Lost Boy Chronicles: Part 1

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Tobirama blinked in surprise when he saw those blood red eyes once more. He looked closer and saw the boy's remaining features. Fair skin, handsome blonde hair and that facemask....

There could be no mistake.

"Little Madara, I didn't think you would survive this long much less change your allegiance" thought Tobirama curiously, as memories of that dark day came back to haunt him.

(Flashback: Ten years Ago)

Tobirama exhaled a sigh of relief when he saw his elder brother resting flat against the bark of a tall tree. He was wounded and looked extremely tired, however Mito was already healing the worst of his wounds by sharing her chakra and healing prowess with him. A dozen Senju and Uchiha clan warriors surrounded the First Hokage, ready to defend the royal couple with their lives if required in the dangerous and war torn Land of Lightning.

"Tobirama..." rasped Hashirama in a hoarse voice,

The younger Senju instantly knelt beside his brother and placed his hand upon Hashirama's shoulder.

"I'm here, Elder Brother" replied Tobirama calmly, doing well in hiding his anger at the bastards who did this to his sibling.

"Can...you...teleport...us...all...to...the...battlefield?" asked Hashirama tiredly,

"The battlefield? No way, are you crazy....Hashirama?' asked Mito furiously, as she desperately worked to heal the Hokage's wounds.

"The children...." whispered Hashirama,

"What?" asked Tobirama with a frown, sensing the same question arising in their fellow comrade's eyes.

"Uzumaki children. A special forces unit dispatched from Uzu.....they rescued me from the trap and are currently stalling the enemy army buying us time to escape" said Hashirama sadly,

"Uzumaki? Since when did they have a special forces unit that is strong enough to face Kumogakure's army?" asked Kagami Uchiha, son of Izuna Uchiha and future leader of the Uchiha clan now that both Madara and Izuna were gone.

Many eyes turned towards Mito who had the grace to lower her head as she revealed the secret known only to the Uzumaki clan members.

"After the Clan Wars ended, our clan had lost quite a lot of our numbers. In order to defend ourselves against Kumogakure's advances, the First Uzukage put in motion a plan to create a force of extremely talented individuals who could defend Uzu against impossible odds. These warriors would have special abilities powerful enough to even defeat tailed beasts if required. For this reason, they chose the best and brightest children from our clan, even experimenting on their bodies in the hopes of giving birth to new Kekkai Genkai. This was still a plan being worked upon when I married Hashirama and came to Konoha. After that, I don't know what happened.....many among the clan were opposed to this idea as the very desire behind creating our village was to protect young children from dying needlessly in the frontlines. It would seem not much has changed despite the new era" lamented Mito,

To her and everyone's surprise, Hashirama started to get back on his feet despite protests from his comrades. When they tried to stop him, they received a dangerous glare from the Hokage which made even Tobirama back away.

"Take us to the battlefield, Tobirama"

Tobirama knew very well not to disrespect his elder brother's wishes when his mind was made up. One glance in Hashirama's dark eyes was enough to show his resolve to protect the Uzumaki children even if it meant putting all their lives in danger.

"Very well, Elder brother. Everyone, join hands with each other and connect with me" said Tobirama with a sigh, as he gathered his chakra for a long jump. It would be quite the effort but if Hashirama willed it, then Tobirama would make it happen.

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