"It'll be alright, Naruto. Someday this war will end and you can meet her and your little Spartan" said Kushina with a warm smile, trying her best to hide the heartbreak she felt within her own chest on saying those words.

But it was enough to give him hope and seeing his smile made all the pain worth it.

"Little Spartan?" he asked fondly,

"I don't care who his mother is. He's the child of our Spartan Commander and that makes him a part of our family no matter where he is" said Kushina with a proud smile,

"You seem quite sure it will be a boy" said Naruto with an amused smile of his own,

"Call it a woman's intuition" she retorted with a smirk,

"Then he'll be honored to have a Spartan Godmother"

Kushina's eyes widened in shock and she was left speechless, only able to look at him with an astonished stare and received an encouraging smile and a comforting hand on her shoulder from him.

"Why me?" she asked in a whisper,

"I trust you, Kushina. You were there with me from the beginning. You're my family and I want you to be a part of it forever. It's selfish of me but would you accept it?" he asked hopefully,

"You know how to sweet talk a girl into doing anything, bastard" replied Kushina with a faint smile, but her moist eyes and choked voice as she accepted his request were more than enough to reveal her feelings which made him immensely happy.

"Thank you, Kushina"

They both just looked at each other for a few long moments before Naruto kissed her forehead and got up from the couch.

"So, what's this mission that you want me to do?" he asked seriously,

She snapped out of her daze and immediately took out a small scroll from one of her pouches and placed it on a table in front of her earning a curious gaze from him.

"Our village needs an ace up its sleeve. We are too dependent on Konoha for our survival, there will be drastic changes made to our ninja forces once this war is over and if we survive" she began with a straight face,

"I hope they are not planning to start another Spartan program" whispered Naruto worriedly, as he couldn't imagine more young children being pushed into that kind of meat-grinder.

"No, but ever since the Spartans perished our village lacked its own special forces. Soon enough, the Uzukage is planning on establishing our own Anbu Blackops force made up from veteran shinobi and not children. Although a few child prodigies may end up being a part of it nonetheless" she answered sadly,

"I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later" acquiesced Naruto with a heavy sigh,

"And since our village does not have a tailed beast to protect itself unlike the other great villages, we are developing our own secret plan that we will bring us on parity with them soon enough" revealed Kushina with a grave nod,

"What is it?'' asked Naruto warily, as the last time Uzu had tried something like this many young children had died before their time in the most brutal way possible.

"They are creating a WMD-Weapon of Mass Destruction. The great villages will never let us get a tailed beast in order to maintain their superiority. Our village and economy is smaller so we cannot go on an aggressive campaign deep into their lands or hold them permanently in case if we miraculously penetrate deep behind their lines. As such, we need a strong deterrent against any enemy invasion into our lands" answered Kushina seriously,

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