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"Shoot, it's almost 10, Ethan," I said, frowning at the wall clock, scolding it quietly for its eagerness to take Pebble from me.

Ethan's hazel eyes snapped up to the clock. They widened. His phone rang then before he can say anything. A smile stretched on his face.

"Brave! Hi," he greeted. "Are you coming back?" His face fell as he listened to whatever his friend had to say. I witnessed sadness settling on his face. "But you promised you'll come back tonight, Brave," he said in a cute whiny voice. Oh how I wished he was whining for me. "I don't like sleeping alone," he mumbled. "Okay, fine. You owe me Boba tea then," he said smiling sadly. "Goodnight," he said with a sigh.

"Brave's not coming back?" I spoke up. He shook his head sadly, eyeing the floor full of notes.

"I hate sleeping alone," he mumbled. "Brave's been gone for a whole week,"

"How about you sleep...here?" I blurted out, eager to get him to stay with me for longer. I can't seem to get enough of this adorable human being. Fuck, I can't get enough of him. I get crazy when I go days without seeing him. During that week I was busy with office work, I was miserable. I couldn't even text him the way I wanted to. "For tonight," I added, hesitantly, watching his wide eyes.

"Like...sleep here?" He asked softly. I nodded.

"That way, you don't have to be alone at night," I encouraged. He seems to hate the idea of being by himself at night. He's scared of nighttime or darkness.

"If it's okay with you," he said unsure.

"It's cool," I played it off, willing myself to not make myself a fool in front of this godly like angel.

"Okay," he shrugged. "Then we can continue with assignment four then," he said grabbing the worksheet.

"Whoa," I gently took the paper from him. "I think that's enough for today. Don't overwork yourself. You're already ahead," I smirked when he blushed.

"But I was helping you," he said with a little pout. I doubt he's aware of the cute pouts he makes when he's trying to be stubborn. I've never seen anything like this. Anyone like him. With a body so masculine and impressively packing, yet he has a feminine personality which flourishes.

It's fucking amazing. And addictive.

"We haven't eaten, remember?" I reminded him. "I'm a bad host. I should have made food already," I sighed, getting up.

"That's okay," he said jumping up as well. "Most of the time, Brave has to remind me to eat," he said with that cute giggle.

"That's not good, pebble," I turned to him.

"Well, I don't particularly enjoy eating, unless it's something I really like," he frowned then. "That doesn't make sense. I like anything Brave makes. I guess I just forget," he shrugged.

"That's bad," I opened the fridge to look around, for anything. "You need to take care of yourself well. What do you feel like eating?" I asked him.

"Pork," he said instantly. Turning to him with a smirk, he blushed and hid his face with hood-clad hands. "Sorry. I forgot you aren't Brave," he said.

"It's okay," I said with a smile. "I can make some for you, okay?" He nodded with a smile. He moved to undo his hair, letting his luscious hair fall down seductively and untangled. How does it get shinier and voluminous everytime I see him. "How's your wound?"

"All healed up," he said happily. "Can I help?" He asked immediately, eyeing the ingredients.

"You can just sit over there and keep me company, how's that? I'll be done in no time," he pouted and I fought the urge to kiss him.

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