just tell me where we're going?" I asked. He's Five Hargreeves. God knows what this kid has planned. "It won't be a surprise if I tell you, now wouldn't it." He replied, taking a sip from his coffee.
After talking and laughing, we both finished. "I'll do the dishes, and you can go get ready." Five said. "Okay." I said. I kissed him before I went back inside and walked up the stairs. As I was about to walk into my room, I realized that Lila was in there. I gently knocked on the door, and waited for a response. "Come in!" I heard her say. I opened the door and stepped in. "Do you need me to leave?" She asked. "What? No, you're fine, I'm just grabbing some clothes." I told her. "I feel like I'm interfering. This is your room." Lila said. "It's fine, really." I told her, as I grabbed a pair of ripped jeans. "You're my sister, this is what sisters do." I said. "No offense, but how would you know? We reunited yesterday." Lila said, as she paused the TV. "Believe me, I read a lot of books." I laughed, as I pulled out a pink v-neck from my closet. I grabbed my socks and shoes, and walked out of my room, and right into the bathroom.
I got myself ready and walked out. I went back into my room, to put my pajamas in my bin, and I walked back out. I then made my way into Five's room. Five just took off his shirt as I walked in. Damn. I thought to myself. I then came back to life, and sat down on his bed. I slipped on my shoes, when he stood in front of me. "Ready to go?" He asked. Five was wearing black jeans with a red and black flannel shirt. "Yeah, I am." I said, getting up and putting my phone into my pocket. Five and I walked out of his room, but was then stopped by Klaus. "Y/n, I have to tell you something." He said. "Okay, what is it?" I responded. "Here." Klaus handed me Luther's car keys. "I don't want Luther's-" "The car wasn't Luthers." Klaus said, interrupting me.
"It was Bens." I looked down at the keys, and smiled. "He knows you and Five are going out, so he wanted to give you his car." I hugged Klaus. "Tell Ben I said thank you." I said. "Will do, and Five?" he said. "Yeah?" "No funny business." Five shot the "shut the fuck up" look at Klaus, then he teleported us outside, in front of the car. "I'm driving." Five said, taking the keys from my hand. "Um, it's my car, now." I said. "Yeah, but you don't know where the surprise is." Five teased. I walked over and put my arms around his neck, and his arms slithered around my waist. "You could just tell me." I said. "You're funny." He replied, smirking at me. "Ugh, whatever." I said, removing my arms from his neck, and walking over to the passenger side. "Nice try, baby." he said. Five unlocked the car, and we both got in. We closed our doors and put our seatbelts on. Five started the car, and we drove off.
As he was driving, he moved his right hand off the steering wheel, and placed it on my thigh. "How long is the ride?" I asked. "Two hours." "Two hours?! Where the fuck are you taking me?" I asked. "Calm down, this trip is going to be fun." He told me. "Is it too late to stay home?" I joked, as I laid my head back on the seat. "I'm afraid it is, my dear." Five replied in his British accent. Since the ride was going to be long, I took out my phone, and opened it up to Spotify. "Do you have a favorite artist?" I asked him. "Um, no. I listen to a variety of artists, but I don't have a favorite." Well that helped a lot. "Pick one, not as your favorite, but just pick one." I said. "Mmm, John Mayer." He responded. I typed John Mayer in the search bar, and a few albums and singles popped up.
If I asked Five which song, he would spend the whole two hours going back and forth on a song. So, I decided that I would be the one to pick a song. As I was looking through, I clicked on a song, and it started to play. Since Ben owned an old car, I couldn't connect it, so I turned up my phone and set it in between me and Five. "This is one of my favorite songs by him." Five said. The song I chose was, "New Light." I've heard Klaus sing it before, at like three in the morning, and it sounded like a nice song. Five started to sing along to the lyrics. His voice sounded so beautiful. I looked out the window, as Five sang the song. We were passing through some buildings that looked kind of old. I then slowly started to close my eyes. I didn't realize that I fell asleep, until Five gently shook me and said, "We're here." When I opened my eyes, I looked around, even though I was in the car. Five held out his hand, and I took it. He helped me get up, and he closed the door for me.
I stretched my body, and popped my neck. "Where are we?" I asked (we were in front of a little old house). "You'll see." Five said. We walked up to the house, and Five knocked on the door. After a few seconds, the door opened. "Great, you guys made it." Lila said. "Lila? What are you doing here?" I asked. She seemed to have ignored me, because she opened the door more, and Five (because he was still holding onto my hand) pulled me in. I was very confused on why we were at this house, and why Lila was here. "He's over here." Lila said, looking back at Five and I as we walked down the hallway. Five pulled me into, what looked like to be, the living room. When we entered the room, I saw a man, in a wheelchair, wearing a dark blue baseball cap. Five took my hand, and put it into Lilas. Lila then walked me over to him, and I sat down next to him (Lila sat on the other side of him). "Ah mi pequeño gorrión." He said, looking at me. I looked at him then at Lila. "He said, 'My little Sparrow.'" After Lila said Sparrow, I knew who he was. "Dad?" I said. He slowly nodded his head. "Te he echado mucho de menos, Y/n." He said, as he pulled me in for a hug. "He said that he missed you very much. By the way, he can understand English a little bit." Lila said.
"Has crecido mucho a lo largo de los años, y Lila me dice que ese chico de ahí es tu novio?" "He said that you have grown so much over the years, and he is asking if it's true, that Five is your boyfriend." Lila said, laughing a little. Dad started to laugh too. "Yes, it's true, and we have been together for a month." I said. Lila translated my sentence to Spanish, so dad could understand. "Es un buen chico y espero que te cuide bien." "Dad said that he's a good boy, and he hopes that he takes good care of you." I know I just met him, and I barely know him, but I love how he is already making sure I'm treated well. "Trust me, Dad, he is doing a very good job at taking care of me." I said, as I turned my head and smiled at Five; he smiled back. Lila translated once more. "Bueno, eso es bueno. Oye, ¿Lila te contó las buenas noticias?" "He said that's good." Lila told me. Dad then gently hit Lila on the arm. "¿Vas a contárselo?" Dad said. I really wished I knew how to speak and understand Spanish, so I could understand what the hell they were saying. "Papá, todavía no se lo dije." Lila said back. "Bueno, ¿qué estás esperando? Dile ahora." Lila took a deep breath, after Dad said that. "Y/n, I'm going to stay with Dad." My feelings got mixed up. I was happy, because she can live with Dad, and Dad doesn't have to be alone. Also, Lila doesn't have to feel like she's interfering. I was upset, because I just got reunited with my sister, and now she's leaving. "¿Estás bien, gorrión?"
"Dad's asking if you're okay." Lila said. "Yeah, and I'm really happy for you." I said. I was being honest. I know that there are going to be days where I could visit them, or they could visit me. Lila reached over and hugged me, and dad joined in on the hug as well. "Well, Five and I should be heading out. It's a long ride back home." I said, as we pulled away. Lila repeated my sentence in Spanish for Dad. "Bueno, viajes seguros. Te amo gorrión." Dad said, gently squeezing my right hand. "He said safe travels, and he loves you." "I love you, too." I said, as I hugged him again. I got up, and hugged Lila. I then walked over to Five. "Fue un placer conocerte, Cinco. Cuida a mi hija." "He said, it was nice meeting you, Five, and he said to take care of Y/n." Lila said, smiling. "It was nice meeting you, too, Mr. Pitts, and I promise." Five said, looking at me. Dad nodded his head, after Lila translated.
Lila walked us out, and closed the door behind us. "Ready to head home?" Five asked. I looked back at the house and then at Five. "Yeah, I am." I said. We got into the car, and drove off, after we were buckled in. We were in the car for an hour, and there was another hour left to go. I yawned as we passed by the night sky. "Tired?" Five asked, looking at me and then back at the road. "Yeah, a little." I said. "I put a blanket in the back, if you wanna use it." He told me. I took off my seatbelt, and grabbed the blanket. I threw my seat belt back on, and put the blanket over my body. "Give me a kiss before you, lay down." Five said. I gave him a kiss, but then he gave me another one on my left cheek. I laid my head down, and pulled the blanket closer to me. "Goodnight, baby." Five said, putting his hand on my leg, and gently rubbing it with his thumb. "Goodnight, Hargreeves." I said. I could hear the tiredness in my own voice, as I closed my eyes, and drifted off to sleep.

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