World Of Victors

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Naruto coldly stared at the charred corpses of the first Kinkaku soldiers that engaged against him in battle before pointing one of his flaming swords challengingly in the direction of the remaining 93 Kinkaku troops and their demonic fox transformed leader.

A small smile came upon his lips when he heard many of them roar in righteous fury over the fate of their unlucky comrades.

"What was that speed?"

He looked beside him as Mei arrived at his side with a completely disbelieving look present on her face even as she stared at the remains of the Kinkaku. One moment they were charging, a blink of a second later...they were charred corpses on the ground.

"Hirashin- Level 1. It's my clan's most powerful technique" revealed Naruto calmly, while gazing at any movement that the enemy was about to make.

"Level 1? You mean there is more?" asked Mei in shock, earning an amused smile from the blonde Namikaze beside her.

"Level 3 is the highest speed, a power which makes you even faster than lightning itself. Although a jutsu that results in the user's death" said Naruto with a hint of sadness ever present in his voice,

He would know for he had seen his mother perform all levels of this jutsu and meet her death in order to save his life and the future of Uzu.

He narrowed his eyes when the Nine Tailed transformed Kinkaku roared in apocalyptic fury.

"Can you take the 30 Kinkaku on the left flank?" he asked hesitantly,

"I'll try to stay alive" answered Mei with a nervous smile, but was relieved when he gave her a comforting smile.

"If you are in trouble, just use the kunai I gave you. I will be there" assured Naruto, pointing at the three pronged kunai in her pouch which he had shared with each of his squad member, even Kushina.

Thinking about his Spartan comrade made him worry as he should have felt or heard something from her by now.

Instead, there was only silence.

He quickly made a hand seal making ash like chakra be released from his body until it soon took the form of a complete carbon copy of himself. The clone and the original locked eyes with each other.

"You know what to do" instructed Naruto with a knowing gaze,

"Got it, boss"

Mei blinked in confusion on this sudden action and before she could ask, the clone vanished in a flash and her attention was quickly diverted to the front as the entire Kinkaku force alongside the giant Nine Tailed fox charged.

She could not help the raw fear that gripped her heart on that sight.

"Mei, we will go home once this is over. All of us"

The fear in her heart stopped as he took up position in front of her even as his reassuring words made her feel hope once again. She nodded gratefully towards him before sprinting towards the 30 Kinkaku approaching from the left flank.

Naruto nodded respectfully before fixing his gaze towards the approaching 63 Kinkaku from the center and right flank led by their leader in his Biju form.

"Now then, let's see how good you really are"

His hands quickly moved through a complex set of hand seals as he summoned nearly one-sixth of his chakra reserves apart from using the nature energy around him as he saw a few charging Kinkaku creating something.

"Multi Tailed Beast Bomb Barrage!"

Naruto took in a deep breath as massive amounts of ash like chakra was released from his body even as the mini bombs of mass destruction raced towards him.

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