2042: Princess Zelda, Loss of a Father, Emilia is Finally Proposed To

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Miu and Lynix become girl scout leaders.

Mario proposes to Emilia, and she easily accepts! He pledges to treat her not only like a princess but a gem straight out of the mine! Emilia doesn't understand why she deserves this but she is glad Mario is so kind!

Harry and Ginny go on a romantic cruise.

Amanda and Liger share their affection.

Mario plays with Emilia's hair.

Scarlet and Makoto play the Sims 4.

Noel and Sheldon recount the day they met.


Kaito and Emilia take a medium amount of medicine.

Yuri and Kyoko go to Universal Studios.

Kaito and Lynix do a lab experiment.

Mike and Blake go on a spa date.

Mike and Blake have romantic dreams about each other at night.

Mike tells Blake that he doesn't have to look around for love anymore and he found his happy ending with Blake and he knows that she will be the one.

Shuichi and Yang watch Markiplier on youtube.


Lynix and Sheldon listen to Nirvana, and they become friends.

Weiss and Noel hand each other compliments.

Sheldon and Yang go to a banquet hall, and they become friends.

Blake and Makoto help a local man start up a restaurant.

Weiss and Neville go on a road trip.

Neville meets a young woman named Zelda, and they hit it off and become friends!

Yang and Mike take an enormous amount of medicine.


Yuri and Kaito talk for hours at a time.

Miu and Shuichi showed off to each other multiple times today.

Liger tells Amanda what they will be doing tonight...

Mike and Blake take a gigantic amount of medicine.

Emilia is hit by falling bricks but she recovers.

Mike and Sheldon take an enormous amount of medicine.

Shuichi and Sheldon listen to Shakira.


Luna and Sheldon try to go cave diving but Sheldon is too spooked!

Scarlet and Mario go to a robot fight.

Weiss and Miu help sell insurance.

Zelda and Shuichi go on QVC and become friends.

Ginny flatters Harry.

Blake and Noel go grocery shopping.

Ginny plays with Harry's hair.


Ginny and Lynix help the elderly.

Blake and Yuri write fan letters to their favorite celeb.

Lynix and Yang flirt with each other.

Kyoko and Liger hula hoop.

Yuri and Miu play Cricket.

Makoto and Scarlet go on a hayride.

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