Chapter Eight

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TW: Injury

"So... How long have you known him, Red? I want to help him open up more, too."

My tone had been gentle, hopeful even that he might be open to divulging some information, though his look back into my eyes made me blink a few times. Chary. That was the best way to describe his look. A faint pricking at the back of my neck made me shift uncomfortably, knowing that look far too well; the severe, almost solemn caution in his eyes was a sharp flip from his warmth earlier.

"Okay, so... I know that you're at least decent friends with him, and uh... Ugh, this probably sounds suspicious as hell. I've been away for so much of his life, that I wanted to try to figure out different ways to help him open up, as I couldn't be around for stuff that went down. You don't have to tell me anything personal or anything! Just..." I hesitated, listening to myself, knowing how it sounded. He had every right to be cautious of telling me anything. 

His arms crossed over his chest, and for a moment, I felt that intimidation that villains did from his presence. I had unintentionally found a switch, it seemed...

"I know we're supposed to be working on teamwork and all, but anything personal with him should definitely come from his mouth. I like you Ceru, believe me. But it wouldn't be manly at all, let alone a good friend, to tell you anything that could hurt him, even if by accident. Even with best intentions. Ya get me?" His voice was calm, though protectiveness was coming off him in waves. 

Threatening, though it was subtle. A warning, far less subtle.

I found myself smiling softly after I absorbed his words though, taking a breath and blinking repeatedly to soothe the faint pooling of tears. Part of me had been scared with that switch triggered, that I might've endangered the friendship we had started to build in this short time. I might still, but his comment on liking me gave me a sliver of hope.

"Fuck, I'm relieved. I mean yeah sure, I'd love to learn more about him, but... Seeing how protective you are, it's comforting. You're not afraid to tell someone that's even an old friend off if it might endanger your friend's mental health, or otherwise. That's... Beyond manly. Thank you, for being there for him like that. For being a trustworthy friend. I'll talk to him about it." I hadn't tried to flatter him, it was honest truth in my words. He held my gaze, searching my eyes for something before he let out a slow sigh. Finally breaking eye contact, he glanced to the side, tapping his finger along his forearm. I was about to ask, but he cut me off.

"You're... Different. Open, yet so closed off. I can't figure you out, Ceru. I definitely appreciate your dropping this, just can't help but feel strange. I wanna open up to you about him since you do seem to honestly care, but I've got to be a good friend, first. Sorry for getting defensive. You understand, yeah?" He looked back to me again, smiling slightly, his words causing a jolt in my heart. He wasn't wrong at all. I was closed off.

I shook my head quickly, wanting to reach out to give physical touch and an emotional pass of reassurance, though I didn't want to press anything at the time. I didn't want to use my skills to manipulate the situation, for once, against my training. I was fighting against every urge to just divert the tension, or plead for forgiveness to prevent him from shutting me out of everything. I needed to be straightforward, else I'd lose any trust I had managed to earn.

"No, don't ever be sorry for being defensive and protective Red! It's a very admirable quality to have. Even going into it, I was thinking it'd be better to ask forgiveness later, and... It's not being kind to Suneater. It's not considering his feelings at all. I'll admit, being a good friend is something I'm not well versed in. Not that I've been a bad friend necessarily, but I go for my instincts overall. I don't have many friends. My mindset..." I hesitated, thinking about his comment before about me being closed off, sighing but stopping from getting trapped in my head. Fuck, this was hard.

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