Chapter Nine

191 16 190

TW: Injury

"Anyone order a crazed sniper?"

I had tried to keep my bad shoulder shielded from direct view of the people, finally settling on the ground and curling my left wing over my left side to ensure it. Another harsh shudder slipped through me, and I found it hard to keep my smile on my face. Shock was going to happen one way or another, and I wasn't able to heal in time. Think, think... Oh right, ambulance.

"C-Ceru!" I blinked and forced that grin to stay on my face, retreating slightly within my mind to try and last out the pain. Red was there first, arms out before freezing, fighting with himself for a moment before hoisting the man over his shoulder. He seemed to have wanted to give a relieved hug, though had seen the injury to my shoulder, opting to instead literally shoulder part of the burden. I gave a brief smile of gratitude, letting the water coil back, and instead focus on healing my shoulder.

"It's all good, he's out. C-Cuffed too, just in case, he's not a threat anymore. Oh, and the gun..." I blinked slowly, head spinning as my body shuddered. Fuck. My lips pursed in frustration, snapping out of it as an officer came over, handing over the rifle before fumbling in my pocket for the spent and full ammo.

"Thank you Cerulean Wing. Because of you, no life was lost! You did good." Handing over the baggie of ammunition, I gave another smile, this time to the officer that gave me praise. It did help the pain somewhat, knowing that I was the only one that had been shot at. It also saved my healing, as I couldn't exactly spare any electrolytes at the moment. Being sliced open didn't hurt near as much or take as much energy to heal as being shot. Who knew?

"Iz-Cerulean, that was reckless! Are you..." Ah, there he was. Tamaki jogged over to me, his eyes flooded with concern, Fat Gum hot on his heels. I glanced over to both of them, catching a side glance at Red, chewing on my lip as my wing curled a bit firmer over my left side.

"I'm o-okay Suneater. Fat Gum. Healing now." I cursed my stutter, and found it harder to smile now, unable to hide away from the pain anymore. Everything was feeling heavier and heavier, even colder. Was my suit too busted up with the shot portion?

"You're not alright, and you know it." The quiet, almost hiss of a near angry Tamaki made me straighten sharply, eyes darting to him. His eyes had changed from the soft, timid concern to anger-laced frustration, making me swallow on reflex. My face must've betrayed my pain. Before I could speak back in a reassuring retort, I let out a small yelp, his hand reaching forward with tendrils rapidly spreading from his fingers, coiling around me and lifting me off the ground effortlessly.

"S-Suneater, put me do-"

"No." His growl of a reply made my lips instantly snap shut, swallowing any words I had to offer. This was new. Even though the situation didn't call for it, my stomach flipped, cheeks burning up slightly.

Why the fuck was that so hot? I must be delirious. Oh well, adrenaline spiked again from it, clearing my head a bit more. I couldn't even wiggle my top half a tiny bit in his tentacles, yet they stayed away from my injury, my head falling back with a grunt of frustration.

The sound of screeching brakes was heard and I glanced to the side, seeing the ambulance arrive, Tamaki turning and walking towards it with me in tow. I attempted to squirm a bit harder, though groaned as my shoulder sparked in pain, glancing over to Fat Gum with a silent pleading glance.

His usual smile was gone, lips thin and just nodding in a way to say this was necessary, shoving his own concern down to not let the others panic worse most likely. I idly wondered how often he had to be the strong one for them, not letting himself show vulnerabilities. Maybe I'd ask to take a route with him once to talk it over with him; he deserved to let stress out too.

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