Chapter 15: The Note

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My neck was sore when I woke up. I slowly sat up, placing my hand on the side of my neck. I looked around; I was in my bedroom, and Five wasn't with me. My eyes looked down at my clothes and I was wearing navy blue, cotton shorts with a grey tank top (I already knew that Five did this). I then checked my phone for the time. The time was 7:35 AM. Are you fucking kidding me? I laid back down to try and go back to sleep, but I couldn't. I got out of bed, and left my room. The hallways were dark and cold (I guess I should have brought a hoodie with me). I walked down the stairs and scanned the living room. I guess Viktor, Harlan and Allison decided to sleep in their rooms. I walked into the kitchen and got a heating pad from one of the drawers. I placed it in the microwave and set the timer for five seconds. Although that may seem like a short amount of time, it gets hot really fast. After five seconds, I opened the microwave and pulled it out. I placed it onto the left side of my neck. It hurt a little bit, but after a while I got used to it.
I went into the living room, and sat down on the couch. I checked the time again. It's only been six minutes. I couldn't go back to sleep, so now I didn't know what to do. I decided to go back in the room, and just stay in there until someone else wakes up. I got up from the couch and made my way to the stairs. Before I could set my foot on the first step, I heard a knock on the door. Now, I am that type of person that gets scared when someone knocks on the door either, early in the morning or late at night. I ran into the kitchen, and took the heating pad off my neck. I started to look through the drawers for a knife, but I found something else. A gun. I took the gun into my hand, and walked over to the door. I secretly looked out the window, trying to see who it was, but I didn't see anything or anyone. I put the gun down to my right side as I opened the door. I looked around. Nothing. I looked down, and saw a letter. I bent down, and picked it up. After putting the envelope into my hands, I stepped back inside and closed the door.
I went back into the kitchen and put the gun back. I didn't even open the letter yet. I ran up to my room, and quickly, but quietly, closed my door. I set my phone on my nightstand, and opened the letter, which said:

Hello, dear. I know that you now know the truth about your parents, Kylie, and Lila. But that doesn't stop me from trying to find you! Just remember that there is someone out there who is always watching you. You're never alone. Not even Five can protect you.

I already knew who this was from. I then started to feel like my room was getting smaller. I felt like someone was watching me, and I didn't want to be by myself anymore. I left my room (with the letter still in my hand), and went into Five's room. I walked over to him, and gently shook him. Five moved his body a little, before opening his eyes, and looking at me. "Hey, baby, is everything okay?" He asked. "No, everything's not okay!" I said. I was now scared for my life. "Hey, come here." He said, sitting up and putting his arms around me. I sat down next to him as his arms touched my body. "The Handler wrote this." I said, as we pulled away and I handed him the note. Five opened it, and read it. "Oh, shit." He said, as he looked up from the envelope, making eye contact with me. "Well, we have to do something!" Five demanded. "Like what? What can we do?!" I said.
"We have to fight back!" Five said. Fighting was the last thing I wanted to do. "Five-" "We have to! She treated you like shit and you're just gonna push it away like it's nothing?!" "I'm not dealing with this, right now." I said, as I got up from the bed and was headed towards the door. "She killed Ben!" Five called out after me as I was inches from the door knob. "She killed your first friend that could always understand you, and my brother!" Five made a point about that. The Handler did treat and raise me like shit. Along with that, she killed Ben. I stood there, not knowing what to say. I then felt Five's presence behind me. "If you don't want to, fine. But just know that I am not going to let her ever make you feel like shit again." Five said. I turned around, and looked at him.
"I want to." I said. Five lifted up my chin and kissed me. As I kissed him back, his hands traveled down onto my waist. He walked forward, making my back hit against the door. Five picked me up, making my legs wrap around his body. He then walks over to his bed (without removing his lips from mine) and lays me down on the bed, and continues to kiss me; his body was on top of mine. This is something I never thought Five and I would do. This moment ended though, as we heard a knock on the door. Once we heard it, Five pulled away, but the look on his face just shows how much he didn't want to. I pushed the back of his head down, so his lips could touch mine, and kissed him one more time. Five got off me, and walked towards the door (I sat up as he walked away). "What do you want, Klaus?" Five asked, as he opened the door. He didn't even try to hide the annoyance in his voice.
"Well, mom made breakfast, so I was just coming to tell you, and I guess Y/n too," Klaus said, as he looked past Five and saw me sitting on the bed, "to come downstairs." "We'll be down in a minute." Five said, as he closed the door. Before the door could fully close, Klaus stopped it with his hand. "And what were you two doing?" Klaus asked, as he pushed the door more open and leaned against the door frame. "Nothing! Get out!" Five said, pushing Klaus out and closing the door. I laughed a little. "Oh, so you think that's funny?" Five said, smiling as he turned around and walked over to me. "Yeah, it is." I said. Five placed his hands on the bed (he was still standing), and looked down at me. I felt butterflies flutter around in my stomach. Five moved his head down and started to kiss me. Five leaned closer to me, making me lay down. His lips went from my lips to the right side of my neck. My left hand was placed on his neck, and my other one was behind his head.
Five picked up his head, and put it back on to my lips. Five flipped us over to where I was now on top of him, but he was sitting up, so I was on his lap. My hands found their way on to each side of his face, and Five's hands were on my waist. He pulled my waist closer to him, and I could tell by the grip that he didn't want to ever let go. Another knock was on the door, but Five and I ignored it. After a while, there was no sound, until another knock was on the door. I pulled away, and this time I was the one annoyed. I gave Five one more kiss, and got off his lap. I walked over to the door and opened it. "Can you two come downstairs?" Klaus asked. I rolled my eyes, only because he ruined a perfectly good moment. "Yeah, we will." I said. I opened the door more so he knew that I wasn't lying. Klaus was ahead of Five and I as we were holding hands. I then stepped into the bathroom to check something. I looked into the mirror. Damn it, Five! I had a hickey on my neck.
Five came in (the door was opened) and he wrapped his arms around me, and placed his chin on my left shoulder. "See what you did?" I joked, as I pointed to the mark. "Sorry, I got carried away." He said, as he started to kiss over the hickey. "No, no. I don't want you making it worse." I teased. Five picked up his head, and took his arms off me. "Fine." Five said, as he smirked at me. I realized that my hair was long enough to cover it up, so I put my hair in the front (letting it lay on my shoulders). Five and I then walked out. We both walked down the stairs, and crossed the living room to get to the kitchen. When we walked in, everyone was looking at us. "So, um, what were you and Five doing?" Aiden asked, as he took a sip from his drink. "Nothing." I said, as I walked over to sit next to him. "Are you sure?" Kylie asked. "Yes, I'm sure." I replied. "Here you go, Y/n." Grace said, setting a plate of waffles with syrup and strawberries in front of me. She then set a plate of a peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich in front of Five. He's such a weirdo.
After breakfast, Grace picked up everyone's plates and started to do the dishes. I got up from where I was sitting, and sat down on the counter. I didn't want to leave so soon, and have Five follow me, because then people would start to speculate. Plus, where I was sitting, it covered up the hickey very well. After Grace was done with the dishes, and everyone else left, I hopped off the counter. "Hey, baby." Five said to me. "Hi." I said, smiling. Five picked me up by my waist and sat me back down on the counter. Five's, beautiful, dark green eyes looked down at my lips, and then back at my eyes. Since I noticed, I pulled him in by the shirt, and pressed my lips onto his. His right hand landed on my thigh, and he slowly moved his hand up. Five's other hand went under the back of my shirt, and put his hand on my bare back. His hands were cold, but I didn't mind it.
"I knew it!" Aiden announced, completely out of nowhere. Five pulled away and turned around. "You can never hide anything from your bestie." Aiden said, crossing his arms over his chest and smiling. I got off the counter and took Five's hand. "Well, we'll be going." I said, about to walk past Aiden. That's when he put his arm out in front of me, making me stop moving my feet. Aiden moved in front of me, but squinted his eyes a little. "Um, can I help you?" I asked. Aiden's jaw dropped, and he moved his eyes onto Five. "You gave her a hickey?!" He said. I had completely forgotten. Shit. I thought to myself. "Five can we leave?" I said, quickly. Five didn't respond, but he did grant me my wish. Five teleported us into my room, but once we landed in my room, he pinned me against the mattress. "You know, I really hate how everyone keeps interrupting." He said, as he examined my body; his eyes moving up and down. Five moved closer to me, and started to kiss me. I hated how this is his hundredth time kissing me. I only hate it because someone is always knocking on the door, and ruining the moment. I just hope that no one comes in again.
Then the door opened and Aiden walked in. "Sorry, am I interrupting something?" He said, sarcastically. "This bitch." I heard Five whisper underneath his breath. He got up, pushed Aiden out, and closed the door. Five locked the door, so no one else could come in, and if someone knocks, then we could just ignore them. Five came back over to me, and started to kiss me. His lips were so soft, and so was his skin. Five pulled away, and he pulled his shirt off over his head. Holy shit! I screamed in my head. Before he could kiss me once more, Five pulled off my shirt, and threw it to the floor. As he was kissing me again, he picked up my legs, and made me wrap them around his body. Five then took his lips off of mine, and then took my wrists, and pinned them, in an x-shape, above my head. He had such a strong grip on them. He placed his right hand on the side of my face, and used his thumb to gently pull my bottom lip down a little. When his hand went off my lip, he placed his hand on my neck, and planted his lips back onto mine.
After a few seconds, Five took his hand (that was on my neck) and moved it down onto my shorts. He took his hand off my wrists, and pulled my shorts off; Five then took off his pants as he stood up. He got back on top of me, but then he started to pull down my underwear. I stopped him, and moved his hands away. I looked at him, wanting to cry. "I'm sorry." I said, my voice slowly breaking. I loved him to death, but I wasn't ready. I felt bad for some reason. "I-I'm really not r-ready." I said. Five smiled at me, and kissed me on my forehead. "I understand if you're not. I'll wait." He said. Five laid down next to me, and pulled the covers over our bodies. I was so relieved that he understands, and isn't going to pressure or force me to do anything that I didn't want to do (as every man, girl, and person should!). Five gave me a kiss on the cheek, and wrapped his arm around me. "I love you, baby." He said. "I love you, too, Hargreeves."
I assumed that a few minutes later we fell asleep, because we were both startled by repetitive knocking on the door. "I'll get it, you stay there." Five said, tiredly as he got up from the bed. I stayed in bed, with my eyes closed, but I could still hear. I heard the door open. "Yes?" Five said. "Just checking in-" Klaus stopped his sentence, "why the hell is your shirt off?" He asked. I looked over my shoulder, and Five was covering the rest of his body with the door, because he still had his pants off. "Doesn't matter." Five said. "Yes, it does!" Klaus said. I sat up on the bed, and just watched the boys. Five closed the door, and quickly locked it. Five rolled his eyes, as he walked back over to the bed. "Why can't I just be alone with my girlfriend?" He said, as he laid down. I laid back down as well, but this time I was facing him.
"Five, I think we have to tell them about the letter." I said, I just remembered what I went through this morning. "I'm not saying it's not important, but can I sleep with you for a little while, please?" He begged. I smiled as I sighed at him. "I'll set a timer for fifteen minutes." "Make it twenty." I smiled at his comment. "Fine. Twenty minutes, but then we leave, okay?" I said. Five nodded his head. I flipped to my other side and set a timer on my phone. I set the phone face down, and turned back over to Five. I laid my head into his chest, and then we closed our eyes.

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