Chapter Twenty

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The bed still smelled like them...

My alarm went off, and I moved to get myself a quick shower, helping me wake up. A pulling at my side reminded me of the tape, removing it and scrubbing the area down. Since I could properly bend, I was able to tug on my boyshorts beneath my skirt again, pulling on my leather top that I felt far more comfortable in, finding it oddly easier with my wing that had been fixed. Strange, but still very thankful for Ume coming over.

Finishing up, I shot a text off to Bakugou, in case he was up for helping still. His reply was instant, and I busied myself with starting the coffee pot and a premixed pouch of Mana's tea, anticipating her joining us. I usually woke slowly, but the excitement of the time ahead was a good boost. I dropped some extra ginger in for good measure, tugging out the ingredients for the feast and distributing dough, starting another batch of rice by the time Bakugou walked in.

Mana wandered in a little after him into the kitchen, still looking incredibly drowsy, thankful that I already had the tea ready. She was content to settle into a chair at the table and wrap up in the blanket I brought down, urging her to relax. It was a rare moment that I could take care of her a little, and the fact she let me made a smile stay plastered on my face, damn near dancing around the kitchen as we cooked.

Which, of course, earned a few growling fusses from Bakugou about almost knocking into him a few times. A dramatic bow from me in reply as I professed my everlasting apology made a vein pop up on his forehead, dodging a halfhearted swipe intending to thump my head. Ooh, gotta be quicker than that!

Mana's sleepy snickers at my antics made my spirit soar, the music playing from her phone setting the relaxed mood, sticking to tunes without vocals for now; one song in particular catching my attention. I knew the tune. She had been humming it absently as she cleaned earlier in the week.

Even when I was withdrawn, I had been paying attention to some degree. The choice of her nickname for Bakugou now fit since I knew the name of the song, and it took soooo much restraint to not snatch her phone up and turn to the sung version of the song. Ooh, maybe later...

Inner brat planning ahead? No, not me. Why would I do that? Eheheheh...

With Bakugou's aid, the dishes were quick to make, obviously knowing his way around a kitchen, along with the different recipes. Mana offered to help but both of us turned in sync to scowl at her, my cheeks burning in shyness as I realized it. Her cackles made me duck my head as I formed some more onigiri, feeling Bakugou knock into my shoulder on purpose, his twitching lips betraying the lightness past his annoyed scowl. Both of us were happy she was enjoying herself.

Just over an hour, and the spread we made was rather impressive, plenty for everyone. Spring wraps with different combinations of fresh vegetables and shrimp, meat buns, gyoza, onigiri (some formed into animals since I thought the guys might find them cute), sushi, cabbage wraps with thin beef slices and noodles with sauteed vegetables... Of course, the curry and vegetable stew as well, along with some others I didn't remember the name of, just the recipes. A few other items that Bakugou had whipped up that smelled heavily spiced joined in, the different smells overcoming even Mana's curry. Heaven in a kitchen.

I was fighting back drool over his dishes, holding myself off until they came in. Looked like we were ready to feed an army, if I was completely honest. Thankfully, we had plenty of bamboo steam trays so we could leave the food in there to protect them from the prowling feline, the finishing bit for desert almost done. I poured myself another sweet cup of coffee, chasing a chunk of pickle down with a grimace. Wasn't the first time I'd had to take a sip of coffee after pickles, but it still drew a shudder out of me. Bleck...

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