Chapter Twenty Two

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TW: Lemonade, Drugging (consensual)

My Prince Charmings, so lucky to have...

Warmth pulsed through me, a vague sensation of needing to get up flickering through my exhausted body, small sparks here and there of discomfort making my body twitch. Don't wanna wake up, just stay in this comfortable heat... A slow stroke along my back made me shiver and try to arch into the warm touches, a low chuckle drawing me further into consciousness.

"Come on, time to get up, baby. I know you can hear me; I saw that cute lil' nose wiggle." Eijiro's amused voice hit my ears, and I let out a small grumble, shaking my head faintly and trying to hide back into the warmth. His palms pressed to the different toned flesh on my back, splaying out his fingers, a low moan of bliss coming from my throat as he kneaded softly. That shouldn't feel that good... So touch starved it was sad.

"Do I have to..." A drowsy mumble, Eijiro snorting in amusement as he moved his hands, an instant whine coming from my throat as I attempted to trap them back against me with my wings. He laughed softly and pressed a kiss to my head, my eyes cracking open to stare at him blearily.

"If you want a bath and food before we get ready to go. Oh, and coffee."

"Coffee? Why didn't you say so!" I perked instantly and giggled at his eyeroll, stifling a wide yawn into his chest, shifting to move and freezing at his hardness twitch against my thigh, peeking up to him as his cheeks flushed slightly. The events played back in my still-sleepy brain, making me throb and ache.

"Last night... Really wasn't a dream, huh."

"Mmhm. Make sure you move slow, baby. You're going to be sore, probably should've waited till you had a day off to recover..." A softer grumble to his tone, I shook my head instantly, leaning up to press a kiss to his lips.

"No, don't worry about it, Ei. Wanted to take care of both of you, too! If it hurts too much, I can just wing it." I grinned brightly as I pushed myself up, groaning in stiffness as I shifted my wings into motion. Eijiro pushed up with me, sitting up and catching my wobble, hands pressing to my hips as I straddled him.

"I said slow, Izumi. I'm serious. Healing or not, taking both..." His brows furrowed in worry, fingers digging in as I trapped his length between us when I leaned in for a soft morning kiss, blushing at his reflexive heated growl.

Well, that wasn't exactly what I planned on, but I could work with it. Guys did have their own morning 'issues' that affected them, and I needed to make sure they were taken care of since my ribs weren't messed up. I grinned against his lips, nipping at his lower one softly.

"Could always stretch me again before we-"

"Don't push it, brat. Come on, let's go." I blinked, my grin lessening to a smile, a slight uncertain twitch of a wing as his eyes narrowed slightly, patting my hip. He didn't want to? This was... Different. What guy would turn down the offer? Then again, both had denied my desire to help them release night before last.

"But Ei, you're all pent up an-"

"You bled, Izumi. I'm not doing anything before you've had longer to recover, alright? Definitely not right before work. It was... Supposed to be sweet and gentle the first time. Messed that up." The instant, rough growl that he gave me back made my lips snap shut and smile fall away, seeing his eyes soften into a caring glare. It dissolved into a thin smile with my quiet apology, pecking my forehead as he hugged me against his chest. He rubbed my back as he buried his face in my hair, murmuring into it quietly.

"I know you liked it, baby. I know. I'm not angry with you or anything, still feel like it should've been better than that for the first time. Tama's downstairs, he's feeling guilty too. Said he wanted to take time for himself, so he wouldn't be tempted when you woke to... Again. Y'know." I sighed and nodded, pressing a kiss to his neck before moving back, eyes softening.

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