Chapter 26 "The Ultimate Fate"

Start from the beginning

Then I saw it.

His hands dyed black, stretching up to his neck.

He noticed me realising.

'Let's just say all magic comes at a cost. This was mine.'

He needed me for my power. The darkness was draining him, it would turn him into a beast if he kept going.

When he sensed my shadows, he knew he could use me to continue controlling the beasts, without falling under the curse himself.

'You need me. That must be truly hard for you prince.'

'Don't flatter yourself. I must say I was surprised to learn you had shadows. You're the only person who has them besides me. So yes, I could use you to go on with what I planned.'

'That will never happen. Not even in your dreams.'

I drew my sword and pointed it at him.

Polar let the fire glow in one of his hands, the other hand clutching the sword. Rayn held his sword tightly, waiting for someone to dare to challenge him.

But all three of us knew of the portal I would open after the estimated time. I didn't know if it had been long enough, but I couldn't wait any longer.

'All right, then you chose death, starting with this beast, all the way down to every single rat from your Kingdom. There will be no one left that you will love. I will make sure of that.'

The portal, I had to open the portal.

I tried to concentrate on the word in my head, but another voice answered me.

Let me out.

No, I replied. Portal... portal...

Let me out, we'll finish them here and now.

No more war, we will destroy them.

'Your Majesty, I think it's time to act,' Rayn asked me, seeing that it was only a matter of seconds before we were to be attacked.

Portal... portal...

Let me out!

I couldn't fight that voice.

'Let her go,' his voice said behind me.


'Who do you think you are? Wait. Gaia, do you have another lover? Wow, I underestimated you,' Jonah said, unaware that he was facing his own brother.

Rythel recognised him and took a step back. Even if he didn't know the whole truth about him, he knew he was the leader of the Lost Men and that made him dangerous enough.

He was with Mandacol, Aurora and even Lewis.

'You want to know who I am? Nice to meet you, I'm your worst nightmare. Stop humiliating yourself man. The Queen doesn't want to marry you, you are just a sad little boy who is trying way too hard to look like a man. So why don't you stop playing the crown, and look for the real man. I'd love to meet your father.'

Jonah turned red in a second, he had hit something worse than his body, his ego.

'Ruler Rythel, kill her beast lover.'

Rythel raised his fingernail and before it came down, I had to trigger it once more.


The light emerged from my chest and impacted directly on Russell.

The other beasts and soldiers stepped back at the sight of the light I was spreading.

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