💛Jean x Leona, part 1💛

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Blossom: Enemies to lovers, anyone? This one will be two parts long, so wait for the next part tomorrow!

Scenario: Magishift season is coming up soon, so Savanaclaw is doing daily practice.

It was no secret that Leona and Jean disliked each other.

I mean, why shouldn't they? Responsible, composed Jean, the big sister of the dorm, looked out for everyone, while Leona neglected his duties in favor of napping.

Jean got straight A's. Leona got straight F's. Jean had a perfect attendance record without a single "A" for absent. Leona's attendance record looked like a kindergartner's "Practice Writing the Letter A" worksheet.

But in Magishift, both of them were formidable players for Savanaclaw, and they knew it. So for victory's sake, they worked together with grudging mutual respect on the field.

Off the field, though, it was a completely different story.

"Will you please tell me why you hate me so much?" Jean demanded, bursting into Leona's room. After P.E. class, she'd returned to her room to find a stack of unfinished homework piled at the door. Every paper in the stack had only one word on it: Leona's name, at the top.

"Hate you? I don't hate you." Leona rolled over to face her, one arm under his head. "I just don't like you. Hating people takes too much energy."

"I don't understand you, Leona." Jean paced the room. "If you put your mind to it, maybe you'd actually become something. You could be great. You could do wonders to help people. You could be a professional Magishift player. Instead, you're just... lying there, wasting away. Why—"

"Why?" Leona interrupted icily. "I'll tell you why. Because not everyone, Miss Dandelion, was born into a loving, supportive environment full of people praising them. Some of us had to sit around and watch our siblings get praised for the smallest things. Some of us tried for years to make our parents proud, only to realize—wow!" He plastered an expression of mock surprise on his face. "We can't. So, might as well stop trying."

Though Leona hid his sadness well, Jean could hear it in his voice. It surprised her, to be honest. She relied on Leona as a bad example, someone she could look at and think, Oh well, at least I'll never be like him.

To see this other side of him... no. Leona was lazy and unmotivated, nothing more. She had to believe that.

"So what you're saying is that you won't do your homework by yourself," she reasoned, a hand on her hip.

Leona looked up at her, green eyes narrowed in obvious loathing. "If that's all you got out of my little speech, then yeah."

Throwing her hands up, Jean exclaimed, "That's it! I'm done. I'm done doing your work for you, Leona. Do it yourself. I'll do everyone else's; just not yours."

She was tired, so tired. Ever since she'd gotten to this school, her workload had only increased from what it was in Mondstadt. Part of it was her fault for offering to help the others, of course. Up till now, she'd just accepted whatever work Leona handed to her. Not anymore.

"Fine. Do whatever you want; just get out of my room." Leona rolled away from her. The gesture was clear: you're dismissed.

So with anger seething inside her and a heart that felt strangely heavy, Jean stormed out of the housewarden's room.

After a few days of avoiding Jean, Leona awoke to a knock at his door. "Come in!" he called, still half-asleep.

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