"Excuzzie moi?"

"Did I say that out loud? Oops.... Oh well, you know its true."

"You know what?" Bella said to Lily,


"Shes actually right."

Then the torture began.

Rissa reapparated with our breakfast and Lily shoved a piece of toast into my hand and ordered me to eat while she and Bella searched through her wardrobe.

When they had chosen a selection of about 5 outfits they told me to use Lilys en suite bathroom to change while they ate their breakfast and gave their opinions.

The first outfit was just plain slutty and Im surprised Lily actually owned those clothes. It was a midnight-blue mini-skirt that hardly covered my bum, a tight indigo halter-neck shirt that came down to about 3cm above my bellybutton, a black leather plaited belt, and 3inch high black wedges. I tried it on but there was no way that I would wear it. Ten thousand galleons? Maybe. Five thousand? No.

I guess they had chosen that outfit as a joke because when I came back out to show them, Lily snapped a picture with her muggle camera before they both burst out laughing at my thunderous expression.

The second was better but still not me. A tightish red skirt that at least came 3/4 way down my thigh, a plain white shirt that was clingy, a pair of red wedges that were about 5cm high, and a red clutch purse. Better than the first but still not me.

Lily looked at me for a while and said to save the skirt. Bella said I looked a bit like a candy cane.

The third was sky blue skinny jeans, a white tight-but-not-too-tight shirt that had the silhouette of a flying bird along the top but nothing else, and some black slip on flats. I like everything but the jeans because they were a tad too small and it was hard to even move my legs.

This time it was Bella who told me to keep the shoes and top and Lily just agreed. Yay!!

The fourth was high-waisted shorts, a denim coloured blue and white varsity jacket, black converse, and a white top with a yellow smiley face on it. I fell in love with everything but the top. Lily came in and gave me the bird silhouette shirt saying that it would go better and the last outfit was a joke anyway.

Then we went to jewellery

Without makeup and hair, my final outfit was:

High-waisted shorts

Blue and white varsity jacket

White shirt with bird silhouette at top

Black converse

Silver star studs

Silver necklace with a 'C' studded with diamonds on it.(I always wear it because my parents gave it to me the week before they died)

4 silver chain bracelets on my left wrist

A ring with the peace symbol on it

I thought I looked quite good which was a first with Lily and Bella choosing my outfit.

When I had my outfit sorted it was 7:30 so we only had half an hour left for my hair and makeup. The worst.

Because my hair falls into natural brunette ringlets, Bella the hair expert decided to leave it as it was and just pin back the front few ringlets. Then she charmed my hair so that it would sparkle slightly in the sunlight. It was with a spell we invented 'sparklisio'. We experiment with new spells because we get tired of old ones. We have invented quite a few.

Then the makeup expert Lily decided to put on the smallest bit of foundation, no blush because I blush all the time by myself, a bit of blue eyeliner in the outside corners of my eyes that brought out the cyan blue in them, and a bit of mascara. My eyeshadow was just a thin layer of deep blue that, like the eyeliner, made my cyan blue eyes stand out. I actually looked quite stunning.

At 7:55 I was escorted to the great hall by my two best friends. I looked everyone who dared to look at us, in the eyes, and gave them a little dose of my dog-stare, just enough so that they stopped staring.

When I got to the great hall, Rowan came up to me and took my hand. I blushed.

"Shall we go?" He asked politely.

"Okay" I smiled. I turned around.

"Bye guys and thanks" I said to Lils and Bels.

"No probs" Bels smiled

"Have fun guys!" And then we exited the castle.

Rowan looked down at me and smiled, it should have made my heart melt but I guess I just wasn't in love, or even crushing. Oh well, he was a nice guy as far as I know.

"You look beautiful today" he said kindly.

"So I didn't look good yesterday?" I said in mock hurt, placing my hand over my heart.

"Im hurt." He laughed and said

"You always look good babe, just specially good today." I smiled up at him and stood on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek.

"Hey, before we go anywhere, can I ask you something?" He asked.

"Sure" I smiled.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" That was fast. I hardly even know him that well... But....

"Of course" I beamed.

It was a good Hogsmeade trip in the end.

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