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(Land of Fire)

Ino looked at the vast feudal capital around her where the Daimyo of her nation currently resided alongside majority of the noble lords that supported him. These leaders were responsible for supporting Konoha's existence and also bankrolling its never ending wars against other nations.

After what happened at the Kage Summit, where the greed of this nobility led to another needless war in which thousands of warriors were going to die.

It is not humanity or their own nations that they seek to protect; but only their own power, homes, wealth and dynasties.

She clenched her fist bitterly as she remembered Naruto's parting words to her before he went to war and as she arrived in the capital and watched the nobility living a life of senseless lavish while sending others to die in their war made her blood boil.

For far too long, these feudal lords have controlled the fate of shinobi and the whole world. For the sake of our race's future, they must be eliminated. I started this revolution in the Land of Water, and spread it across the Land of Lightning, Land of Frost and Land of Hot Water. But there are still a few feudal lords left, namely from the Land of Fire, Wind, Earth among the major ones alongside those of minor nations. Regardless of the outcome of this war, they must all be eliminated right down to their last bloodline.

That is the sole purpose of the Cobra Unit which I want you to lead. With most of the militaries focused upon me, the feudal lords will have less security to defend them. I already have some of my best units stationed across every target of importance alongwith their supporters from the nobility. I want you to lead the operation to eliminate the Land of Fire's Daimyo personally, as he is the key to this entire corrupt system- being the most powerful and influential political leader in the world. When the time comes, we shall bring the feudal system that has taken away our freedom crashing to its knees...

This shall be Humanity's coup against those that have taken our freedom to peace and prosperity.

Ino had felt something awaken within her heart upon hearing the dream of the man she loved dearly. The fact that it was the greed of these same leaders that had made Naruto a wanted criminal in the world only sealed their fate in her eyes.

She also understood as to why the feudal leadership across the world feared Naruto Namikaze and wanted him to be eliminated even at the cost of another world war that would probably cross all brutality in known history.

For them, he was the devil who sought to destroy everything they had built for themselves and their future dynasties over the past several thousands of years.

"We are ready"

She turned around in her room to find one of the Zetsu standing at attention and looking at her expectantly even as the moonlight shone upon her face.

"Then let's end this corrupt system" she declared resolutely,

(Land of Lightning)

"My dear warriors, It's time to come home"

Mangetsu Hozuki watched the crushing effect of that order given by General Abe, the temporary leader of their nation had on their entire army including members of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

Even the veteran General looked heartbroken through the Astral Communication link as he gave that fateful order.

"This is not a war of our making. I cannot in good conscience risk the future of our nation or send anyone of you to die in such a senseless conflict" explained General Abe,

"The General's right, men. We heard the former Mizukage gave you a visit and what transpired afterwards, but the fact is that you are the greatest army in the world in service to the greatest nation and not a single man" reminded the Anbu Commander through the Astral projection,

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