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"Can I come with you?" Cleo asked her brother, the next morning, as the two of them sat in Felix and Wynn's kitchen.

Wynn turned to Cleo and smirked.

"You gonna leave me behind?" she asked.

"Obviously, I'm not going anywhere without you," Cleo replied with a kind expression.

Wynn returned it. "Good," she said and then flipped a pancake.

Warren gave a shake of his head in amusement.

"Are you two official, now?" he asked.

"We're..." Wynn trailed off.

"Best friends that make out sometimes. Labels schmabels," Cleo said, and her eyes danced with amusement.

Warren noticed how Wynn's expression became a little upset, then, but he didn't mention it. He thought that Wynn probably wanted to put a label on it, but he also knew his sister and the girl certainly had some commitment issues.

"Right," Wynn said.

Cleo turned to her, and her eyebrows creased together.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Nothing," Wynn said.

"Well, something evidently is, then," Cleo said, as her expression softened. "Want to talk about it later?" she asked.

Wynn nodded her head.

Felix soon entered the kitchen and went to kiss Warren.

"Sorry for the PDA. I didn't realise you two were also here," Felix confessed.

"He was too blinded by my beauty," Warren joked.

"Always," Felix said.

Wynn chuckled, while Cleo just rolled her eyes.

"Alright, losers, I've got to get to work. I'm on the breakfast shift. I'll see you later," she said, before standing up and heading over to Wynn to kiss her on the cheek.

"See you soon," Wynn said, as she watched Cleo walk away down the hall.

"I love you two, but I actually need to head out, too," Felix admitted. "I've got to get some studying done and I'd love to study with you, Warren, but I have the feeling I'd get pretty distracted."

Wynn's forehead creased.

"Get a room," she said.

"Says the girl who made out with Warren's sister in the hall last night," Felix replied, waggling his eyebrows.

Wynn simply stuck her tongue out at him.

"Nah, I understand," said Warren. "I'll see you later, Felix."

"See you later, War," Felix replied and then kissed Warren's forehead before heading out of the kitchen.

Warren turned to Wynn then with a pleasant smile.

"Got any of those pancakes spare?" he asked.

"Thank God you asked. So ungrateful. Leaving when I've just made breakfast-" Wynn cut off, as her eyes widened in realisation. "Oh my god, I do sound like my mother. Maybe Felix has a point."

Warren chuckled, as Wynn began to serve up the pancakes and then placed a plate in front of him.

They were blueberry pancakes. Delicious.

"I think it's good that you care so much," he admitted.

"You do too, about my brother. Thank you so much for being there for him. He loves you."

"I love him," Warren said, and his lips lifted at the corners.

"I can tell," Wynn said, as she took a bite of her own pancakes.

"So, what's going on with you and Cleo, if you don't mind me asking?" asked Warren.

Wynn sighed and then buried her face in her hands for a moment, before she mumbled. "I don't know. It's complicated."

"That's Cleo for you," Warren said. "She... has had a hard time, dating-wise. Nevertheless, I think you could be good for her."

Wynn smiled.

"Really?" she asked.

"Well, yeah. You're a good, kind, decent human being who clearly cares about people, while some of the guys she's brought home to meet the parents in the past have been...fairly questionable."

"I can't imagine Cleo bringing home anyone to meet the parents," Wynn confessed.

Warren frowned. "She used to, but then she had her heart broken pretty badly. She didn't want to seriously date anyone after that happened."

Wynn's eyes reflected her understanding.

"I want to be different," she said softly.

"I think you are," Warren said kindly.

"You're pretty open," Wynn thought out loud, after a moment.

Warren's eyes widened.

"Sorry. I meant that you are honest with your feelings, while Felix... I still wonder what's going through that head of his sometimes."

"I think he's trying to get better with that," Warren said.

"You're helping him," Wynn said.

At that comment, Warren couldn't help but smile.

"I'd like to think so," Warren said. "But he's doing a pretty great job of healing all on his own, too."

"I'm proud of him. God. Don't tell him I said that. He'd hate it," Wynn said.

Warren released a gentle laugh.

"Secret's safe with me," he said.

Wynn looked at him with an appreciative expression.

Sooner than she could say anything else, Warren's phone rang in his pocket.

It was a call from Ava.

"Hey. I'm sorry I haven't spoken in so long. Are you okay?" he asked.

He heard Ava laugh on the other side of the line.

"I wondered if you wanted to come and get pizza with me and some friends- Molly and Logan," she said.

Logan, as in the Logan?

Warren swallowed. It looked as though it was time to face his fears.

"Sure," he said.

He just really hoped he wouldn't get eaten alive.

"Cool! See you soon," Ava replied.

Wynn's eyes scanned Warren's face and she got the sense that something was bothering him.

"Do you need me to get Cleo to beat someone up?" Wynn asked.

Warren smirked. His sister had done judo for quite some time in her early teen years.

"Absolutely, yes," Warren joked. "That would be a good part about dating her. She fights for the people who are important to her, no pun intended."

Wynn smiled.

"I don't know if I'd be good for her," she confessed.

"You would be perfect," Warren replied.

Warren's kindness had put Wynn a little more at ease and she released a breath.

"I better get going. I have to go and meet up with some friends," he explained. Hopefully I won't die in the process, he added silently.

"See you soon," Wynn replied. 

Felix and Warren (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now