🤍Qiqi x Ortho🤍

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Blossom: Anniversary special (Fallen Qiqi). And I updated Electro and Hydro with some new characters (Cyno, Nilou, Dori). Candace will come soon!

Scenario: Ortho is going around campus healing people in Precision Gear (lab gear).

"Be more careful next time, and wear a helmet when you fly," Ortho told the student whose injuries he'd just finished binding. "Helmets are proven to decrease your risk of fatal injury by 33%. Remember that."

The heavily bandaged student nodded shakily and walked off, and Ortho continued patrolling the area for more patients. He hadn't gone far before he spotted a little girl with deathly pale skin, some of which was bandaged. She had short lilac hair and a hat with a sigil tucked into it, and she was wandering around the courtyard.

"Hmm? That girl looks lost," Ortho said to himself. "I'll go give her some directions. Big Brother will praise me for looking out for the other dorms!"

But when Ortho asked the girl what dorm she was from, she couldn't remember.

"Dorm... what's that?" she wondered sleepily.

"Please tell me your name at least," Ortho said. If he had her name, he could scan his databases for information about her.

"Name... my name is... Qiqi."

"Nice to meet you, Qiqi. I'm Ortho. Do you need help getting back to your dorm?" Ortho asked. He searched in his databases for any instances of 'Qiqi.' "I believe you're from Pomefiore."

"Pome...fiore." Qiqi's face remained as blank as ever, and she spoke the word as if she'd never heard it before. Did she have amnesia? That was a serious problem indeed.

Ortho knelt down, gear at the ready. "Qiqi, do you mind if I do a routine health checkup? I'll just ask you some questions, take your pulse, and measure your reflexes." Ortho didn't expect much of a problem, because young children were normally very healthy and active.

However, when he took Qiqi's pulse, his systems encountered a shocking result. "Qiqi... you have no pulse. That is a possibility I did not calculate for."

Qiqi didn't seem remotely alarmed. "No pulse?"

"That means you don't have a heartbeat. That means... you're dead. But how can a dead person be talking to me? You're not a ghost, since I can touch you." Ortho's systems were hard at work, yet the preexisting data just didn't match. In the end, he abandoned the calculation. "Let me try to revive you. Maybe we can bring you back to life! Maybe it isn't too late."

Two shock cables extended from his hands. "Okay, hold still!"


Many Superconduct reactions later...

Ortho came bursting into Idia's room with Qiqi in tow. Idia was busy playing through part of the story in a game, and barely seemed to notice his brother.

"Dunyarzad... she just wanted to see the Dance of Sabzeruz," Idia was saying. A tear rolled down his cheek. Ortho had no idea what Idia was babbling about. "I'll kill those sages!"

"Big Brother, sorry to disrupt your game progress, but I have a very serious case!" Ortho pointed at Qiqi, whose bandages bore faint scorch marks. She looked as confused as ever. "This girl... she's not breathing, she has no heartbeat, and her temperature is cold as ice!"


Blossom: Shorter than usual, but I'm busier than usual... sorry to disappoint :((

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