Chapter Nineteen

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"What the fuck is that smell?!"

"HEY! It doesn't smell that bad, you ass! Get in here and try it before you start complaining!" Mana had heard Bakugou's shout of course, her voice carrying from the kitchen around the bend. I couldn't stop a snicker that slipped out, seeing his face change into a look of mortification, not intending to insult her cooking. His eyes darted to me, scowling at my snickering, and I shooed him off to go to his love, seeing his head drop as he stalked off.

I gave it a few moments before peeking in, seeing her arms crossed with a scowl of her own, though her eyes showed a very different expression. They lit up, all for him. Happy again, her thoughts felt blissful to even be next to him. He stared down at the small tasting cup warily before taking a sip, his head shooting up with a grimace before his scrunched face loosened, finishing the rest in one gulp and licking his lips with a surprised look.

"That's what I fuckin' thought... Oh, Izzy! It's done! Come get you a bowl." Mana's grin returned to her face, spotting me poking my head into the room, a shy little excited grin coming to my lips.

"It's really tasty isn't it, Softygou?"

"Don't fucki- Ow!" Bakugou tried to growl back at me, Mana prodding the side of his neck with a smirk, his hand covering the spot with a huff. Was there something beneath the hoodie? It took everything in me to not tease him at the moment, biting my tongue as I hummed happily and reached for a bowl, grimacing at the flaring ache from my side, Mana spotting it.

"Still hurting that much? They are a bit high... I'll-" A frown turned her lips down, though Bakugou reacted before she could reach the bowl for me, dropping one in my hands and grumbling as he handed Mana one, another for himself.

"Dandy is a softy, huh?" Mana's grin was radiant and proud, the frustrated scoff coming from him making me almost choke on my spit, that nickname was... Something. Dandy, Dandy... Like excellence? Hm.

I caught a faint tinge to his cheeks in embarrassment with a halfhearted glare directed at Mana, deciding to leave it be and hold out my bowl with a wiggle, Mana filling the one in her hand up with rice before adding the curry on top of it and swapping it for my empty bowl. I gleefully snatched a spoon up and retreated from the kitchen, catching Mana leaning into his space for a kiss with a wide grin before making myself scarce.

I settled into a chair and dug in, keeping the blanket over my wings and shoulders, soaking in the warmth from the curry. So many different spices in it that I could never remember, the odd concoction making it smell and taste bitter at first, though the chunks of vegetables brought sweetness, the beef and innards bringing a savory touch that mellowed it all out. I felt it warm me instantly as I practically inhaled my bowl, nearly finished with it before the pair made their way into the open area with their own bowls a few minutes later.

"Damn, someone's hungry."

"I'm filling my skewer void! Plus, this is my favorite!" Bakugou stared at me blankly, Mana snickering at the look on his face before setting her bowl down and placing the cups for the tea that Bakugou carried in on the table.

"Not to mention healing. Eijiro told me you got a concussion last night on top of the busted ribs from that piece of shit. You said head damage, not that. Damn brat. Made me think it was just a cut or something." I twitched at Mana's brief glare before it softened, pouring out the tea and nudging my cup closer. My eyes darted to Bakugou, seeing his brows raise slightly.

Welp, I was on my own. Figures. Couldn't blame him at all though.

"I should've said, but I'm feeling better... Ei checked to make sure it wasn't too bad last night, functions were fine. Not even a headache when I woke up! You know I have a hard head, sis."

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