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"I never thought I'd find this. I mean, it's one thing being socially awkward," Warren started to say.

Felix interjected, "I don't think you're socially awkward."

That caused Warren to smile.

"Thank you. For a long while, I didn't really have any friends at school. That was partly because I didn't really trust anyone after everything that had happened with Logan. It was partly because I didn't want people knowing I was gay. I thought they'd hate me. So, I sort of ruled out any possibilities of love, even though that's what I've always wanted, I guess," Warren said. "Stop me if I'm rambling."

"I love your rambling," Felix replied.

"I love you so much, Felix," Warren said.

Felix leant in to gently press his mouth against Warren's.

"I love you too. Don't go forgetting it."

"I may need reminding," Warren joked.

Felix's lips twitched at the corner, as he met Warren's gaze.

"I can handle that," he said. "You know something? I'm really going to miss you when you head off to university."

"I won't be too far away," Warren said. He was planning on going to the University of Greenwich to study paramedic science. He wouldn't be too far away, not really. Felix could visit him whenever he wanted to.

"Good to know," Felix said.

"How about you?" Warren asked.

Felix raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

"How about me?" Felix asked. "Hm. I don't think I'm going to go to university yet. I think I'll save up a little more for Wynn and me. I need to attend therapy and sort out my head. It's getting better, but I want to make sure I'm giving university my best shot, when I get there," Felix said.

Warren nodded understandingly and his eyes flickered with admiration.

"That sounds like a really great idea, Felix," Warren said with sincerity.

"Just, don't leave," Felix said. His expression quickly became sorrowful, which caused something to tug at Warren's heart.

"I'll always be your boyfriend. My moving away to university doesn't have to change anything."

The hint of a smile crossed Felix's face again, then. He seemed a little more uplifted by Warren's reassurance, which was a good sign.

Felix's eyes became colder, as he turned to look out of the window. It had started to rain. Silver droplets fell from the sky down to the dark-green grass below.

"I'm proud of you, you know? Your confidence has come forward leaps and bounds since I first met you. You're going to kill it at university, and I can't wait to hear all about it," Felix said, as he returned his focus to the boy beside him.

Warren smiled.

"Maybe now I'm the awkward one. I feel like a different person," Felix admitted.

Warren turned his head to the side, with an expression of curiosity, as if to ask what Felix meant by that. Warren frowned.

"In the best way," Felix said. "Do you want to hold Basil?" he asked, changing the subject.

Backing up slowly, Warren gave a shake of his head.

"No thank you, on this occasion."

"Oh wow. You're not scared of snakes, are you, War?" Felix teased.

"I don't love them," Warren admitted.

Felix wrapped his arm around Warren's shoulders and released a soft laugh.

"It will come with time," he said.

"All I remember when I see snakes is that one time my uncle got bitten by one when we were at the zoo," Warren said.

"Maybe he shouldn't have climbed into the enclosure," Felix joked, which caused Warren to gently hit him, before he burst into laughter.

"I don't need further reminding of what happened. It was actually a pretty traumatising experience," Warren admitted.

Felix moved behind Warren, so he could gently massage his shoulders.

Warren's eyes fluttered closed, as he exhaled in peace.

"Have I told you how hot you are?" Felix whispered in his ear.

"I'm-" Warren immediately became flustered.

"Turns out I do have a thing for nerds, after all," he teased.

Warren released a gentle laugh.

"Where would I be without you?" Warren asked, as he turned to face Felix.

Felix's expression became more serious, then.

"I could ask you the same question," he said.

Warren smiled and then his stomach grumbled, causing him to move a hand over his mouth as he chuckled. "Guess I'm hungry."

"Guess we're getting some food, then," Felix replied.

The two boys headed out into the hallway, only to find Cleo and Wynn kissing.

"Holy shit," Warren said.

When Cleo pulled away from Wynn, she smiled nervously.

Wynn's cheeks had become the colour of strawberries.

"How long has this been going on for?" Felix blurted.

"I uh... I'll explain later?" Wynn said, though it sounded more like a question.

Felix nodded, as a smirk made its way onto his face.

"Oh yeah, turns out you're not the only queer kid. I'm bisexual. Surprise?" Cleo said.

Warren shook his head in amusement.

"I should've probably guessed," he said.

"Oh no, I was super secretive about Wynn. I was like a real secret agent with that shit. Until now..." Cleo revealed.

Warren's eyes grew warmer, before he replied.

"Well, you two look really good together," he said. "Plus, I'm happy you're not dating that guy you talked to me about a few months back. He was a real piece of work."

"Wynn was my friend first. It made things easier," Cleo said, as she turned to look at Wynn, her eyes seemed to become brighter.

"Same here," Felix and Warren said in unison. They then turned to smile at each other.

"I'm sort of glad you found out this way, it makes explaining easier. Some of those times that you thought I was at my club...I was actually hanging out with Cleo," Wynn admitted.

Felix's eyes grew a fraction larger in realisation.

"I should've known something was going on!" he said. 

Felix and Warren (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now