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Kushina calmly walked through Kirigakure's cemetery glancing at the hundreds of respectfully maintained graves with each having their unique marking and the details of the shinobi that died. The place was nearly empty this early in the morning, and a few moments later she found the man she was searching for standing exactly in front of the memorial stone.

A fond smile couldn't stop itself from arriving on her lips as her prediction about his whereabouts came true.

In some ways, he was quite predictable or maybe she knew him more than others did.

She stepped beside him and saw him calmly glancing at the names on the stone with the recent one of Ino Namikaze engraved in stark words.

It had been two days since he told her about what the Mizukage had offered him, naturally she was floored and so was the Uzu leadership as their wildest dream was coming true. They had given an official order to him to accept the position at all costs.

She had seen his misgivings on this matter yet for all his faults, he was a loyal shinobi who always followed his orders.

Kushina herself was quite stunned yesterday when she watched majority of the Mist Village rejoice when Gengetsu made the announcement public once Naruto gave his consent. Not everybody was satisfied, especially the Kaguya and Hagoromo clans but to their surprise the villagers actually were happy with this decision and she couldn't blame them.

A warm smile came on her face as she looked at him for a long moment and understood what the Mizukage had seen in him.

He was young, powerful, a fine shinobi and a probably the finest Commander that Kiri had seen in its entire history.

Most importantly, he was a good man who actually cared about the people around him and had the strength to stand up for what was right, no matter the odds against him.

"Good morning, Lord Third" she teased him with a mischievous smile,

"Not you too! Don't make me feel old" he protested with a weak smile,

"Don't tell me you are not happy!" said Kushina with a frown,

"It's not that. I don't think I am ready for this...maybe a few years later. I have a lot to learn about the world...being a Kage is no easy task. Maybe I would have made been a better choice as Lord Fourth instead. I don't know why but third makes me feel like I came last in a race or something" he explained with an amused laugh,

"Now that you mention it, maybe you do have a point. Naruto Namikaze- The Fourth Mizukage, sounds more cooler" she teased him,

"You seem to be in a happy mood today" he commented but not unkindly, earning a nonchalant shrug from her.

"It's because I am happy for you. Now you actually have a chance to change this world for the better. Isn't that what our fallen comrades would have wanted?" asked Kushina gently,

Her words made him glance at the memorial stone and his thoughts wandered towards the Spartans. Even today, it pained him when he remembered how they were sacrificed so easily.

He had been so angry and helpless all these years at the Uzukage and the elders for what they did. In his darkest fantasies, he had imagined making them pay for their crimes and creating a world where young children were never forced into that kind of hell.

"This will change things, Kushina"

He looked at her when she placed a firm hand on his shoulder and saw her giving him a knowing gaze.

"I know it will and it won't be easy. But I know you'll do what's best for Uzu and Kiri because that is the kind of man you are" said Kushina confidently,

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