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Felix had a lot of ideas about the world, but the one thing he thought with certainty was that you could have it all mapped out, you could think you knew where it was going to go, but it would never work out in the way that you had initially planned it to. In truth, Felix felt as though he was over all of this most of the time. He felt as though it wasn't going to get any better. The past few months had told him that plenty of times by now and Felix felt as though he was getting bad again.

Nevertheless, Felix took a moment to remind himself of what his dad used to tell him whenever he was struggling, that he couldn't quit until he gave this living thing a real try. He was trying his hardest, Felix thought to himself, as he looked over his reflection in his bathroom mirror.

He took a deep breath and decided that he needed to do something, anything other than this, so he took a walk out of the bathroom and down the hallway, passing outside of his sister's bedroom.

She had left the door open. She always did. Unlike Felix, Wynn had an open-door policy. She didn't want anyone to feel shut out if they needed to talk.

The problem was that Felix never really wanted to talk. He didn't want to spend any longer reflecting on the events of the past few months than he needed to.

Felix walked inside and leant against the wall near the pink door of her room. Everything was pastels in Wynn's room. It made Felix feel a little sick. It was too adorable. How was it legal?

Wynn's room was very pink and also very much filled with plants- a range of flowers, cacti and, well, Felix wasn't entirely sure what else. His knowledge of plants only went so far. Wynn could probably name every plant in sight, though. They were like her children.

Felix smirked at the thought.

"It looks like a fairy blew up in here," he stated, which caused Wynn to grimace.

"Thank you so kindly for that mental image," she said.

She really was the polar opposite of him, Felix thought.

"Pink is better than monochrome," she said.

Granted, she had a point, Felix's room was shades of grey and black and he had been meaning to sort it out properly for a while, now, but never had.

Wynn smiled. She was always smiling. Felix didn't understand how someone could go through what they had been through and still smile. He half respected it, but the other half of him became irritated by it. A line formed between his eyebrows.

"I'm going to be heading out after school tonight," she said.

Felix's eyes widened slightly.

"Oh, no. You're not dating and you're too young to go to the nightclub," he said.

"Sixteen isn't that young," Wynn teased.

Shaking his head, Felix's expression became more annoyed.

"I'm kidding. I have tennis club this afternoon," she said. "And then I'm meeting up with my friend Ava."

Ava was also Felix's friend, but he didn't talk to her much anymore. He didn't feel like talking much to anyone anymore.

Felix nodded in understanding and his eyes scanned Wynn's room momentarily. There were a large number of trophies on display on the shelves around her room. She loved it. it was her favourite game.

That being said, she wasn't the only family member who enjoyed sports. Felix used to play basketball. He actually used to be really good at it, but he dropped it a year ago.

Felix shook that thought out of his mind and returned his attention to what Wynn was doing. He noticed that she had her laptop switched on and was watching 10 Things I Hate About You. Classic romantic junk, Felix thought, but that was Wynn. She had forever been a romantic and definition of 'girly'.

He offered his younger sister a lopsided smile, but his eyes were filled with kindness.

"Are you alright?" he asked her.

"Yeah. I just worry about you sometimes. You're always shut away," she replied.

"I'm not 'shut away'," Felix said. He liked to go with the term 'independent'. He wanted to spend most of his time alone, anyway. It wasn't as though he was lonely. He didn't like to follow the majority, or rules, for that matter, and so he had essentially been classified an 'outsider' at school. It didn't bother him one bit.

Speaking of school, it was in that moment that Felix realised he was running late.

"Let's get going," he said.

Wynn sighed. She looked as though she had been enjoying watching Heath Ledger on screen. She would have to continue doing that later.

"Okay," she said, though she seemed incredibly apprehensive about going to school, and Felix could understand as much. After all, it was the beginning of an important year for them both. They would sit exams as the end of the year, and they needed to be ready for them if they wanted to have even a slightly good future. Yeah right, Felix thought, fuck that.

It didn't take them long to walk to school, which was probably a good thing.

Once they arrived, Wynn hurried over to speak to Ava, while Felix walked down the hall towards his locker. He needed to get his textbooks.

He turned around and bumped right into another student in his year, which caused said student's revision books to go flying everywhere.

Felix knelt down to help the other boy pick them up and noticed the neat handwriting in the ones that were open. This dude must be a perfectionist, Felix thought.

"Thank you. Hey, it's Felix, right? How are you doing?" he asked.

He seemed friendly enough, but Felix wasn't here to make friends anymore.

He just wanted to keep his head down, get the grades, and get the hell out of there.

"Fine," Felix said and didn't even bother waiting for a response, before he made his way down the hall towards his first class of the day. 

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