Chapter 2 [part 1]

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The Kingdom of Crescendo was left behind, as we headed for the Lost Kingdom.

As I rode away from my Kingdom, doubts resurfaced as to whether I was making the right decision. However, I kept on reminding myself every second that Syform knew how everything would turn out, he saw the future and saw things that I could not yet even imagine.

Though of course, there was the small detail that no one was supposed to know we were leaving.

But wouldn't it have been a disaster if no one knew?

If their princess suddenly disappeared? Wouldn't it have been worse?

'You're very quiet, I'm surprised,' Syform commented amidst the darkness of the woods.

I was so used to the branches, the earth, the wind moving through the leaves, but never at night, I still felt like Milaia scared of the woods at this hour.

'What were my parents like?' I asked suddenly, as if that was the best time to have such an important conversation.

Syform sighed for a moment and continued his gallop, preparing to answer my question.

'Your father was a strong, wise man. He didn't like anyone being treated badly. You could be the most unpleasant person on the planet, but he would be good to you. He would listen to me, to me, a nobody. He was my best friend.'

I hadn't met my father, but from what little I had seen in the memory cave, I could tell he was a good person. Much better than the man I had called father all those years. I wished I'd had Gelon as my father.

'And my mother?' I urged to remind him.

Another sigh showed me that he had a harder time talking about her, but he couldn't deny me that bit of insight.

'Sheba was amazing. Beautiful, cunning, humble, compassionate, the kind of woman that would make anyone fall in love with her.'

That comment made me stare at him curiously.

'Oh yes,' he replied without looking at me, 'I include myself in the list of those in love with her. But I respected your father too much to try anything. I respected their love for each other too much. They were meant for each other.'

That also filled me with happiness, to know that I had been born of pure and real love.

I had been the product of true love.

'I'm so sorry you had to lose them,' I told him honestly.

I missed them and I hadn't even met them. I didn't want to imagine what he must have felt.

'Don't worry about me. After so many years, you learn to live with the loss. The moment you can remember them and smile is when you know you can move on, for you, but also for them. Plus I have you, I owe it to them to keep you safe.'

I smiled slightly and felt very grateful to have him.

A few hours later, I was starting to get tired, Lightning was tired too.

'Hey, I don't understand why you didn't just transport us to the Lost Kingdom, why should we ride there?'

Syform didn't look tired, indeed, he seemed to be enjoying the ride.

'I can transport anywhere I've seen. If I didn't see it, I can't go.'

My eyes widened as wide as possible.

'You're telling me you never went to this place? Syform, how do you know they won't kill us? Did you see it all in your visions?'

My heart began to pound from the anxiety all this was causing me.

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