Chapter Thirty Five

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TW: Lemonade

"If that is monstrous, then so be it. I think I like monsters..."

"Princess, Tama... Come on, gotta get up, Treasures. Gotta get food in you both, getting late." The low rumble of the pet name from a certain redhead drew me out of sleep, and I twitched, grumbling in resistance as I drew my wings up farther, attempting to shield my face with the cover they raised.

So warm and comfy... Tamaki's fuzzy sweater-covered chest was the best pillow. The heat that collected between us, sealed in by the blanket, was perfection. I didn't want to move at all. By Tamaki's quiet groan, the feeling was likely mutual.


"I-It's time already? Mmh... Moonlight, wouldn't you like to eat before shift?" Tamaki's voice was scratchy from sleepiness, and I grumbled, shaking my head. He sounded like he needed more rest, too...

"Not hungry. Tummy can wait."

"Even if there's baaaaacon~?" Eijirou's gentle tone followed my second resistant mutter, my eye finally cracking open, blearily casting a glance to the side. Ei was crouched beside the couch, a soft grin on his face, brightening further as he spotted my meek attempt at a scowl. Seeing the man I loved beam at me naturally drew my lips into a curve of their own, exhaling drowsily as Tamaki hugged around my back gently.

"Nu fair, usin' my love for meat against me..." His grin only grew wider, a twinkle of mischievousness in his eyes as he patted my head tenderly.

"Well, if you don't get up now to eat, then you won't get any later tonight, either. C'mon, baby. And don't worry, Mirio's not out there to harass ya – Sero took him back home 'long with Izuku. Blanket's coming off!" Eijirou's happy, cheerful tone with a lovely insinuation made my cheeks fill with color, though the blush didn't last.

The mention of my former friend's name made my smile drop away, along with the knowledge that both Sero and Izuku left with him, a small ache in my chest starting right off the bat. Everything that had happened rushed back all at once, dimming that lightness I felt from being coerced to awaken with the teases. Right... That had happened.

"Izumi?" Tamaki let out a yawn before uttering my name in a question, and I shook my head quickly, shuddering as Eijirou removed the blanket, forcing my body into action as my wings curled around my shoulders to retain as much warmth as possible.

"I'm fine, just kinda forgot, and annoyed it messed up friend time. But still, good to know, so I won't tense up and all. Ugh, cold... What happened when we were asleep, Dragon? No issues, right? No fighting?" Grumbling a little as I carefully detached from Tamaki so that he could get up from the couch, I groaned, more shivers coursing through me as my body attempted to reject the chill of the air in contrast. Though I was spun softly by my shoulder, and I let out a soft grunt of surprise as I bumped against Eijirou's chest, his arms wrapping around me.

"You're worrying again, Princess..." I blinked slowly at his gentle fuss, a shallow sigh escaping my lips before shivering yet again, hugging him and inhaling his wonderful scent as his arms tightened. Mixed with the lavender still lingering, it was perfection. Strengthened even, as Tamaki joined in the hug, my swell of stress dissolving away.

"I know I shouldn't, that I should just trust you guys to take care of things when you say you will, but I can't help it, Dragon. Feel responsible, even if I know I didn't really do anything to deserve those cruel words..." I felt the strong muscles beneath that shirt tense at my mention of 'responsible', though he let out a heavy sigh, relaxing a moment after and pressing a kiss to my forehead as I looked up at him.

"Yeah, I get it, baby. Just kinda... Mmh." I blinked, stilling as I spotted Eijirou's face creasing in sudden agitated annoyance, surprising me.

"Ei?" He shook his head briefly, and I frowned at him, raising a hand to cup his cheek, the large man's shoulders slumping as he leaned into my hand. Tamaki shuffled a little closer, the sudden compression of tendrils felt, soothing both me and Eijirou as they kneaded subtly in their warm embrace. Tamaki was comforting us without saying a word, yawning into my neck as he snuggled against my back.

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