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A week had passed since Felix had last heard from Warren. He hadn't even seen him around school because he hadn't been attending his classes, but Felix had been. He had been trying harder. Despite all of the chaos that had gone down between Warren and him, he was doing alright. He and Wynn were closer now, for one thing, and for another, he had started to see a therapist for everything that had been going through his mind to cause him pain.

Felix believed that it was helping him. At least, the world didn't seem quite so suffocating anymore. He felt as though some of the weight of the universe had been chipped away, day by day, slowly but surely.

As the days passed by without Warren there, Felix was beginning to realise that he missed practically everything about him. He missed his smile, his eyes, his laugh, his mouth which he would give anything to see speak again, even if it was to hurl insults at him for being such a dick. He didn't care. He just wanted Warren back.

Felix remembered that Warren had said he should call him when he was feeling better. He supposed maybe he actually meant it. As he thought over all of this, Felix dug his nails into the palm of his hand until it started to hurt. He was a mess. He wouldn't say it was a beautiful one. Felix knew himself. He looked back on his actions and thought they were the ugliest thing in the world, but Warren appeared to disagree.

The biggest wish on Felix's mind right now was for Warren to be there, sat beside him again, the way that he was supposed to be.

Felix felt sweat bead at the nape of his neck. He felt sick down to his navel. He hadn't done any narcotics in a long while, and he was beginning to notice it. Even if he wanted to, though, he couldn't. His stash had disappeared, and he was fairly sure he knew why, but he wasn't about to pick another fight with Wynn. She was the only one that he had on his team in the absence of Warren, and she was only looking out for him. Felix believed it was time for him to start looking out for himself, but he didn't know where to start.

When Felix thought about all of this, he realised that he couldn't do school today. He didn't want to be there today. There were too many thoughts circling his mind and he needed to be somewhere else, so he made his way back home. It wasn't good. Felix knew that there were exams coming up soon, but that was a problem for tomorrow in his eyes.

It was a hot day, so the walk back home wasn't the easiest, but at least it felt good to be out in the sun and Felix's arms no longer felt as though they could drop off at any minute.

Wynn had taken away the mirror in his bathroom, but he hadn't got around to replacing it yet in case he felt the need to pick a fight with it again. It probably wasn't the wisest idea. Felix was well-aware of that now.

Felix walked upstairs to the bathroom and ran a bath. He needed to cool down. He also needed to call Seth and order something, but he didn't have any money. He decided to call work to see if he could pick up some extra shifts, and once that was done, he made his way back into his room and smoked. Wynn hadn't found the other stash, thank God. She had just got rid of all the ecstasy pills that Felix hadn't tried yet. He wasn't sure he really wanted to. However, he was going to try to pick some more up from Seth the next time that he saw him. 

Felix and Warren (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now