The Seventh Swordsman

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Gengetsu Hozuki clenched his fist.

The Second Mizukage was not a happy man these days. It was due to multiple reasons, most important of them being the fact that he was losing a war.

His village was on the backfoot, unable to fight against the combined might of Land of Earth and Land of Lightning.

The Second Ninja War had started with a great promise for Kiri but like other great nations, it had also suffered due to the chaos.

The Second Hokage was dead.

So was the Second Raikage.

Yet both Konoha and Kumo had plenty of skilled shinobi to fight on despite the fall of their leaders. Both nations had great armies which they were using ruthlessly to carve each other up. Meanwhile, Kiri was locked in a duel war against Kumo and Iwa.

It had just been two months since the war began and already thousands of shinobi were dead, atleast a thousand from Kiri's own lands. The death toll didn't only include the common shinobi ranks, but also Anbu, Hunter Ninjas and even most of the Seven Great Swordsman.

Gengetsu cursed his own petty rivalry with the Second Tsuchikage that made him take impulsive decisions that led to the deaths of four of his seven great ninja swordsman at the hands of Mu and his student Ohnoki.

Now, Kiri was on the backfoot with its strength dwindling and the shinobi morale collapsing as news of four of their strongest falling to enemy hands reached the masses.

But Gengetsu was not one to give up so easily. Despite the losses, he knew Kiri had plenty of skilled fighters in its ranks. Men and women ready to fight for their motherland and honor their fallen comrades.

It was from them that he had already chosen three of the four vacant spots in the ranks of the Seven Ninja Swordsman.

A woman from the Hunter Corps who would now wield Nuibari (Sewing Needle), her Ice Release and sharp instincts would make her the perfect new master of the blade now that its former wielder was slain.

He had chosen two of his most powerful and dangerous Jounin to wield Samehada (Shark Skin) and Kubikiribocho (Executioner Blade), their violent nature and monstrous power would serve them well in handling those dangerous swords.

Ameyuri Ringo was still serving him faithfully as the master of the twin blades Kiba (Fangs).

While Mangetsu Hozuki, his own son and heir wielded Kabutowari (Helmet Splitter). Gengetsu knew his son had potential not just to lead the Hozuki clan in the future but also Kiri with his power and cunning.

Jinpachi Munashi had survived his battle against the Tsuchikage with his blade Shibuki (Splash) and was eager to blow his enemies to oblivion despite the wounds he sustained.

Unfortunately, the last of the holy blades Hiramekarei was destroyed alongside its master when he fell in battle against Mu, the Second Tsuchikage.

The loss of the swordsman was a heavy blow but the destruction of one of the seven holy blades was an unforgivable sin, one which the people of Kiri would make Iwa repent in blood for.

Unfazed, Gengetsu had ordered the creation of a new sword. In order to make his mark in history, he decided to create twin swords but while the Kiba (Fangs) allowed its master power over lightning and destruction, he wanted these new blades to be the embodiment of his own rage which was swift and brutal.

His weaponsmiths had outdone themselves and prepared a dangerous weapon.

Now, the Mizukage had to find the one most suited to wield them.

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