Chapter Eighteen

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I was asleep before I knew it; cinnamon, earth, and lavender chasing away any nightmares that dared to come.

The slow buzzing of my phone made me shift a little in my sleep, groaning as I hid back into the warmth my face was pressed into. I didn't want to wake up, too comfy. Familiar scents tickled my nose, unable to place them in my drowsy state, nuzzling into and squeezing at the warmth with a wing.

"Tama, silence it." An irritated rumble to a husky, drowsy voice.

"Might be important though? W-Wait, it says... ChickenFucker? What even..." A hesitant, sleepy mumble.

"Nff... Tell Kei... Fuck oooooooofffff..." An exhausted whisper came from me, starting to gather my consciousness up, eyes cracking open and finding a bare chest in my face. Cinnamon, earth... Eijiro. Tamaki was behind me then? Why were we in my bed? Dunno, but it felt nice, though. Safe. So sleepy. My eyes drooped closed again, trying to return to blissfully warm sleep.

"Are you sure, angel?" The whispered nickname brought a jolt of realization to my focus, my cheeks erupting in crimson as my eyes shot open. Oh, last night was... Ohhhh. I pushed myself up quickly in alarm, grunting in pain and collapsing back down against Eijiro, his worried sigh slipping as his arms caught and hugged me back against his chest gently.

"Don't move too quick baby, your ribs..."

"Y-Yeah, just remembered, ouch. I'll take the call, Tama. Thank you." I blindly reached back, taking the buzzing phone from Tamaki and smiling drowsily at the kiss pressed quickly to my wrist, grumbling as I dropped the phone on the side of my face as my fingers fumbled. Too early... I picked it up and answered it, clearing my throat a little to try and break free of my sleepy voice.

"Kei, what's wrong? Slow down, can't understand you." I shifted and grumbled, rubbing my eyes with my other hand, sagging in ease as I felt a gentle kiss pressed to the back of my neck.

"You, you brat! Mana told me you cracked ribs last night! Where's your head at?! You're going to give this old bird a heart attack!" I groaned a little as his spastic fussing was able to be understood finally, stifling a yawn and nuzzling at Eiji's chest as his warm hand rested on my side, soothing the dully aching ribs with his body heat.

"Was going to tell you today, just woke up with the call... And you're not even old, shut up. Only thing that'll stop your heart is all that damn fried chicken. Look, I've got the day off, so I'm going to take it easy, alright? Don't worry. Just got unlucky with a strength Quirk amped up on Switch." The line went absolutely silent, and I blinked, glancing at the display, seeing the call was still ongoing. I frowned slightly and murmured his name quietly, hearing his inhale.

"This... Is Izumi, right? You're actually going to take care of yourself? The hell? Oh no, my heart, aughh... The light, fading..." The dramatic flair and uncertainty to his voice brought a small laugh out of me, his bewildered scoff heard at the sound.

"You and your dramatic ass... Yeah, Kei. Sorry for worrying you this week. I've... Been a complete ass. I should've cracked before my ribs had to, to get me to see I was just making everyone worry. I'm okay now." I smiled sadly at his deep exhale of relief, imagining the worried big brother of mine running a hand through his hair. I'd love to get a hug out of him again, maybe some time after my side healed and I could fly reliably again, I'd go for a visit. Or maybe he could, eventually. Things were busy as ever with him. It wasn't an emergency, so I didn't want to push it.

"Christ, kid. I was this close to flying over to talk some sense into you, then... Okay. You sure you're okay now? You don't need anything? You got paid, right? Not hurting for food or nothin', right?" I smiled, closing my eyes before tears could build at his care, giggling weakly as I sniffed.

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