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Felix walked home and told himself that he had done the right thing. It would have been impractical for him to have any further part to play in Warren's life.

When Felix got into his bathroom, he looked himself over in his new mirror and shook his head.

"You're a mess," he said to himself.

Without warning, Felix felt really hot, and his forehead was breaking into a sweat. He felt as though he was in the middle of a fire- burning up.

Felix sighed and tried to leave his room to get a drink of water, but he collapsed as soon as he passed the threshold to his room.

"Felix!" Wynn yelled, as she rushed to his side. "What's going on?" she asked.

The previous evening, Felix had done the ecstasy pills that he had bought from Seth. He always had two stashes, now, because he knew what Wynn would do if she found his drugs.

"I need water," Felix managed to get out. he was burning up.

"Felix..." Wynn trailed off and then struggled to help him up off the floor, so she could take him to his bed.

Felix coughed, as he turned to lie on his side.

"I'm sorry," he said.

Wynn's eyes flickered with surprise.

"Don't," she said. She felt like crying, but she knew that she had to keep it together right now. She silently scolded herself for being so damn sensitive. "This is terrible," Wynn thought out loud. She didn't want to scare Felix, but she also knew there was no use in hiding the truth from him.

"Wynn, just go, I'll be alright in a couple of hours," he said.

At this statement, Wynn rolled her eyes.

"I'm not just going to say 'goodbye' and leave you, Felix. What happens if you get worse? I'm calling a doctor," she said.

Felix wanted to stop her, but he didn't have the strength to say anything. His head was pounding, just like his heart.

Sooner than he could say anything else, Wynn had pulled her phone out of her pocket and already had an ambulance on the line.

"I'm not dying, Wynn. I don't need an ambulance," Felix managed to say, when she had ended the call.

"You might do in the next ten minutes, and that's not a risk I'm taking, Felix. You're all I have left. I am not going to watch you destroy yourself."

Felix winced.

"I'm going to call Warren," she said.

"Don't," Felix said abruptly. "He wouldn't want to see me right now."

Wynn coughed out a laugh.

"I've seen the way that he looks at you, Felix, and I find that incredibly difficult to believe."

"Yeah, well, you should have seen the way he looked at me today," he said.

Wynn's eyebrows crinkled together, as a perplexed expression crossed her face.

"I ended things with him...I mean, I don't know. We were never officially together but I basically told him I didn't want to see him anymore," Felix said. He shivered. He wanted the ground to swallow him up.

Wynn's mouth opened for her to respond, but before she could say anything, there was a knock at the door. She went to answer it to find the paramedic was there.

"He's upstairs," she said.

The paramedic nodded and then quickly rushed upstairs to find Felix lying in bed, paler than a ghost.

"Do you know what's wrong with him?" Wynn asked.

"Everything," Felix managed to say.

Wynn shook her head. "It's good you've still got your sense of humour, you idiot," she said with relief. Her eyes shone with tears.

"I uh... I did a lot of MDMA last night and I think I might possibly have overdone it this time," Felix said. He didn't feel as though he was burning up quite as much as he had been earlier, but he didn't feel right. His heart was still pounding inside his chest.

"You're not going to die, Felix, but I'd suggest drinking some water, so you don't dehydrate and to cool down your body temperature. Not too much water, though. That could also cause issues," the paramedic said.

"I'll go and get him some water," Wynn said and then made her way downstairs to get a glass of water. She returned a few moments later.

Wynn placed the glass of water on Felix's bedside table, and he sat up and took a sip. He quickly found out that being elevated was not good right now, as his vision became blurred and filled with colourful dots.

"We will need to call the police, Felix," a different voice spoke, this time, belonging to another paramedic.

Felix didn't know when they had shown up. He couldn't keep track. Honestly, he felt completely out of it.

Wynn glanced between the two of them and swallowed hard.

"What's going to happen to him?" she asked.

"If he's found in possession of substances, then he will be charged accordingly."

Although she wasn't too familiar with the penalties for this, Wynn knew this wasn't good.

Felix could go to prison for years, and Wynn couldn't stop that from happening.

Her throat suddenly felt very tight, and she willed herself not to cry.

"His temperature is calming down," the first paramedic said.

Wynn nodded.

"We'll have to take him to hospital to continue to monitor him."

"Okay," said Wynn. "I'm coming with him."

The friendlier of the two paramedics nodded in understanding at Wynn.

They carried Felix down the stairs and out of the house, so they could place him in the ambulance.

Wynn sat beside him and reached out to grab his hand.

"Don't die," she said.

"I'll try not to," Felix managed to say.

When she saw that he was awake, Wynn exhaled with a feeling of gratitude.

It didn't take them long to reach the hospital, where Felix was soon taken to his room.

Wynn stayed with him the whole time, as he was monitored by various nurses and doctors.

It wasn't long after that the police arrived to question Felix.

"Hello, officers," Felix said.

Wynn wanted to hit him, but she was just glad that he was okay. 

Felix and Warren (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now