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Gengetsu and the remaining six great swordsmen had gathered in the Mizukage's office.

In front of them was the Anbu commander who had just finished submitting every file they had on the mysterious Anbu who won the bloody battle to become the Seventh Swordsman.

"We call him The Young Wolf, an apt codename given by the previous Anbu Commander for him as he was one of the youngest boys to join our ranks. He has never lost any battle nor failed any mission assigned to him no matter how tough or painful" explained the Anbu leader, pride clearly audible in his voice.

"He's just a boy" commented Gengetsu, surprised by the boy's young age despite what his records said.

"He's an orphan, my lord. He used to sneak into the Academy and attended classes for a year in order to become a shinobi, he was good enough not to get noticed until one of our retired Anbu entered the academy for teaching and caught him. He saw the boy's potential and gave him to the Blackops. We made him one of us after seeing his potential and he has never disappointed since" explained the Anbu Commander,

"These records say his birthplace is Nachi village near the eastern coast, a small fishing colony. What about his parents?" asked Mangestu seriously,

"We did investigate but found no concrete records, Lord Mangetsu. However, the village was full of orphan children from the last war. Kiri had just been established and records were not being maintained properly until your father established a proper system. But I assure you, he is one of our finest and a loyal soldier of Kiri" promised the Anbu Commander fiercely,

"Huh? Naruto, what a strange name. No surname?" asked Kisame curiously, as he read through the records.

"Unfortunately not"

"He's already married and that too to a pretty blonde hunter. A shame for you, Haku" sneered Ameyuri, earning a cold look from the former hunter ninja now turned Swordswoman.

Haku ignored Ameyuri's remarks and instead turned her attention towards the Mizukage and his son. Even Zabuza watched her closely.

"The girl he is married to is called Ino. A successful hunter ninja whom I know in passing if not as a friend" vouched Haku,

"Boy's got quite a body-count on his hands for someone so young. 234 confirmed kills is not a bad start" grinned Zabuza,

While everyone was busy familiarizing themselves with Naruto's accomplishments and history, Gengetsu's eyes had caught something which the Anbu commander didn't want them to see.

The Mizukage looked at the man seriously then,

"If he is such a fine officer, then I would surely have heard about him until now. Why have I not heard about such a splendid shinobi?" questioned Gengetsu seriously, and was sure the Anbu Commander flinched.

" a bit strange, my lord. From what I have seen, he only has a handful friends and lives peacefully with his wife. He is loved by his juniors and respected by his peers and leaders, but he hates spotlight so much that he insists on keeping his mission records secret even amongst Anbu. He was one of the candidates I was hoping would succeed me in the future but I think he somehow detests leadership" explained the Anbu commander tiredly,

"What about this mission? The records say he disobeyed orders and went back behind enemy lines despite orders commanding him to retreat back to Kiri?" demanded Gengetsu, he could not afford to have any lose cannons in his ranks and this evidence was not painting a good picture.

To his surprise, the Anbu commander didn't flinch or cower in the face of that accusation. Instead the man actually straightened up with pride visible in his fierce gaze.

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