2046: Pyra Blazes In, Tsundere In Jail, Triple Dates

Start from the beginning

Ginny gets HIV but she recovers.


Noel and Sheldon solve a disagreement.

Sheldon and Noel invest money.

Link and Leonard teach a class.

Scarlet and Emilia play the drums, and they become friends.

Liger and Amanda have coitus on the beach.

Noel and Sheldon go skinny dipping in the pool.

Lynix and Yang talk all night long.


Zelda and Harry catch lightning bugs.

Pyra and Blake play with a drone.

Kyoko and Harry take a large amount of medicine.

Mike and Blake give each other advice.

Mike, Blake, and Marissa take family photos.

Lynix takes the family to the Grand Canyon.

Neville tells Luna that she is a cutie pie.


Ozzy tells Kyoko she looks like a queen!

Leonard and Yuri create a new kind of beer.

Scarlet and Shuichi drink until they are drunk.

Noel and Sheldon ride a canoe.

Sheldon and Noel bathe together.

Harry and Pyra help a food bank.

Luna and Neville open a flea market stall.


Harry and Ginny cuddle before dozing off.

Zelda and Mike attend a robot fight.

Yuri is stung by a hive of bees.

Yang and Noel play tennis.

Liger helps Ozzy save money.

Yang and Ozzy sell old items at a pawn shop.

Scarlet and Pyra take an extra large amount of medicine.


Leonard and Scarlet go to a talent show.

Amanda and Coach learn about military times.

Scarlet and Shuichi go shopping.

Shuichi and Kaito watch the Lord of the Files.

Ozzy and Shuichi plant herbs.

Kaito and Yuri grab coffee before work.

Yuri and Kaito dance to classical music.


Ozzy and Harry listen to Elton John after the recent news of his death...

Lynix and Amanda listen to Tupac after they find out he faked his death!

Coach and Zelda get matching tattoos.

Kaito and Yuri create a new kind of beer that is very similar to tea!

Zelda and Harry listen to Coldplay.

Miu gives Neville a call checking up on him.

Lynix and Yang solve all the disagreements they had this year before the ball drops for 2047.

Strongest friendship from 2046: Neville + Lynix 56/60

Strongest romance from 2046: Lynix + Yang 407

New population from 2046: 1, Pyra

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