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Felix really hoped that Warren's plans for the afternoon involved kissing him, but he knew that was selfish. Warren probably had far more important things to do than spending time with him right now, and Felix respected that.

"You're going to think it's some seriously nerdy shit, but I was going to make a graph for my mathematics class, to help me study," Warren explained.

"You are far more organised than I am, but yes, you're right. It is seriously nerdy shit."

"It's a good thing that you have a thing for nerds, huh?" Warren asked.

Felix smirked, before he replied. "Do I give off that impression?" he teased.

With a roll of his eyes, Warren took a step closer to Felix and pushed his lips against his again.

For a moment, Felix kissed him back, but he eventually drew back from the kiss.

It wasn't that he didn't want more, he just didn't want to get carried away.

"I should head home," Felix said.

Warren nodded his head, and an understanding expression became present on his face.

"'Course," he said. "Swear you won't tell anyone about this kiss? I'm sort of not out to everyone yet and..." Warren trailed off. He felt terrible. He didn't want to keep how he felt about Felix a secret. He wanted to shout his feelings from rooftops, but he also knew that he wasn't ready to come out to everyone yet.

"Lips are sealed," Felix said, moving his finger across his mouth and then throwing away a pretend key. "See you later, alligator," he said with a wink, before heading to the front door and back into the open.

"In a while, crocodile," Warren spoke into the, now much quieter, house.

He wasn't alone for long, of course, before Cleo emerged in the hallway.

"Did your boyfriend leave?" she asked. Her eyes shone with amusement, as they flitted over to the front door for a moment, before returning to Warren.

"He's not my boyfriend," Warren said simply.

"Not yet, he isn't," Cleo said in a sing-song tone. "This house seems huge without him here, doesn't it? Our parents are always out... maybe you should just ask Felix to move in. It's bare, without him. It's so...empty."

Their house was grand and beautiful. Their parents had spent a long time trying to make it look absolutely perfect and, in all honesty, they had succeeded. They had a wonderful home. It was just a pity that they hardly spent any time there. Perhaps Cleo had a point. Perhaps it was better when Felix was there.

"I don't know what his plan is...He might be heading off to university and if he does that, then he's not going to want to stay here. Besides, I might be heading off to university," Warren pointed out.

"Leaving me all alone," Cleo said, with a dramatically sorrowful expression upon her face.

"Are you not going to university?" asked Warren.

Cleo's jaw twitched.

"My predicted grades aren't as good as I may have hoped," she admitted. Then, so she could change the subject, she rushed over to the window and opened it. "What is going on with the weather recently? It's like Katy Perry's hot and cold song. I don't get it."

"You're changing the subject," Warren pointed out. "I could help you study."

"I appreciate that so much, Warren. I really do but I think this is something I need to do on my own. I've been so reliant on you and my parents for my entire life. It's time I started stepping up," Cleo said.

Warren's eyes flickered with admiration, then.

"Well, I'm proud of you," he said.

Cleo's eyes looked towards her bracelet for a moment. It was her most prized possession. Warren had one that was similar to it. They had been gifted to the twins when they were babies, but they had been resized each year, as they grew.

"Thank you, Warren," Cleo said. "I don't know where I want to go to university, if I even go, but I'll work that out. I don't mind, as long as I'm happy."

"Are you happy?" Warren asked her.

In response to the question, Cleo only took a second before she answered. "Yes," she said. "Are you?" she asked.

"I am," Warren replied.

"Might Felix have a little something to do with that?" she asked and then smiled.

"He might," Warren replied. His heart thudded as he thought about him. He knew that he was in way too deep, but he didn't care anymore.

"Anyway, I'll see you later. I must go and play my music obnoxiously loudly, now," Cleo said, before returning to her room and blasting some generic rock song.

Warren was alone again, now, so he decided to return upstairs to his bedroom. Once he was inside, he went over to his bed and collapsed upon it. Warren couldn't understand why he was so tired. His day hadn't been that eventful, had it? As he thought on that question, the memory of his kiss with Felix became all too apparent. He wished that there would be another knock at the door and for Felix to be there, but he was going to have to simply be patient and wait to see him again.

Cleo hadn't got it quite right before- things weren't just better when Felix was around, Warren thought, they were the best that they had been in a while.

Warren knew what his plan for the future was, he just really hoped that Felix would have a significant part in it. That was what he wanted more than anything else in the world. As he thought over all of this, Warren thought it was a strange thing, indeed, to be so scared of something that also set your soul on fire. He just didn't want this flame to burn out.

University had always been in the plan for Warren, but he couldn't imagine it without Felix there, too, anymore. 

Felix and Warren (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now