The Fall

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"Bring it on, Father"

Naruto looked at the Senju brothers standing before him in all their glory. Behind them stood their large Allied army, now having gotten to a safe distance away from the upcoming fight knowing the power these three Kage's were capable of unleashing.

It was exactly like what he had seen in the memories the Sage had shown him.

With the wounds and exertion suffered by his body, it was impossible for him to truly defeat the two men in front of him.

And yet he still had to stop them.

Looking at his father-Tobirama made his heart clench again. Knowing as long as the man lived, Naruto's own comrades and their victory would never be assured. But could he truly bring himself to kill his own parent?

His Uncle-Hashirama was already dead, but Tobirama was alive.

However, the Hokage looked determined to kill him to save his cause and the men who followed him.

Naruto was left with no choice but to do what was best for his own comrades, adding another regret to his rather long line.

He charged towards them already performing a set of hand signs to call forth the forbidden power, the only one left in his arsenal that could stop the Senju brothers permanently. It was taught to him by the Uzukage himself as the leader of the Spartans upon the completion of his training, to be used to against the most powerful tailed beast when all was lost.

He had never imagined he would be forced to use it upon his own family.

Hashirama tried to stop him by first raising dozens of vines from the ground to stop his charge and when that failed, the First Hokage sent a hail of wooden projectiles from his hands to skewer his nephew. To his surprise, Naruto evaded most with his Hirashin but didn't resist when a few through sheer numbers did strike across multiple vital points.

Tobirama was upon him next with his holy sword- Raijin no Ken.

The Second Hokage sent the lightning sword straight towards his son's heart with the intention of forcing him to stop whatever jutsu he was creating. He watched in horror when Naruto still didn't stop and allowed the deadly sword to pierce his heart as the doomed Kage finished the final hand sign.

Hashirama gasped in shock when a clone of Naruto appeared in front of him instantly and grabbed him in an unbreakable grip laced with Fuinjutsu seals that preventing further movement. Glancing ahead, he saw a similar action had been taken against Tobirama even if the Second Hokage had stabbed his own son clean through the heart.

"Summoning Jutsu: Reaper Death Seal"

The Senju brothers felt the very air around them becoming cold and haunting as they paled upon witnessing the arrival of an entity that terrified their own hearts.

For it was God of Death himself.

The Shinigami stood before them in all its monstrous power staring down upon them in judgement. It had a humanoid but demonic visage larger than any man, with long shaggy white hair from which two red horns were emerging. Its ghastly body was covered in a white kimono but they still saw faint purple colored skin of the ancient being in some places. In one hand it held a savage looking tanto while the other held prayer beads of some kind. Its mouth was full of long and sharp teeth and a very disturbing long serpentine like tongue.

Hashirama and Tobirama paled further when they saw the monster was already having a soul hanging in front of it like an offering. With growing horror, they realized it was Naruto's.

The brothers used all their might to break free knowing they were in danger but the Fuinjutsu that Naruto and his clone had tainted them with made them stay just where they were.

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