Naruto Namikaze

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"What did you just say?" asked Naruto suspiciously,

Kushina gestured for him to follow her inside the apartment and he did without question despite his shock. He gave her a pointed stare once they were in earning a tired nod from her.

"I'm your new handler, Naruto. The village leaders understand that you didn't pay much attention to the orders from the previous one and did what you wanted most of the time" revealed Kushina with a frown on her face,

"I have always been loyal!" defended Naruto fiercely,

"Nobody is doubting that! But even you agree that over the years you have started doing things your own way. Yes, you have established yourself very well in Kiri but not in the way the leadership wanted" explained Kushina patiently,

"If they want it done their way, thinking themselves to be better than the men on the ground, then they can do this job themselves!" retorted Naruto bitterly,

"He never forgave us for what happened to the Spartans"

He froze on hearing Kushina reciting that accusation and one look in her sad gaze made him realize just who had told her this.

"The Uzukage said that to me. Despite everything, he still has faith in you but it's time you and they reconcile these differences for Uzu's sake if nothing else. It's why they sent me here" said Kushina honestly,

Naruto sighed as he lit up another cigarette and sat on the couch silently.

Kushina sat by his side and laid a comforting hand on his shoulder while giving him a sad smile.

"I'm truly sorry for what happened to Ino. If there is anything I can do for you..." she whispered somberly,

Some of his anger disappeared when he looked in her eyes and only now did he realize she was the same girl he had loved all those years ago. He was angry and sad, with these emotions clouding his judgement. He didn't like the way the village had placed his last friend in danger like this or the way they were using her against him.

The Uzukage knew very well that while he liked to do things his way, he would not cross a line if it meant that would reflect badly on Kushina or put her loyalty to the village in jeopardy.

"They are using you against me, Kushina" he whispered bitterly,

"I know, but it doesn't have to be that way. You can continue doing things the way you want, but there are some basic objectives where I will need your help with, irrespective of your personal feelings. You understand that, don't you?" she asked gently,

"Good ninjas follow orders" he repeated in a mocking voice, earning a scoff from her.

"They do. But good friends have each others backs"

He couldn't hide his smile or his eyes from becoming moist. Everything had happened so fast and he had to put up a facade in front of others, even with Tobirama to some extent. But the truth was that he was devastated, he blamed himself for not being there to protect Ino, for the pain she must have went through when she lost her arm, and this feeling of emptiness he felt now that she was gone.

Kushina hugged him fiercely in her warm embrace and it was then that the dam broke.

She listened as he told her about the events that had happened after he rescued her. Many of the revelations shocked her, but never once did she let go of him and continued rubbing his back and hair affectionately.

Madara's existence and his plans for him troubled her greatly, but she had faith in him and his refusal to join the man proved she was right.

She felt as if someone had stabbed her in the heart brutally when he told her about Ino's pregnancy as it was a future she had always wanted with him instead.

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