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Warren headed out of the Waters' residence and walked down the road until he reached the local pizza restaurant, where Ava had asked to meet him. He just kind of wished she hadn't asked Logan along, too. Since when were Logan and Ava friends?

He inhaled a deep breath of courage, before he made their way over to the table and slipped in to sit next to Molly, who turned to him with a sympathetic smile. She leant in closer and whispered to him, so Logan and Ava couldn't hear. "I told her not to bring him."

"Thank you," Warren said.

"But she seems to like him," Molly continued.

"Poor taste," Warren said, a little more loudly than he had hoped. "I mean..." he trailed off. Shit. He didn't know what he meant, aside from exactly what he had just said.

"Isn't this nice?" Logan asked.

"Not really," Molly said.

Warren's eyes widened. The girl was certainly bold.

"Anyways," she continued, as the waitress approached their table. "I'll have the clam chowder please."

"The fuck is a chowder?" Logan asked.

The waitress raised an eyebrow at him, as she noted down Molly's order.

"At least you didn't ask the fuck is a clam? Then we really would be worried," Molly said.

"Clams are cute," Ava said.

The rest of the table soon ordered, and Warren's eyes glanced over to Logan again.

He wished desperately that the person sitting where Logan was, was Felix. This was going to be one long pizza-eating experience. However, Warren knew that he had to face him. He couldn't continue to hide from him indefinitely.

"Something bothering you?" Logan asked.

"Your very presence," Molly said, as her eyes scanned over the milkshake menu.

"I thought you had gotten over the fact that we dated that one time, Molls. Come on," Logan said. He then met Warren's gaze with a warning expression. Don't say anything, or I will gut you like a fish.

"Wait. You guys dated?" Ava asked, as she looked between them.

"Me and every other girl at Richmond High," Molly said.

"She's joking, babe," Logan said.

Now it was clear why Ava had invited him. They were dating. Probably. Warren wasn't too sure, but it certainly seemed that way.

"I'm going to head out. this was... real nice," Logan said, though his voice showed no trace of how 'nice' he thought it was. "See you never," he continued, as he looked between Molly and Warren.

When he was out of earshot, Ava looked between the two of them with an apologetic expression.

"I didn't realise. I-"

"It's okay," Molly said with a friendly smile.

"I'm going to have to break up with him, aren't I?" she asked.

"Yeah," Molly said. "Probably for the best, wouldn't you say so, Warren?" she asked, nudging him gently.

"Oh, right," Warren said, as he came out of a daydream of kissing Felix. "Definitely."

"Isn't this awful? My third boyfriend of the year and he ends up being another troll," Ava said.

"It's better you know now, than end up finding out later," Molly pointed out.

Ava settled in her booth and smiled when her milkshake was placed on the table.

"True," she said, before taking a sip of her strawberry cheesecake milkshake. Heaven.

Warren could understand exactly what Ava must be feeling right now. He, too, had sort of dated Logan and that had been an absolute disaster.

"Really, I mean it," Molly said, her voice emphatic. Her eyes soon narrowed, as she watched a guy enter the pizza restaurant. "Seth."

"You know him?" Warren asked.

"Yes. He's the reason Felix got in so much shit. And... me too," Molly confessed.

Warren met her with an expression of surprise, so Molly went on to explain, in a quieter voice. "I used, too," she said. "A few months back I was so fucking stressed out about rent payments and assignments. It just got too much."

"Hey, it's okay," Ava said, as she reached across the table to squeeze Molly's hand. "We've got your back."

"Felix isn't the only one who's struggled. He isn't alone," Molly said.

"I know," Warren replied. "I'm dating him, now."

At this confession, Molly and Ava's eyes grew a fraction larger.

"That's so cute!" Ava said.

"I had a feeling there was something going on there," Molly said, with an expression of admiration. "This proves I am absolutely oblivious, though. I liked Felix for the longest time."

Warren didn't have to wish for Felix to be there anymore, because once he finished eating one of his fries, Felix walked into the pizza place.

"I invited him to join us, after he finished his studying," Molly said.

Felix's eyes scanned the pizza restaurant until they settled on Warren. His eyes became much warmer, then. He made his way over to the table to sit beside Ava, and opposite Warren.

"Hey," Felix said.

"Hi," Ava smiled, as she looked between Felix and Warren.

As he looked at her, Felix's eyes flashed with realisation.

"Did you tell them?" he asked.

"Did you not want me to?" Warren replied.

Felix shook his head.

"Nah. I don't mind," he said. "Where's Logan?"

"In the bathroom with severe-" Molly was cut off by Ava.

"Who liked the fries? I thought the fries were lovely."

"I did," Warren said, pleased that she had changed the subject.

Felix's eyes locked on Warren's, and he raised an eyebrow.

"He left," Warren admitted. "I think Molly scared him off."

At this comment, Felix chuckled.

"Wow. Go Molly," he said.

"Isn't this wonderful? The group's all back together again!" Ava said. "Plus, you look like you're doing really well, Felix."

Felix smiled but then his eyes settled on Seth, who was leaving the restaurant with a pizza box.

"I'll be right back," he said.

Warren's expression became one of concern, but he trusted Felix.

"Hey," Felix said, gaining Seth's attention. 

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