💖The Great NRC Cook-Off!💖

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Blossom: UMMM?! 2k reads? Have another special chapter as thanks! This one was suggested by @AnimeFangirl5Ever, and also influenced by the events idea from @AudenneTannanda. Hope you enjoy!

Scenario: Night Raven College is holding its annual Masterful Chefs with a twist. This time, it's a contest between various teams!

The Competing Teams

- Team 1: Trey and Diona

- Team 2: Jamil and Xiangling

- Team 3: Silver and Sayu

- Team 4: Raiden Shogun and Lilia

The Judges

- Kalim

- Chongyun

- Xiao

- Cater

- Jade

- Paimon (special guest)

The Emergency Medical Staff

- Kokomi

- Ortho

- Qiqi

- Barbara

- Teyvat Fried Egg

Team 1: Conversations While Cooking

Trey: "Ah—ow!"

Diona: "Trey, did you just burn yourself?"

Trey: "Yeah. It's just a slight burn, so don't worry."

Diona: "Huh? I wasn't worried about you! Hmph, imagine having such a klutz as a partner."

Trey: "Alright, if you say so."

Diona: "Ugh, honestly! Don't just stand there. Come here and I'll heal you, or we'll lose for sure."

Trey: *laughs* "Thanks, Diona."

Team 2: Conversations While Cooking

Xiangling: "Hey! Jamil! Come here and taste this stew for a sec."

Jamil: *tastes*

Xiangling: "Is it spicy enough to you?"

Jamil: "I think you should add a bit more chili powder. While you're standing here, you might as well try this curry."

Xiangling: *tastes* "Hmm... needs more Jueyun chilis! Okay, I added more chili powder to mine. Try a spoonful!"

Jamil: "Still not spicy enough."

Team 3: Conversations While Cooking

Silver: "...zZzzzzzZz..."

Sayu: "......zZzzZzzzz..."

Silver: *opens eyes* "Huh? Where am I? Father? Draconia-sama?" *looks around* "Oh, I'm just at school." *goes back to sleep*

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