Chapter Six

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"You didn't happen to get a picture of that kitty you saved earlier did you?!"

Red Riot's laughter at the sudden change of topic was sharp, and adorably like a bark. A real laugh, washing his bashfulness away with the sound. I grinned in victory, hearing the brightened sound from him, wings fluffing in content beneath my cloak. Seeing a few people around us, I just shot them a smile and a wave, seeing their faces light up from his contagious mirth.

His arm softened back to its normal form, calling off his Quirk either by will or by the sudden change of the situation. Maybe I should test that out later. It took him a minute to reign in his laughter, and he shook his head to himself, his wide grin seemingly unable to leave his lips. Instead of answering me right off, he tugged his phone out, tapping in a couple of locations, before tossing his phone to me.

I snatched it up quickly, a bright grin on my lips as I took in the sight. Oh goodness, it was a tabby! The bright orange and white cat was clawing at his hardened arm playfully. The kid he had mentioned he saved must've been hugging around his neck, seeing a thin arm, the cute little fluff of hair poking up with the barest of glimpse of eyes over his shoulder with the angled selfie pose. I giggled at the radiant grin he had, staring at the photo for a good few seconds, trying to lock it into my memory.

"I had to practically beg the mom to make her kid unlatch from me, he's so strong! Like a spider monkey, just clung to me. He's the main reason it took forever, and I had to reassure the kitten that I wasn't a threat before getting it down too. Doesn't help my hand was about as big as the scared lil' thing." I finally tore my eyes away from his phone, hearing the warmth in his voice, his joy at helping. My eyes met his, seeing the warmth in his crimson eyes, swallowing reflexively as I felt my chest throb at the sight.

He loved it... Being a Hero. There was absolutely no lie, no hidden agenda in his eyes. Just steadfast, and honest adoration for his life's job. To be able to impact other's lives positively. And it was fucking attractive. Even with all that the Commission had been accused of, and other heroes had resigned, he was one of the good ones that followed his own beliefs, undaunted by the criticism. He lived to help people... And took such pride in it. Not blind pride or arrogance, either. He was awe-inspiring, even for someone like me, that had my values to go by. Maybe I could learn more than I thought possible.

I had caught myself staring a moment too long into his crimson eyes, my cheeks flaring as I glanced away, pushing his phone back into his hands as I cleared my throat. His fingers gently brushed mine before taking his phone back, and I tugged my hand back, flexing my fingers to relieve some of the tingles.

"S-So... Do you take pictures of all the kids you rescue or?" I mentally cursed myself for the stutter, though he didn't seem to notice, shoving his phone back into his pocket before idly rubbing at his elbow, massaging into the joint.

"Well, putting it that way makes it sound a little creepy, Ceru~. Just, if someone wants a picture with me, I see if I can get one too! Gotta show you my collection some time, think I've filled half the Cloud on my own." His charming grin returned, and it took me a moment to realize he had attempted to tease me back with the 'creep' part.

Ooh, stepping up to the plate? Color me impressed.

I flashed a grin back, glancing around absently before tugging my phone out, unlocking it, and cycling through to the photos, holding it up so he could see. He let out a little 'awwh', and I beamed in delight, chuckling as he took in the sight of the black and white 'child' of mine rolled onto his back, staring expectantly into the camera. An aggressive 'pet me' easily told in his gaze that cat lovers could tell. Or 'worship me'; that look was one and the same.

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