Lost Boy Chronicles: Part 3

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Naruto stared at the vast mountain in front of him and couldn't help but clench his fists. The fact that he couldn't even see its top with his red eyes was a testament to its greatness, no wonder humans or even shinobi couldn't scale it till this day.

He saw the looks of disbelief present in the eyes of his squad. It was no doubt that they could easily scale this 15,000 feet high mountain if they could use chakra but without it...

It was suicide.

And that was exactly what they had to do.

"Are we scaling that?" whispered Mei in awe and fear as she pointed at the top of the mountain hidden in the clouds,

Mangetsu saw Naruto bring out his special three pronged kunai and distribute a pair to each of his squadmates. He twirled a similar pair in his fingers casually with a nonchalant gaze.

"How the fuck are we going to scale that?" asked Zabuza in disbelief,

He blinked when he saw Naruto suddenly throw one of his special kunai hundreds of feet high in the air as he vanished before their very eyes. Mangetsu narrowed his eyes when he saw Naruto had left behind the other kunai previously in his hand on the ground.

He looked up when he heard few of the others gasp and their shock was not unwarranted as he saw the Commander appear hundreds of feet high and catch the sailing kunai he had thrown.

He then threw the weapon even higher with the same force while also unleashing another one of those special kunai straight towards the mountain where it stuck perfectly and embedded itself in the rock. The entire squad was further shocked when a sturdy line of rope rolled down from the handle of that kunai straight towards the ground.

By the time, they all looked up again all that was visible were faint yellow flashes in the dark sky that were slowly becoming impossible for the naked eyes to see.

But they did realize what the Commander was doing.

"A genius like him is born once a generation" whispered Haku with respect,

"How can he do this?" said Mei in awe and fear,

They all waited in stunned silence as the flashes disappeared in the dark sky but as far as they could see more and more kunai were embedded across the entire mountain with ropes attached.

After a few minutes, Naruto flashed back to the ground by grabbing the kunai he had left behind on the ground.

He collapsed to one knee and his eyes were bleeding but he clenched his fists and took in a few deep breaths.

"Commander" said Mei worriedly, as she took in a few steps forward to check his injuries.

She stopped right in her tracks when the blood falling from his eyes suddenly stopped and vaporized. Through her sensory powers, she had felt the stress his body had been under previously but now his fatigue and minor wounds were healing instantly. In less than thirty seconds, he was standing tall and proud before them once more.

"Hope you have steady hands" said Naruto seriously,

"What kind of hell have you been through to become this strong?" asked Jinpachi hesitantly, having never imagined his fellow shinobi to be so powerful.

"I still didn't reach the top. We'll have to climb the last 500 feet the hard way" apologized Naruto,

Most of the squad couldn't help but sigh at the man's modesty or his clear lack of self pride. Still, that didn't affect him as he walked towards the spot where the rope was ready. He gestured for Ameyuri to come forward and helped her tie that rope firmly across her body and showed her how to tightly hold the twin three pronged kunai in her hand.

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