Chapter 1: Sneaking Out

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      Do you know what it's like to have a close relationship with your mother? Just asking, because I don't. My Mother is always busy, and she never really makes time for me. Sometimes, I wonder if she even realizes I exist. The only time she does seem to notice me, however, is when her friends or employees ask her about me. Other than that, she is very hard working. The Handler is her name, and I am her daughter. I don't have a Dad, and when I would ask Mother about him she would say that she doesn't like talking about him. Honestly, being related to her is very hard. It's hard because I know what she does. I know that she sends recruits out to kill people. Did she ever send me? Nope. Not once. She did train me, but never sent me anywhere. Am I glad that she didn't send me anywhere? Of course! Why wouldn't I be?
Other than that, I felt like I have been raising myself. I am now seventeen, and Mother treats me like I'm nine. Not sure if you will be surprised to hear this, but Mother hits me from time to time. Some of the hits were for absolutely no reason. If I'm being honest with myself though, sometimes I feel like I do deserve to get hit. Other than that, I guess being the daughter of the scariest person alive isn't all bad. She still lets me do things. Like right now, I'm finally outside! "What do you mean finally?" You might ask, or think to yourself. Well, for some reason, for as long as I could remember, Mother has always told me to never go outside. I guess I never really seemed to worry, or even notice it until now.
"Come back inside!" Mother shouted. Well, that's great, here I am, enjoying the breeze and the sun, but now I have to go. "Coming!" I said, running back inside. Mother and I walked upstairs together, because she was waiting for me, by the door. "See how horrible it is outside?" Mother asked me. "Um, no, there was just nothing to do." I told her, I mean, I'm not wrong, I don't even have friends! "Well, no need to back talk." She said, as we reached the top of the steps, from walking upstairs. I didn't say anything. Me knowing myself, I would probably say something that isn't considered back talking, but then still get hit. "Alright well, head into your room." She said, pointing down the hall to my room, as we stood in front of her office. "Actually, mother, I wanted to ask you something." I said, kind of messing with my hands.
"What is it?" She asked me. "Well, there is this party that I really want to go to, and it's tonight, so I was-" "You're not going." Mother interrupted, smiling at me. "What, why?" I asked. "Why? Well because you're too young, and it's late." Mother said, I could tell she was trying to "keep her cool" by smiling at me. "You never let me go anywhere, or do anything! I have been stuck in this shit whole for my whole life!" I shouted. Did I deserve to get hit? Yes and no. Yes, because what I said (to be honest) was bitchy, and no because I'm telling her the truth. Mother raised her right hand up, and slapped me. I saw that one coming. I didn't do or say anything. "Go. To. Your. Room." she instructed. I walked back to my room and closed my door. I then locked it before I threw myself on my bed. I hate how she never lets me do anything. Was I going to sneak out? Yes! I had to wait though. I know for sure that Mother is in bed, and about to pass out, when she turns off the hallway lights.
While I was waiting, I decided to get my stuff ready. I went through my closet and found a black dress that was a little bit above my knees. I then grabbed some heels, and a small backpack. In my backpack, I decided to put my sneakers in there. I hid the items in between my bed, just in case Mother walks in or something. After what felt like years, I saw the hallway light turn off. Now, I can get ready. I quickly turned off my light, got out my things, and got dressed. Once I was done, I opened my window (it was a sliding one, with no screen). I then crawled out, closed it, and climbed down the ladder. Once I reached the grass, I quickly walked away from the house.
I then reached the sidewalk, so now I can walk like a normal person. As I was looking up, I could see lights flashing out of the building. I knew that was the place. By the way, at this party, you have to sign up to get in. I walked up to the security guard with the proof on my phone, and showed it to him. He tilted his head towards the door, acknowledging me to go in. Once I did, everyone was dancing, drinking, and just having a really good time. I sat at the bar table, and was going through my phone, when a man approached me (he looked about two or three years older than me. Remember, I am a minor). "Hello there." He said, smiling at me. "Uh, hi." I said. "Can I buy you a drink?" he asked. I was going to say yes, but this man looks older. "No thanks. I'm just here waiting for my friends." I lied, hoping that would make him leave.
"I can keep you company while you wait." he said, putting his hand on my left thigh. I moved his hand off of me. "Don't touch me!" I said. "Oh, come on! Have some fun." he said, putting his hand back on my thigh, and pressing his lips against my neck. I felt so uncomfortable. I tried pushing him off of me, but he wouldn't budge. "Hey, can you get off my daughter?!" Another guy said. The guy that was touching me looked up at the person. "Aren't you too young to be a dad?" he asked. "I'm thirty-four." The guy replied. Great, another creep. "My bad." he said, and he quickly walked away. "Are you okay? Sorry I said that, I was trying to help, and don't worry, I'm seventeen. Also, I love your dress." he told me. "No worries and thank you. What's your name?" I asked. "I'm Ben." What a nice name. "Wanna sit with me?" I said, patting the chair beside me. "Um, sorry but I have a girlfriend." Ben said. "No offence, but I'm not into you, I was just asking." I said, I was telling the truth, he seemed sweet but not my type. "Sorry." He said, sitting down beside me.
"My name is Y/n, by the way." I told him. "Nice to meet you." He said, smiling at me and sticking his hand out for me to shake. I took his hand into mine, and started smiling back. "If your girlfriend is here, do you wanna invite her over, so that way she doesn't think of us as anything?" I asked, I really didn't want some girl to try and fight me. "Sure, why not." Ben said, taking his phone out of his pocket. "So, tell me about yourself, if you don't mind." I asked him, trying to start a conversation. "I don't mind. Well, my name is Ben Hargreeves. Seventeen. Adopted. Have six other adopted siblings. Five brothers, one sister. My dad used to call us by numbers, in the order he adopted us. My Dad passed away last year, and I have a robotic Mom." He said, smiling at me, as if this is a normal thing for him to say. It was a lot to take in.
"Wow, um, I'm sorry about your dad." I said. "Thanks." He replied back. "Well, I guess it's my turn. My name is Y/n Pitts, but I prefer to be called N/n (nickname- if you have or go by one). I am also seventeen, and this is my first time being outside." After I said that, I looked down at the counter. "Really, why?" He asked. I took a deep breath, "Not sure, my Mother just always told me that going outside is too dangerous." "Wow, your Mom sounds shitty." Ben laughed, I could tell that he was just trying to make me feel better. "Yeah, she also hits me." Ben looked at me confused. "Why do you say that like it's a normal thing?" If I'm being honest, I don't know. She hits me so many times that at this point, I have gotten used to it. "I've gotten used to it." I said.
"I'm sorry." Ben told me. I stayed quiet for a few seconds. "It's fine." I finally replied. Then, a girl, with her black hair up in a ponytail, wearing brown glasses, and had beautiful colored skin, walked up to us. "Hi! My name is Jill, Ben's girlfriend." She said, reaching her hand out for me to shake. I put my hand into hers, and shook her hand. "Nice to meet you." I replied. Jill then kissed Ben on his left cheek, and then walked over to sit next to me (on my right). "Jill, this is Y/n." Ben said, introducing me. "What a nice name." She told me. "Thank you." I said. "So, Ben said you wanted me to join you?" Jill said, looking into my eyes. "Yeah, he told me that he had a girlfriend, and I just didn't want you to think anything of us." I said, I was being straight forward. "Well, that's very nice of you. Listen, I know I just got here, but I gotta go." Jill said, hopping off the chair, and walking over to Ben.
"I will see you around," Jill said, "I love you." Jill then put her lips onto Bens. "I love you, too." Ben replied. Jill then smiled at me, and then walked away. "She seems really nice." I told Ben. I could see him blushing. "Thanks, and by the way, why did your mom think that being outside was 'dangerous' for you?" He asked. Great, we're going right back to me. "Not sure, but that's what you get for being The Handler's daughter." I said. "Wait, what?" Ben said. Shit. "I'm sorry." I said, about to get up and leave. "No. I don't care that you're her daughter; I'm sorry that you are." He said, holding onto my wrist to make me stay. I wasn't sure if I should take that offensively or to agree. I didn't say or do anything. "One of my brothers used to work for her, which is why I was surprised." I looked at him in shock. Hargreeves. Hargreeves. Hargreeves. I kept repeating in my head, but I don't remember an assassin, whose last name is "Hargreeves." Maybe he was one of Mothers secret assassins. "Wow, really?" I asked.
"Yeah, do you maybe wanna come over and meet him?" He offered. I was hesitant. I looked down at my phone to check the time. It was 4:00 AM. I then looked back up at Ben. "How about tomorrow. Just because my mother is most likely going to wake up in a few hours, and, if you do know her, then you know how she is." I told him. Ben nodded his head in agreement. "Can we at least exchange numbers?" He asked, having his phone in hand. "Of course!" I said, getting my phone ready. We exchanged numbers, and he walked me out. I sat at the bench in front of the building, so I could change my shoes. "Do you want me to walk you home?" Ben asked. He is just so sweet. "Um, sure." I said, tying my shoes. I slipped my heels into my backpack, got up, and then we both started walking. "Since we're gonna meet up tomorrow, do you wanna get coffee?" He asked me, as he was slipping his hands into his pockets.
"I just have to try and find a way to convince my Mother, but sure." I said, laughing slightly. Ben laughed as well. "Alright, well let's hope for the best." After a few minutes of small talk, we finally arrived at the front of the Commission (that's what my house is called, because it has a lot of offices for my Mothers workers, and has four floors). "Follow me." I whispered to Ben. I was whispering because God knows who's outside. Ben quietly followed behind me. I guided him behind the Commission to where the window to my room is. "How do you plan on getting up there?" He asked, I could tell why he was asking, because my room is on the fourth floor. "I still have this out." I told him, as I walked towards the ladder. Ben held onto the bottom of the ladder, as I was climbing up. Once I reached the top, Ben moved it a little bit over, away from my window, so that no one suspects anything.
I pulled out my phone and texted him:

Me: thank you😊
Ben: anytime! I will see you tomorrow
Me: what Time?
Ben: try....ten maybe?
Me: okay! Have a good night✨
Ben: ty u too

I got off my phone, and saw Ben walk away after we texted. I closed my window and pulled the curtains over. I then put my bag on my bed, and slipped out of my dress and shoes. Once I got into some comfy clothes (just sweat pants and a white tank top) I put my shoes away (yes, including my heels) and put my bag in my closet. Once I was done doing that, I laid down on my bed, looking up at the ceiling. I couldn't stop thinking about what Ben told me. The fact that one of his brothers used to work for Mother. I knew I had to go see Ben tomorrow. For two reasons. One: To see him, because he is really nice. And Two: To see his brother. Ben did offer for me to meet him tomorrow anyways. After tossing and turning on my bed, I finally went to sleep.

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