Cycle of Hatred

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It was the only thought that came to his mind as he watched the Third Raikage unleash his full power making the very skies roar with a cacophonous lightning rumbling. Every hair on the dark skinned man's body was standing upwards defying all gravity, his entire body coated in an armor of lightning that most attacks wouldn't be strong enough to pierce, and his killing intent enough to terrify even the most battle hardened shinobi.

He had faced Biju's in his life alongside many strong opponents but after Madara Uchiha, he found himself intimidated by someone else's sheer power.

"You may not be a tactician, Raikage. But you are worthy of being a Kage" thought Naruto begrudgingly,

"Many say you are the fastest shinobi of this generation. Since you are also the last survivor of the Namikaze clan, the rival of my own clan- it is fitting that I kill you in battle" threatened the Raikage menacingly,

The dark skinned man was also gauging his own opponent carefully, after all the young man had dodged the very first level of his speed without any difficulty, a feat only a few in the Cloud Village including his own son A were capable of.

"Tactics won't help you here, Mizukage. Only strength will" challenged the Raikage in a mocking way,

"There is only one man in this world against whom my tactics won't work. You are not that man" answered Naruto without a flinch,

"Then who is?" asked the Raikage, out of curiosity.

"Madara Uchiha"

The Mizukage enjoyed the minor tremor that passed through the Raikage upon hearing that legendary name. It only further showed that a reputation like that was needed alongside the compassion of Hashirama Senju if one wanted to unite the world. Words and weak hearted men alone could never unite humanity.

"Madara is not here to affirm your claim. So it's pointless" said the Raikage finally, earning a cold smirk from the blonde.

"Then you'll die as ignorant as you were always"

The Raikage's eyes widened when his opponent's previous red gaze transformed into a mixture of yellow and green with a hint of red still present. His impressive power now flaring even more, reminding the Kumogakure leader of another man whom he had once seen wielding this power.

"You're a Sage, just like Hashirama Senju" he commented in surprise,

"Yes. Thanks for chatting so freely and allowing me the time to gather my power" replied Naruto with a cheeky smile,

The Raikage clenched his fist even more bitterly as he realized the boy had intentionally kept him talking, all the while gathering Sage chakra during the pause in their battle. Crafty bastard...

"I told you, tactics no matter which form always are useful" teased Naruto,

The next moment he had to dodge as the Raikage launched himself at him with a murderous roar, this time going at speeds even the Uchiha wouldn't be able to discern with their Sharingan.

If any of their supporters could see them, they would only catch multiple lightning and dark flashes happening all across the skies.

The Third Raikage was getting more and more aggressive as his opponent dodged the plethora of strikes with a speed he had never seen in any shinobi. Deciding to increase the tempo, he launched a roundhouse kick which made his opponent teleport a few meters backwards only to find another Raikage materialize out of a flash of lightning and already aiming to pierce his chest.

Once again, the Mizukage vanished.

"He's fast. Speed alone isn't his strength, he's a skilled sensor who uses Sage powers to detect any of my nature based attacks or even my own presence before I can deal the devastating blow. I'll have to try something else" thought the Raikage begrudgingly, as the younger Kage appeared several hundred meters behind him.

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