"Of course you only heard that bit!" Bella said between giggles. Since when does she giggle?

"Since when do you giggle?" I asked.

"God, Cyan, stop being so nosey. You don't need to act like you know everything! Stop being such a know-it-all!" Bella snapped bitchily before getting up and stamping off upstairs.

I looked where her retreating back had just been and blinked back a few surprised tears. I hated when people yelled at me, and Bella was my best friend and she just snapped and had a go at me, a few seconds after giggling and being perfectly happy.

Sirius squeezed me gently with the arm that was still around my neck and said,

"Its ok. Maybe she just has her period."

"But she doesn't get it till the 18th!" I sobbed, finally breaking down.


"No!" I sobbed and Sirius gave me a hug. Alice looked at me in concern but with a look that said 'I bet you love that'. I poked tongues at her and she grinned in reply.

"But why would Bella get all pissy like that, just at a question? And she was perfectly happy a few minutes earlier!" I thought out loud, willing my tears away and breathing slowly to control my sobs. Sirius patted my back and I leaned backwards into his chest, snuggling into the warmth.

"You're hot." I said.

"I know." Sirius replied and I blushed, not realising what I had said.

"Not like that!" Yes like that.

"I meant like... Warm hot!" I tried to explain, Alice was dying of laughter beside me and Sirius looked like he was trying not to laugh but was about to explode.

"Just laugh, it'll be easier." I sighed. Sirius burst out laughing, his laugh filling the whole room and making everything seem better.

<><><Christmas Eve><><>

"Cy? I need to talk to you for a minute..." Bella popped her head out of the bathroom door. She had apologised for going off at me later that evening but she has been having a lot of mood swings and cravings for different foods. Its weird.

"Sure, just a sec." I said, wrapping up the last two of my presents. Me and Bella had been wrapping presents for the last two hours, she took the bathroom, me the dorm. Alice and Marlene had wrapped theirs ages ago. I walked into the bathroom and saw a neat pile of perfectly wrapped presents sitting in a dry bath, and Bella perched on the edge. I sat next to her.

"What did you want to talk about?" I questioned her. She was silent for a second.

"I think I'm pregnant."

"YOU WHAT?!" I screamed.


"Shhhh!! Calm down! I'll explain!" Bella shushed me.

"So, you know Jonathan Wood? Ravenclaw Quidditch captain and keeper?"

"Yeah..." I prompted.

"Well, we were talking in the library one day when he just suddenly asked me to be his girlfriend. I said yes and we have been meeting up in secret for about three months..."

"And you didn't tell me?" I said, actually a little bit hurt.

"Well, we both said tell nobody and... I didn't want you to fuss... But anyway, about two months ago, we were in the room of requirement and well... One thing led to another and we ended up... You know..." Bella trailed off awkwardly.

Free Falling (Sirius Black)Where stories live. Discover now