But for the rest of the people of the world who didn't know the full story of Naruto Namikaze, there could only be one possible assumption due to their limited knowledge.

His son was a conqueror-not just of the battlefield, but also of the hearts and minds of people if the unstoppable cheering he was witnessing was anything to go by.

A Shinobi King.

"What does this mean for us?" asked another clan head,

Tobirama peaked a glance at Mito who gave him a nod as he turned his gaze back towards Hiruzen and the rest of the people in the room.

"Only that we were lucky to form an alliance with him and we should keep it that way if we are to win this war" advised Tobirama,

"Then we should turn this 'conqueror' and his undefeated armies might upon our enemies starting with Kumogakure. Gods know we need the help" proposed Lady Mito,

"I agree. For now, he might just be the answer to the foes that threaten to destroy us. I'll make sure our men are ready when he makes his next move. In the meantime, I'll send a congratulatory message from our end alongside a few gifts to honor his ascension" decided Hiruzen,

"Wise choice, Lord Hokage" agreed Lord Shin Nara,

None of the others present in the room raised any objection to that bringing an end to their emergency meeting, yet Tobirama's gaze found itself glancing back at the video recording.

He didn't know what the future held for them but for now...

"Your mother would be proud. As am I''


General Abe was being marched through the halls of the Kage Tower by a squad of Anbu Blackops. He could not help but rethink about the events since his defeat as he was led towards the new ruler of their nation.

Thousands of his men had died during the Capital's fall but the moment he surrendered, all those who followed suit were spared and instead taken prisoners.

Even when Mangetsu Hozuki learned of his father's tragic demise, Commander Saji of the Kumaon Brigade and the other Seven Ninja Swordsmen had prevented the grieving boy from extracting any unwanted vengeance upon their prisoners citing their General's orders to them.

Ever since then he had heard great tales from his prison guards about the sheer amount of changes their new ruler had undertaken since his rise to power. Most of it for the good of the people and the nation instead of feudal nobility.

It had greatly increased the respect Abe felt towards the young man even if he was the one keeping him and his family hostage.

He saw two Anbu standing guard outside a door and realized the decisive moment had arrived.

Once he was led inside, he finally came face to face with the man whose tales had spread to each and every corner of their nation. Perhaps even the world.

General Abe offered a respectful salute to the Fourth Mizukage prompting the young man to get up from his seat in a respectful acknowledgement of that gesture.

He then gestured for the Imperial General to take a seat followed by signalling the Anbu to leave the room.

Once they were gone, he took his own seat and looked at the older man.

"Please forgive me for not being able to offer you congratulations on your victory" said Abe truthfully, for doing so would only highlight his own failure to protect his feudal lord even more.

The new Mizukage displayed maturity beyond his young age by waving off that apology.

"You did your job, General. I can respect that as did I although I wish this conflict had never happened in the first place" answered Naruto honestly,

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